Summary: This message explores some important truths regarding our prime ministry as portrayed by Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch.


Acts 8:26-40


‘Old Betty was converted late in her life, and though she was very poor she was very active. She visited the sick; out of her own poverty she gave to those who were still poorer; she collected a little money from others when she could give none of her own, and told many of the love of the Saviour. At last she caught a cold and rheumatism and lay in bed month after month, pain-worn and helpless. A good minister went to see her and asked if after her active habits she did not find the change very hard to bear. (Listen to Betty’s reply)

"No sir, not at all. When I was well, I used to hear the Lord say day by day, ’Betty, go here. Betty, go there. Betty, do this. Betty do that," and I used to do it as well as I could. And now I hear him say every day, ’Betty, lie still ...’"

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Quotable Spurgeon, (Wheaton: Harold Shaw Publishers, Inc, 1990)

This morning some of us have committed ourselves to help in bringing little Oliver up in the ways of the Lord – let’s aim to be like Betty who clearly exhibited her dedication and trust in Jesus Christ.

What are some truths we need to know in order to live like Betty? I believe we will discover the answer to that by considering this mornings text. For in it we’re going to meet another just like Betty - one who heard God’s voice and obeyed. In actual fact we’re going to meet two people who heard and obeyed.

Please turn with me to Acts chapter 8 where we will look at verses 26-40.

(READ ACTS 8:26-40)

What does that passage have to say on the theme of how to live like Betty?

Well, let’s start at the beginning. For in verse 26 we will discover a foundational truth. A truth that will set the agenda so to speak. A truth on which all others are built. Listen to vs 26 – ‘Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road--the desert road--that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."’

Can anyone pick that truth?


Yes, that verse proclaims that:-

1. We (People) Are Vital In God’s Plan!

‘Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go …”’

Why didn’t the angel go himself?

I’ll tell you why the angel didn’t go – it was because this was a mission where a person was worth ten thousand angels! A person who has collided with the Creator of the universe and has had his or her sins forgiven and life changed can do a work no angel can accomplish! For that person has experienced and can give authentic witness to the life transforming Jesus! The best that an angel can do is come as a messenger from God, and tell that person to get up and go.

God’s plan is one of partnership. He works in you and with you and for you and by you and through you. He’s counting on you. What a privilege! The King of kings and Lord of lords invites you and I to be key players in His Divine plan. Make no mistake – God’s Will cannot be thwarted by us. We don’t have control over God like that. But He has decreed that we are to play an integral part in the execution of His Will.

If we are not convinced of this fact we will not be convinced of the need for us to be involved in the Lord’s work. You know, our beliefs have a habit of being seen in our practice. Perhaps this is what Jesus’ brother James meant when he said, 2:18 ‘But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.’

The knowledge that we are vital to God’s plan should inspire us to commit to it!

‘Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road--the desert road--that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."’

Philip, recognising that his part was of utmost importance responded instantly! Look at verse 27. ‘So he started out …’ Philip was obedient immediately! And I want to suggest that Betty followed Philip’s example. For she understood that:-

2. Delayed ‘Obedience’ Is In Fact Disobedience!

If anyone had grounds to question this directive to ‘go’ – it was Philip. We are told earlier in Acts 8 that Philip was enjoying a very fruitful ministry right where he was. Samaritan people were coming to Christ – why abandon a fruitful ministry?! And worse why abandon it to go to a rarely used road travelling through a barren land?! And to make matters even worse it was the road that led to Gaza – the city that Joshua could not subdue and the tribe of Judah could not retain! Yet if Philip had delayed – he would have missed a Divine appointment and sinned against the Living God. His delayed ‘obedience’ would have in fact been disobedience!

There was an occasion many years ago when I know I missed a Divine appointment. I was sitting in my car waiting for a friend to return, when my eye was drawn to an elderly fellow walking up the street. And I had an almost audible voice say, ‘David speak to that man about Jesus’.

