Summary: How much of what goes on in this world does God have a hand in? Is there anything that happens outside of his will? Look and see!

Revelation, the Grand Finale of God’s Word

Chapters 6-7

Lesson 4

Through Peril to Paradise

Who’s in Charge?

Why doesn’t God do something about all the evil in this world? How can God let these things happen? These questions, (and many like them), have plagued believers for centuries. There are few spiritual things that cause man to wonder and seek to know why with as much interest as these. There are so many terrible things that happen to faithful and loving people in this world, and the answers to our questions are much like a sealed book that no one can open. Who can make sense of the evil things in this old world? When will it all be resolved? While God’s Word may not explain the entire trip, it does encourage us to take the hand of the Lord in faith that he will see us through. It’s as if the Lord reaches out his hand to us and asks, “Do you trust me?”

We are creatures that prefer harmony as we listen to the music of life. In order to satisfy our thirst to understand, missing information is often invented and presented as if it is true. Clever minds that create convincing and even documented answers may win popular opinion even though the information is false. But what is truth? And who is worthy (and able) to open the book and reveal the truth? Only Jesus. He is the Word of God and the truth that gives us life!

As we listen to the words of Revelation 6-7 and watch carefully the scenes that are shown on the screen of scripture, we hear God’s answers to some of what is happening in this world and in heaven. The answers that bring harmony and peace to faithful souls are here. Note that God maintains complete control over all that we see. Isn’t it wonderful to know that nothing happens outside of God’s will and without His permission? Praise the Lord that we have a Sovereign Lord who rules over the events of history! Nothing can happen in your life that does not first pass through His hands!

Day 1

Read chapter 6:1-8

Numbers are obviously important in Revelation. The significance of the number seven goes all the way back to Genesis. The creation was completed in six days and on the seventh day God rested. He also blessed this day and expects man to recognize and honor the seventh day. When Cain was marked and exiled God said that whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him seven fold. The father of Noah, who marked the last generation before the flood, lived 777 years. (Coincidence? What do you think?). Clean animals were brought onto the ark of Noah in pairs of seven. Jacob served Laban seven years (twice) for Rachel. When Jacob appears before Esau he bows seven times. Pharaoh’s dream of seven cows and seven stalks of wheat being eaten by seven lean cows and seven withered stalks of wheat…

And on and on we can go. Take a concordance and look up the words “seven, seventh, and sevens.” The word group for seven occurs 38 times in Revelation alone. (598 times in Old and New Testaments together).

Seven is a number of heaven. It has to do with completion and holiness. Not that this is always the case, but whenever seven is used to express some spiritual meaning, you can be sure it has to do with the hand and plan of God.

Notice what happens as each seal is opened.

What do you see when the first seal is opened?

Who speaks?

What does the rider have and what does he receive?

Go through and underline the words “was given, and

was granted.” What do these words imply in their contexts?

What does the first rider go out and do?

Notice what happens when the second seal is opened:

Who speaks this time?

What does this rider receive and what does he

cause men to do?

What happens when the third seal is opened?

Who speaks this time?

What does the rider hold in his hands?

What does the voice say?

What happens when the fourth seal is opened?

Who speaks?

What two characters appear?

What does it say about their authority? What do they do with this authority?

How would you sum up what is revealed thus far as these first four seals are opened?

What things here are happening that we still see happening in the world today?

How are we to understand the meaning of the words, “it was given” or “it was granted” in light of the events we see?

Where do all these events take place?

Who do these things happen to?

What can I know from this much of what is revealed about God’s involvement in the bad things that happen here?

Well, student, what do you think about God having a hand in all of this? Does it trouble you to think that God is actually giving and granting authority for such things to happen in our world? While we have seen that God certainly does have a hand in these things, we do not yet know why. But the book has only begun! It is a comforting thing to know that God is not absent from the terrible events of life. Think of the trials and tragedies you have faced in your life. Did you know that God was present and working with you all the time?

