Summary: Discovering God’s heart through the burden of the Apostle Paul for the lost.

“Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.” - Romans 10:1, NASB

1. Not Everyone Can Understand (“Brethren…”)

· A non-believer cannot understand

· A nominal believer cannot understand

· A self-centered believer cannot understand

· An immature believer cannot understand

· Only a committed, Spirit-filled and maturing believer can understand

2. A Burdened Heart (“…my heart’s desire…”)

· Define a Burden: Romans 9:1-3

· Describe a Burden

· Defend a Burden

3. A Passionate Cry (“…my prayer to God…”)

· Driven to prayer through Passion

· Driven to prayer through Understanding

· Driven to prayer because of Faith

4. Standing In the Gap By Intercession (“…for them is for their salvation.”)

· A Focused Prayer

· A Relentless Prayer

· A Righteous Prayer