I watched him pass my car – and the whole time I was wrestling with an acute sense that I should go and talk with him. He stopped at an ATM just a short distance from my vehicle – but my logic said, ‘This guy will think you’re a crackpot – don’t be stupid.’ Then the person I was waiting for returned and I drove off.

I have never forgotten that man – and I believe with all my heart – Philip would have run to him. Philip would have been obedient to the Spirit’s prompting.

That man’s eternal destiny was not in my hands – for God will have prompted another who will have been faithful. But his life went on without knowing the truth that could set him free until another was sent to cross his path. And I grieved my God by being so self-centred. And I missed the blessing of being used by Him.

Delayed ‘obedience’ is in fact disobedience!

And Philip’s obedience emphasises another fact with regard to acting on God’s will. A fact that Betty experienced. And that is this –

3. Only After Obedience To The First Step Will God Show Us The Next

Philip was clearly told the direction he was to take. And that was enough for action. The next step became clear only after acting upon the initial.

Verse 26, ‘Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road--the desert road--that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."’ That’s it! That’s all Philip was told – go to this particular road. And when Philip was obedient and actually went he received further instruction. Verse 29, ‘The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."’ And Philip being obedient to that directive was led on to introduce this man to Jesus Christ.

It’s interesting to note – that there seems to be a growing intimacy with God as Philip obeys. On the first occasion a ‘third party’, an angel speaks to him – on the second occasion God Himself speaks – ‘The Spirit told Philip…’ (vs 29)

By obeying God even when His instructions seem bewildering we proclaim that He knows best. His directives may seem to go against common sense. Our reason may say, ‘No this can’t be right!’ But our trust in God will say, ‘This doesn’t seem right but God knows best so I will not delay in obeying.’ As we act upon His leading we will begin to see His purpose and share in His work.

So be encouraged – if you believe God has directed you (is directing you) in a certain way and you don’t understand what He is doing – trust Him for as you are obedient He will show you what to do next.

4. What was the result of Philip’s obedience?

The result was obedience multiplied!

Well our story ends well. The Spirit of the Lord took faithful Philip on to new mission fields, and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing! The eunuch had truly heard the ‘good news’ and it had brought about much joy in his life. The moment he responded to the truth the recording angel wrote his name in the Book of Life. And he too became obedient to God’s Word, ‘Why shouldn’t I be baptised?’ (vs 36)

You see Philip, through his own obedience and availability had been used to make another obedient and available man. Philip had been instrumental in leading this man to Christ. And it all began by being obedient to what must have seemed to be a strange request! In seeking to show Oliver the truth we too must be obedient to our God.

By the way, this whole encounter demonstrates how God longs for each one of us to be in a right relationship with Him. Not only does God want all to know and trust Him, but He wants each one of us separately to be restored to Him.

Joy is found nowhere else. The Ethiopian was a wealthy and successful man yet he only found joy in coming to Christ. Real lasting happiness is not found in wealth, honour or pleasure as this Ethiopian would testify.

Nor does true happiness come from mere outward forms of worship, or religion. This man was on his way home from worshipping God in Jerusalem and yet it was only after an encounter with the risen Saviour that he went on his way rejoicing.

Do you know this Jesus? Have you placed your trust in Him?

Listen to the words of the apostle Paul, ‘… if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."…for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Rom 10:9-13)

And for those of us who have placed our trust in Him, listen to what the apostle goes on to say, ‘How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:14-15)

At last she caught a cold and rheumatism and lay in bed month after month, pain-worn and helpless. A good minister went to see her and asked if after her active habits she did not find the change very hard to bear.

"No sir, not at all. When I was well, I used to hear the Lord say day by day, ’Betty, go here. Betty, go there. Betty, do this. Betty do that," and I used to do it as well as I could. And now I hear him say every day, ’Betty, lie still ...’"

Listen and obey!