As a conclusion for today’s study, here are two more things to do: first, list some things that have happened in your life that were difficult:

Now, reflect on God’s presence during those times. Perhaps you still wonder why about some of these, but just remember, dear student, your book is not finished yet either. Will you trust the hand of the One that made you to work all things for the good? Why not tell Him what is in your heart right now in prayer…

Day 2

Read chapter 6:9-17

Notice that while the first four seals reflect things that take place on earth, the fifth seal ushers us into heaven again.

What does John see?

Where are these that he sees?

Why are they there?

What do they say?

What are they given?

What are they told?

What number is to be completed?

What does this say about the death of those who die for the cause of Christ?

Notice that the term “soul” sometimes refers not to disembodied spirits, but to the people themselves: Acts 27:37, 1 Peter 3:20. At other times it implies our eternal nature: Matt. 10:28. Read Luke 12:19-20. What does this say about the soul?

Take a concordance and look up the word “soul.” The Hebrew word for “soul” is “nephesh.” It occurs 692 times in the Old Testament and can be translated: any(1), anyone(2), anyone*(m)(1), appetite(7), being(m)(2), beings(3), body(m)(1), breath(1), corpse(2), creature(6), creatures(3), dead(3), deadly(1), death(1), defenseless*(1), desire(12), desire*(2), discontented*(1), endure*(1), feelings(1), fierce*(2), greedy*(1), heart(5), heart’s(2), herself(12), himself(19), Himself(4), human(1), hunger(1), life*(1), life(147), lifeblood*(2), lives(34), living creature(1), longing*(1), man(m)(4), man’s(m)(1), men*(m)(2), mind(2), myself(2), Myself(3), number(m)(1), ones(1), others(m)(1), ourselves(3), own(1), passion*(1), people(2), people*(1), perfume*(1), person(70), person*(1), persons(19), slave(1), some(m)(1), soul(238), soul’s(1), souls(12), strength(1), themselves(6), thirst(1), throat(2), will(1), wish(1), wishes(1), yourself(11), yourselves(13).

The Greek word for “soul” is “psuche.” It occurs 102 times in the New Testament and is translated: everyone*(1), heart (2), heartily(1), life(36), lives(7), mind (1), minds (1), person(1), persons(3), soul(33), souls(14), suspense*(1), thing (1).

These souls in Revelation 6:9 are seen by John, underneath the alter. They cry out for justice. Remember the story of Cain and Abel? When Cain killed Abel, what did God say about Abel’s blood? Genesis 4:8-12.

How does God reward the saints in Revelation 6:9f?

When does he say that justice will be met out?

When we read that the cry of the souls of the martyrs is for vengeance, we might wonder at their attitude. Did not Jesus pray for those who crucified him that they be forgiven, and did not Stephen do the same when he was being stoned to death? Yet we must understand that God is a righteous and just God. Sin must be punished. But we note God’s patience here. God seeks repentance and salvation for all even though just judgment must come. Read 2 Peter 2:9-22. Notice especially verses 9, 12-13. What happens to the unrighteous here?

Read 2 Peter 3:1-13. What do these verses tell us about God’s patience and also his just judgments?

Notice now the sixth seal being opened in Revelation 6:12-17.

What do you see happening here?

Where is this happening?

List the seven groups given in verse 15.








What are these doing and why?

Read Isaiah 13:9-11 and 2:17-3:5. What similarities do you notice between this and the opening of the sixth seal?

Now read Joel 2:10-13. As you note the similar expressions that speak of judgments from God, what else do you notice about God?

Dear student, God’s wrath against sin is as sure as his love for the sinner. God answered the cry of the souls beneath the alter with judgments. This cycle continues throughout the book and eventually climaxes in the final great day of judgment. As you conclude today’s study, bow before His throne and express what is in your heart to Him. Aren’t you filled with awe at the powerful judgment of God? And aren’t you filled with joy at His patience? Just imagine if God acted with human hast. Praise God! He sees the big picture and exercises perfect justice and judgment in due time. May we too learn to act with patience as we walk before Him, trusting Him, crying out to Him, and receiving grace and strength to meet our need.

