Summary: It is to help those who are feeling the call to leadership not to fear, but to answer God.

Is. 6:1-8 How Will You Answer the Call

Intro:Soon we will be asking for new leaders for the

next Church Year. I’ve been praying that God would

raise up some new leaders. It is very difficult to grow a

Church when there are people who will not step into

leadership positions. Many of the leaders in positions

today are ready step down and let some others take the

reigns. Some may say, “I don’t know what to do.” We

have those who can teach the new leaders, and would

be willing to help to get you started. There are those

who are willing to share their wisdom. There was a

great prophet in the O.T. that was young and had no

idea of what to do, but said “Here am I, Send me.” By

listening to God, he became a great prophet of God.

What would you do if you saw what Isaiah saw that day

in God’s house. Let’s look at the first 8 verses of

chapter 6 of Isaiah.....

I. Notice The Majesty of Yahweh.[1-4]

A. He is high and lifted up.[1]

a. He sits on Heavens Throne.

b. The train speaks of His Authority.

c. His throne is in the Temple of Heaven.

B. Notice the Host of Heaven.[1-3]

a. We see Yahweh in His Glory.

b. We also see servants in Heaven.

1. They have 6 wings.

a) They use 2 to cover the faces, becausethey can not look upon God’s holiness

b) They used 2 to fly with, shows their service to God.

c) They used 2 to cover their feet, again showing their reverence.

2. They cried Holy, Holy, Holy.

a) The number three gives EMPHASIS.

b) It may be a reference to the Trinity.

C. The Glory of God was Seen.

1. The ‘Smoke’ represent the Glory and

Holiness of God.

II. Isaiah Sees His Humanity.[5]

A. Isaiah had seen the King of Kings and the Lord of hosts.

B. Isaiah had seen he true self.

1. He was broken in side.[undone]

2. He realized he was a sinner.[unclean lips]

3. He was a men in a nation filled with sin. [in the mist of people of unclean lips]

III. God Found a Way to Save a Lost Man.[6-7]

A. An Angel was send with a hot Rock.

[The original meaning of coal was rock]

B. It came from the alter were the sacrifice for sin was made.

C. Jesus is the Rock.

D. Jesus is the final Sacrifice for sin.

IV. God Sent the Sheep to a World of Wolves to

Tell The Good News.[8]

A. God sent an Angel to Isaiah.

B. The Father sent His Son to pay the price for sin.

C. God sends us to Speak to the lost.

D. Jesus placed Immanuel here to be the beacon

to the lost in this Community.

Con:Have you seen Jesus in your life? Has Jesus

forgiven your sins? If not, this morning is the time of

your salvation. If He has, Jesus calls to you this

morning to be a part of the great work of salvation to

the lost. We need believers to care for the church and

to be ready to speak a word of love to the lost. I hope

you will answer Jesus this morning. Let’s pray.