Summary: Message related to Palm Sunday


LUKE 19:28-40

Sunam 3/24/02

After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, 30 "Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks you, ’Why are you untying it?’ tell him, ’The Lord needs it.’" 32 Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. 33 As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, "Why are you untying the colt?" 34 They replied, "The Lord needs it."

35 They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. 36 As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. 37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 38 "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" 39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" 40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!”

Intro: Recognition often comes late in life after one has expended his strength, and knowledge. The retiree may be given a gift in recognition but is often too old to enjoy it fully. Even among our ministerial fellowship there are special times during District Council when those who have served in the ministry for 50 years are given special recognition.

Palm Sunday is about giving proper recognition to the Lord! It is the day when the people who were present gave recognition for the lifestyle achievements of Jesus!

Note: I am concerned that the church has become a little too casual about giving Jesus the recognition He deserves. Often our praises are empty, our songs an exercise in common practice and our hearts relatively distant from the very Lord who deserves full attention, full praise and the full glory!

There are some thoughts I would like us to discover about the triumphal entry of Jesus into His city…..


A. Sends His disciples on an errand to get a colt of a donkey He is planning to ride upon. This colt is untrained and has not yet been ridden by anyone. This was in fulfillment of Scripture.

1. The disciples were instructed as to where to go, which colt to get and what to answer when they are questioned as to why they seem to be stealing the colt. Donkeys were valuable and were often co-owned by several families since they were poor and unable to afford their own.

a. It was ancient law which required a citizen to render to any King any item or service he or one of his emissaries might require.

 While we consistently see Jesus as serving, His request her is simply to fulfill Scripture.

2. He seeks permission – This has always been His pattern – No one is ever forced to receive Jesus, no one is ever forced to love Him, no is coerced into obeying Him!

a. But when we do yield our selves, our possessions, THOUGH THEY BE SMALL – God takes the uncommon, the seemingly small item and uses it for His great Glory!

 Rahab’s scarlet rope, Paul’s bucket, David’s sling, and Samson’s jawbone. Moses staff that split the seas and smote the rock bringing forth water. The perfume Mary poured onto Jesus feet and spread with her hair. The wood of the manger!

 Think of the risk takers – Rahab who sheltered the spy, The brethren who smuggled Paul out of town!

 Think of the innocent bystander who would in a week be standing on the side of the road as Jesus (crouched under the weight of the cross) who is asked to carry the cross for Jesus.

It seems to be the little things that God uses most! In fact it is when the little things become too large in our minds and hearts that they bind us and keep us from being generous and responsive to His request!

Think of the 19th century Sunday School teacher who led a Boston shoe clerk to the Lord. You’ve never heard the teacher’s name – Kimball – The name of the converted shoe clerk was Dwight L. Moddy, who became an evangelist and had a major influence on Fredrick B. Meyer who began to preach on college campuses and while doing so converted J. Wilbur Chapman who became involved with the YMCA and arranged for a former baseball player named Billy Sunday to come to Charlotte NC for a revival. A group of Charlotte community leaders were so enthused about the results of the revival they planned another and invited Modecai Hamm to town to preach. In that revival, Billy Graham yielded his life to Jesus Christ!

Did the Boston Sunday School teacher have any idea what would become of his conversations with the shoe salesman? BUT HE, LIKE THE OWNERS OF THE COLT, GAVE A SMALL GIFT TO THE KING AND GOD MADE IT COME OUT FOR HIS GLORY IN MULTIPLIED WAYS!


A. It was miracle riding an untamed donkey!

1. His power had tamed the colt, even amidst the shouting, the waving of palm branches, the dust, the cloaks being thrown down in front of it!

a. So many miracles go unnoticed – except tot he one who received it. Salvation is one of the great unnoticed of the greatest miracles of all!

 Today one who proclaims to have accepted Christ is greeted with a sort of Ho Hum attitude which also is treated with a “We’ll see how it goes” mentality!

Story about an alcoholic that got saved and was witnessing to his friends at work, and getting quite a lot of persecution. They finally came upon the great argument of drinking based on the fact that Jesus made water into wine – The newly saved man wasn’t schooled in the details around the miracle of Jesus, but only said, “Jesus turned Beer into furniture!”

Here is Jesus riding upon the back of a baby donkey – nothing is wilder and more hard to control than a baby donkey – but the power of Jesus tames this colt!

But this was nothing new – He tamed wild seas, He tamed dangerous storms, He tamed demoniacs, He tamed persecutors, He had power over the sick, even raising the dead!

Taming a little donkey was no big deal to Him, but it should be to US!

So His authority is displayed, His power is unnoticed, then


A. He enters in conquest but is unarmed – To bring peace HIS WAY, not with Guns, armies and negotiations. He came to preach peace to those who were near and those who were far off!

1. He is surrounded with those who are called His followers – Think of who may have been there –

a. The Paralytic who was let through the roof saying Jesus made me to walk again!

b. Blind Bartemaus who said Jesus made him to see!

c. The leper from Galilee who rejoiced over having new limbs, new fingers, and new skin!

d. Lazarus who rejoiced because Jesus raised him from the dead!

e. Mary was there who said that Jesus accepted her praise and worship which came from a heart pure with desire to please Him!

B. As always whenever Jesus is being given proper recognition, there are those who think it is improper!

Verse 39-40 - Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

1. The stones are those who would come to faith and will not have a concern for the opinions of men!

a. They will honor the Lord with whatever He requires of them!

b. They will glorify the Lord in everything they do!

c. They will not be stopped nor stilled! They will not be silenced!

2. The stones are those have learned that silence is often misunderstood….

a. As indifference, for lack of love to God!

b. As a lack of commitment to God!

c. As a desire for neutrality and political correctness!

3. The stones are those who have the Spirit of God in them, and they have learned that to quench the Spirit, or to put out the Spirit’s flame is to allow an attitude of self glorification!

4. The stones are those who live with the mindset that praise is a counter response to the sinful culture that daily tries to invade our lives!

5. The stones are those who know the word of God calls us to reject mere religious behavior, mere ceremonialism, and those who promote the lifting up of people above the knowledge of Jesus Christ!

If the followers of Jesus could’ve been silenced, there would have been someone bold enough to step out and to declare the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light!

Even if it meant to face persecution from the Pharisees, They would cry out as the two blind men did because it is Jesus was want! It is Jesus we cry out for! It is Jesus that heals! It is Jesus that delivers! It is Jesus that sets men free from their bondages!


Jesus enters into His city with His own authority though largely unrecognized, His own power though largely unnoticed, and as King of Kings among a people who would not recognize Him for Who He is…..

At least for this moment, Jesus is given the recognition He deserves!

Let’s give Him the recognition He deserves!