Day 3

Read chapter 7:1-8

Again we see the importance of certain numbers in Revelation. (What numbers do you find of significance here?)

What are these four angels doing?

What does the other angel from the east tell them to do?

Who are they protecting?

How many are sealed with the seal of God?

Where are they from?

This listing of the tribes of Israel is interesting for several reasons. Judah comes first, most likely because he is the tribe from which Jesus was born. The tribe of Dan is missing from the list, probably because Dan was noted for its worship of idols. Joseph and Manasseh are mentioned as separate tribes, though Joseph is the father of Manasseh and Ephraim. Ephraim is missing from the list. Jacob had twelve sons and though the number is preserved here, the actual list is unique. Not to worry, of the 20 times the Bible lists the 12 tribes there are 18 different orders of them listed. But there are 12 tribes. The number 144,000 is taken literally by Jehovah’s Witnesses, yet they do not take literally that 12,000 (exactly), belong to each of the 12 tribes of Israel, and they say that “Israel” here is symbolic. We can’t pick and choose here. If Israel is symbolic and the number 12,000 from each tribe is symbolic, then the 144,000 is also symbolic!

Look up the number “twelve” in a concordance. Even Ishmael became the father of 12 princes. Jacob became the father of 12 sons, from which came twelve tribes, (though Levi wasn’t in that number and Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, counted for two of the tribes). The number 12 seems to say that they are all here and accounted for. Jesus chooses 12 apostles and when Judas defects, another apostle must be chosen to replace him to bring the number to 12 again before the Holy Spirit comes. (See Acts 1).

Why is God’s Word concerned with numbers? Well, in this passage, every number represents a soul. To God you count, even to the number of hairs on your head! God knows and God cares.

Go back and read chapter 6:15-17.

Notice that everyone here is trying to hide from something, what is it?

How serious is their situation?

The great day of wrath has come! And what question does verse 17 close with?

This question sets us up for what happens in chapter 7. Those who are fleeing from the judgment are facing God’s holy wrath against sin.

The question, “who can stand?” is answered here in chapter seven. Here we discover that those with the seal of God are those that stand.

Read Nahum 1:3-15. What does God say about his enemies and His protection for His chosen ones?

Read 2 Cor. 1:20-22, Eph 1:13-14, 4:30; 2 Timothy 2:19. Do you know without a doubt, dear student, that you are sealed with the seal of God? Notice that this is something God does to those who are His own. Know that God in his love calls you and those who are His sheep answer the call! Isn’t it wonderful to know that you are among those numbered for glory?! What a wonderful joy and thrill to know this hope in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God! His wrath will surely come against all who do not know Him and obey the gospel. Read 2 Thess. 1:5-12. Praise God to be among those that long for His appearing!

Day 4

Read chapter 7:9-17

Isn’t this great! These are those that stand! These are those sealed and saved who shout: “Salvation belongs to God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!!!” The question, “Who shall be able to stand on the day of God’s wrath?” is answered here!

Let’s take this apart by sections. Look at verses 9-10.

What does he see?

How many are there?

Where are they from?

Where are they now?

What are they doing?

What are they wearing and holding?

(Notice and compare with Rev. 6:11).

What are they saying? (How is the volume? Don’t forget our worship study last week!)

Dear student, this is a picture of us in eternity! We who are in Christ are sealed, saved, sanctified and glorified forever here!!! What does knowing this do in your heart? How about some praise for the King of Glory who made it all possible?

As we continue our study of Revelation, God is going to back up, start again and run this message by us over and over. Every time the final message is the same. God’s people win. It can look sooooo bad! But not to worry! Victory is sure! Remember the grand finale! Hold on to the hand of Him who holds it all in his hands and has all power, dominion and authority. And (are you sitting down?) He gave His life so you could spend forever with Him! Oh yeah!

Notice who else is standing: (At least at first). Look at 11-12.

Who do you see here?

Where are they?

What is their response to the rejoicing of the saved?

Notice that there are seven words of praise spoken by these in worship. List them and comment on what they imply:








In the Greek language each of these is preceded by an article, i.e. the blessing, the glory, the wisdom…

Not only is the Lord worthy of all these, he is also the source of all of these.

Next read verses 13-17.

What 2 questions does the elder ask John?

How does John respond?

Look up the word “tribulation” in a concordance. This comes from the Greek word “thlipsis”which occurs 45 times in the New Testament and is translated: affliction(14), afflictions(6), anguish(1), distress(2), persecution(1), tribulation(16), tribulations(4), trouble(1).

The “great tribulation” is a term often used to indicate terrible events just prior to Christ’s return. Do you see any of this idea in the scriptures? Where?

This term occurs only four times in the New Testament: Matt. 24:21, Acts 7:11, Rev. 2:22, and here in Rev. 7:14. The entire Left Behind series has a theology of the great tribulation at its roots. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-9. When are these “terrible times?” What conditions do they describe? Then notice that Paul warns Timothy to have nothing to do with such as act this way and realize that Timothy was living in terrible times even then. Dear student, “Terrible Times” are here until Jesus returns. Pray that he comes back soon! The One who sits on the Throne and the Lamb will deliver us out of this world of terrible times and great tribulation! The pleasures and thrills of sin are but tribulation compared to the glories of standing before the throne robed in white and celebrating the awesomeness of our God! Nothing can compare! Believe it!

How are their robes made white?

What are the blessings that these in white robes enjoy?

Dear student, what a joy to know that Jesus blood makes you and me clean and acceptable in the sight of the perfect, pure and holy King of the Universe. Read Isaiah 1:10-20. Notice that all the religious worship services in the world do not take away sin and make us acceptable to God. But if we turn to Him in repentance and turn away from evil, he washes us clean… white as snow. Praise God for the sacrifice that washes us and makes our sin stained robes white! He who alone is worthy to open the sealed book, is alone worthy and able to wash the sins from our soiled garments. Praise Him! Rejoice before Him and bless His holy name!

Day 5

Before reading chapters 6 and 7 again, take a few minutes to reflect on what we have learned thus far. In chapter one we are introduced to a message sent from God as a revelation of Jesus Christ, through an angel to John who was to write it out for the churches. The message is marked “URGENT” because it is about to take place.

The message begins with a greeting from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then John tells how he met the glorified Jesus Christ and how Jesus gave him messages to send to the seven churches. Chapters two and three contain these. We see that the condition of the churches is not good. Each is given instruction, warning, encouragement and promises. All are encouraged to listen to the Spirit’s message to the churches.

Chapters 4-5 sweep us up into heaven where we see the glory of God and the scene of all the heavenly hosts that worship before Him. A seven sealed scroll is introduced and at first it appears that no one can open it. Then enters the Lamb of God, having been slain, but now alive forevermore. He takes the scroll, because He alone is worthy to open it. All heaven breaks into worship and the worship echoes and grows until the entire universe celebrates the Worthy One!

Next we watched with John as each seal was opened. Note, that nothing is read from the book, but that is not the point of this imagery. Each seal reveals things that are happening and have been happening from the beginning of human history. But another thing that is revealed is that God’s hand is in it all. Nothing occurs unless it is given or granted authority from Him who sits on the Throne.

And where is justice? We see it when the sixth seal is opened and evil is punished. Who can stand in the judgment? Who escapes when a perfect and holy God deals out righteous judgment against all evil?

Only those who are sealed, saved, sanctified and washed in the blood of the Lamb. And they are a multitude beyond number!

Dear student, please read chapters 6-7 and pray for the blessing God promises for those who read and heed the message of this book.

As you read, jot down thoughts and questions that come to mind.

Notice that we that we have yet to open the seventh seal! That will be the beginning of our next lesson. After reading chapters 6-7, aren’t you thankful and full of hope!? God is speaking to you and me, dear student, telling us that He wants us to be with Him in this great crowd. Take a few minutes now and write a prayer of praise and thanks that you would offer to Him when you stand before His throne: