Summary: David: From sheperdess to royalty. Can you believe? Today chased by Saul/Lucifer but tomorow - king. Are you ready?

Just before the madness briefly named Y2K, Christians, Muslims, Jews and even Budists, exceeded themselves to examine an idea: “The strategy for the third millenium”... I received an invitation for an Evanghelistic meeting with this specific topic! Human plans for a new world worder (did you already heard this New Age syntagm ?) plans for social equity and doing political lobby in order to create a better world. In the absence of other perspective, of another world - that one promised by Jesus Christ, our spiritual leaders’ stubborness in making plans for this this very world only is a clear sign of our times...

Not only politicians make plans – annuals, biennials, for 5 years period, decades... – not only the rich CEO’s looking ahead to find new strategies, to conquer new markets in a near predictable future, but also the spiritual representatives who pretend to belong to Christ: Christians; no matter Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants or Evangelists.

What do people say on religion? They repeat the same ideas spreaded by the time of Old Testament prophecies. Ezeckiel 12,22... But what does God say? V.23:...

One by one years are passing by. Each one with his troubles, joys, - very few - , weddings, funerals, departures, arrivals, flourishing or broken companies, new builded or fast-ruined churches...Everybody with his little piece, seeing no more the entire puzzle, with no perspective given by the vision of the whole, especially the divine one. Prophecies? Well, some of them are quite clear and became classic being almost automatically absorbed. Like Daniel chapter 2 or Revelation chapters 2 and 3. But what about those concerning the second coming of Christ, known by entire Christianity, engraved on creeds, illustrated in all kind of ways?

Here begins the slight differencies...Do we still believe in prophecies? Not only at the intelectual level but as an eschatologic direction in the most practically way. Apoc.22,12....How soon? On the third, fourth, fifth millenium?

On the eschatological parables spoken by Christ, the surprising element is strongly underlined. For example, on the 10 virgins parable, the shout: Here is the groom!, was heard at midnight – Mat.25,6. The urge for watching from the pericope Mat.24,36 – 51 is throughouly flashed by this idea. Even Christ`s first coming has been prophesized for hundreds and hundreds of years, the Mesia advent people, Israel, was completely unprepared for welcome Him and because of this attitude, it switched in a curse from a blessing for most of them. There is another example quite shaded for us to decode the spiritual connotations.

1 Sam.cap.27 – a lesser known episode from the life of David the fugitive. David has been carrying a tough oppression from Saul- his father – in – law, the Israel annointed man, for 10 years. He is longing for an hour of rest, for salvation from this fugitive life of a permanent hunt. He wants to live a happy family life, play with children without this mark of outlaw on which passed the death sentence...But in vain. Wandering on mountains and deserts with 600 people arround them, sleeping with one eye open with the sword at their heads, here it is David, phisically and psychically consumed, almost at the end of endurance. And Saul is hunting him with an assiduosness worthy of a better cause.

Faith up and down....David is only 29. The former sheperd is now a mature person. The victory against Goliath, the position of the emperor`s son-in-law privately annointed by Samuel as the future king...And now a fugitive. We can easily condemn him and hard to understand. Wasn`t he annointed having God`s assurance that he will be the one to lead the Israel? And then?...I`ll take the liberty to reverse the famous line given by Christ to Satan which told him off: The man does not feed only with...Bible in succession, spiritual books, Christian magazines, but with bread. Even the black one because there are many problems in”management” aria. To feed an army of 600 people also with their families, to anticipate the enemy`s intentions and to move from place to place...Then the weapons, clothing, footwear...who was finally responsible for all of these? David / obviously.

Thoughts crossing trough his mind...

In front of Saul and his troops he shows himself as a reliable man as fits for a commander which try to keep up his army. 1 Sam.26,24 last part:......A crystal clear statement of faith. Only his ownself knows the torments made by so many doubts...

Thoughts: “Look, there are 10 years of wandering, who knows how many will be till..Till what? Till when? Till the fulfillement of the prophesy: David the king. Hey..Wait a little, my boy! Saul is at the edge of his glory, another 10 years of reign at least. Then his son, Jonathan, my friend. He belongs to a line of kings, I am only a sheperd...He is the rightful heir, recognized by people and loved by God, me as a servant escaped from his master...And what about the prophesy? Could Samuel wrong? If he could be alive today, I would ask him once more: How long should I run like a partridge?...

Melting such thoughts, an idea glimpse on his mind and it seems to save him. Cap.27:1 - Escape crossing the border.

“Restore in me ...renew a right spirit within me” - that was the later David`s prayer. Prayer – the unfailing way of discovering the sourse of our thoughts and to be sure about the copy-right of ideas from our convolution cerebrum...But wait - prayer not as a rezolution put by God on my application already made, to force Him to sign...Prayer as a relationship with God which makes me to distinguish what thoughts are worthy of a “nest”.

One idea: David and his people to escape beyond the borders and to ask for politic asylum. That was frequently during Ceausescu dictatorship and if you succeded to cross the border, you were welcomed with open arms; no exception. By the way – try now and see what you`ll get...There were famous cases, deserters – as Communists said – that made quite a stir in politic backgrounds. Ion Mihai Pacepa, dictator`s trustee, and many writers as Ion Caraion, Victor Frunza, Dorin Tudoranand other intelectuals gathered together arround the “Free Europe” radio station.The exile, escaping into a foreign country was of unfailing protection, from ancient times: from Cain to Saddam Hussein son- in-law. So we cannot blame David for doing the same thing.

However, where did David commit an error? Making future plans? But isn`t it a normal practice? So where does he fail? He neglect to ask God even his rich experience of relating to divine. Previous, in cap.23,9-13, we find God`s answers to his questions, warning him on Saul`s trap made through people from Cheila (astonishing, saved by David from the Philistines – gratefulness is “rara avis”). “God, should I go or not?” ...And the answer comes without doubts: “Yes, go”..Was it difficult to ask God this time too?

Lack of perspective.

Of course we easily judge David having the entire puzzle. We do not analize him to condemn , but to see ourselves on David the man, to avoid the same mistakes. George Bernard Shaw uttered this paradox of a tremendous truth in all times: “History teaches people never learn anything from history”.

1 Sam.27,1-2.......First 2 verses from cap. 27 with nothing good to remember for David, a spot on his life engraved in the sacred history for ever. What should we find between vers 1 and 2? What should we have read if David would have been acting like in Cheila time? From thought to deed without prayer...To make such a step on your own overwhelmed by the tremendous responsibility concerning 600 people..It`s a huge risk.

And God had so many projects with David! From a sheperd to a king! From the last born of Isai, “ a blond hair boy” – the deliverer, terrifying the Philistines and being the glory of the nation...An emperor prototype of Mesia with the greatest honor of being part of His forefathers...And how many projects does God have with us! Kings, judging the world with Him. It is impossible to loose this perspective, otherwise we would have no spiritual gain from Bible studying. We are chased and umiliated, hunted and made miserable by Saul alias Satan, but do not realize what a great future we have: kings, ruling this universe from his capital, New Jerusalem, with the King of Kings for ever.. for those who believe in His word till the end.

Many times the lack of perspective, losing the sight of our goal blinds and limits the faith horizon. Another man choosen by God, Elijah, was lamented in his ownself: “It`s only me left” when he was running from Izabela`s revenge. The situation was quite different in fact: 1 Kings 19,18.....being on the same side as Elijah, confident in God`s promises. And if we complain at every impediment, if we grumble as those who do not know what “eschatology” means, not even mention what does she reveal for the future and if we make plans for at least one hundred years ahead for us and our followers ignoring the word “I am coming soon”, and is only a lack of perspective. And when perspective is missing, we take heart, make plans and apply them assuming all consequences.

David escaped to the Philistines. I have a question for you: How long will this Saul oppresion last on him? We find the answer: one year and seven months. That`s all. Enduring 10 years with divine protection, an amazing school for a future leader and you cannot wait for a single year, at the end of it the crown waiting for you? For one year, only one single year, at the end of probation, at the finals, you give up at everything? You become a traitor going by the enemy side? Do not forget Israel was carrying a war with the Philistines. David, I cannot recognize you any more!

That`s the way God should act on us each time when we do on our own, despite of all proofs He is with us. This war of attrition with Saul – Satan, is the best college to learn self-control, humbleness and relying on God; a vital exam for future kings. The One who passed this college and graduated with “magna cum laudae”, our Master, has the right to tell us: “I do not recognize you! What are you doing quite now, at the finals?”

How much evil did David with his act planned by himself! All God`s plans on him had to change dramatically. How much his name, “different from Saul”, his prestige had to loose..and most of all, how much did the name of Jehova and God`s prestige loose...David payed a very expensive price on his lack of patience and lack of belief on prophesy. Hardly accepted as king by his people. Seven years of an almost unknown reign with no glory on which we have no record.

The foolishness of pretended insanity.

Let`s go back to his plans made now real. After last preparations he leaves for Philistines place with all epople. Philistines live into a federal state organized on 5 small cities: Ecron, Ascalon, Gaza, Asdod and Gat, each one ruled by a local king. David choose to go to Achis – weak in diplomatic aria, with no politic intuition, easy to manipulate..David might have count on this when he went to Gat, especially because he already met Achis in the past and “it worked”.

1 Sam.21,13-15 (read)

So he already humiliated himself and mixed with Philistines in the past ignoring the moral and also the politic consequences..He was alone by then and he started to tremble when he realized his glorious victory against Goliath was well-known. Achis rejoiced for this famous desertor will golden his personal blazon in front of all the other kings of Philistine federation and he probably thought to use David somehow against Saul. His pretended insanity didn`t honor him or the Saviour God Whom he worship to.

And now asking for Achis protection once more, this time for another 600 people. Enough for confidence in a resting sleep. But a restless force for the Philistines who didn`t like him to much. But “the master on strategy”, Achis, offered him his protection and cap. 27,3....

An army of outlaws, nomads like Palestine refugees camps of our times...But even Saul is dead, daily problems are still there. Hostage has been solved: he asks for a city and receive Ticlag on which he makes some quick arrangements. (vers 5-6).

David was on his own and this affected deeply his relationship with God. Can he pray again? Oh, no, forget the standard formula spoken in public or in some crisis; I`m asking about that heart breath, that permanent contact with God as advisor and close friend. This is a real prayer. David could he say now: “God, You that send me here(?) to unfold Your name and Your character to those unbelievers, show me how to succeed in this aria(?)...You that had fed Israel for 40 days in the wilderness with manna, please, give me and my army the daily bread???

David does not dare to pray. That`s how things go. After a wrong step comes another one and another one...but, go ahead, even aware of heavenly dissaproval. Forward straight to the abyss, by pride, by stupid ego, by sinful stubborness...Did you experience such a situation in which not dare to pray, without any human response?

However the reality asked for an urgent solution and be it without prayer...Human reasoning. Sometimes we can see the consequences of such actions in this life too; sometimes we`ll be able to understand what we never thought about only in the next one. But sooner or later, all of us will understand what were the results , where was “the break” after we kicked based on our own...

David’s “evangelistic” methods to “convert” the Pagans.

Let’s read vers 8 to 10...Taking advantage on Achis credulity, lying without shame, David was now forced to go on a road which end couldn`t be seen, but was surely slippy. Robbery expeditions organized against the neighbours considered allied with the Philistines. Asked about the “hunting brought ahead”, he was lying as Jacob in front of Isaac.Vague answers. Were cardinal points made up by David also on heavenly maps or not? “ South of...”.. The south of David was so unconvincing; however Achis was satisfied... Especially cause he was taken the “lion`s share” from the plunder brought by David.

Question. Did God ask David as Saul in the past, to distroy that population? It was something else when Israel conquered Canaan: divine plan for distroying the idolatry and disgusting practices of Cannanites – canibalism, sexual perversion associated with idolatry worship, children sacrifices to Moloch – and God`s name was made known everywhere. Now the issue was simply robbery. And David with his troops are acting like bandits who kill not in the name of any ideal – sincerely I doubt it could be such an ideal for which to be free to kill – but for taking sheeps, oxes, camels and clothes...

How many immortal psalms may have David been created while he was putting the neighbourhood on fire and sword, eating lamb stake from Ghesur? Rhetorical question. None, of course. And days are just passing by without any inward joy, any horizon concerning his statute of tolerated bandit...But God`s plan has a special timepiece with no hurry or late, and his sound can be heard exactely at P hour, meaning the Prophetic hour. God`s plans are fulfilling even people want or not, believe or not, wait or not..

That`s why the 16 months of grace for Saul and waiting for David are ready. At their end Saul is good for harvest – punishment, but David is not ready yet for the king`s crown!

David is somewhere with the Philistines, diminishing their women, old people, children and babies, eating their sheeps, taking the clothes of those killed by his men and wearing them..Or making a private trade, selling in Gat what he robbed in Ghesur...God wanted him as His people leader and meanwhile David was making his own plans of faster, better, much more and efficient, but in Philistia, not in Israel.

Vers.12...A tragic irony of this world extremely pleased with those who compliment themselves for having such servants when they should be ready in order to receive the crown as future kings. Being in a permanent conflict with God`s people, the Achis of this world desperately wants to be served by princes, for ever if possible. Don`t we see the David from us? Instead of preparing for the crown, we are labouring at “Gat Comp.Inc”, quite pleased that Achis is satisfied by our work. Toil, pains, interests, stress, exhausting labour, obvioulsy not in the spiritual aria. We have specialists on this, don`t we? And the same thing day by day, month after month,year after year...Rushing at south and west accompanied by Achis applause...

David’s narrowness day.

1 Sam.28 vers.1.....Thunder strikes for David. He has understood it`s the payoff day for his madness, much more dangerous than the simulated scratches on the doors from the past The payoff day is here because all is repaid sooner or later. For what we`ve neglected to solve between us and God; He cannot pay in our account any more; we are those to pay ! David faced his bill: now then! “ You too are one of us - says the Achis of our world -–with the same practices, robbery and plunder brotherly shared, only one things` missing: fight together against That One you fanatically served once”...

David receives the strike in full; he still tries to face the reality replying to Achis with a vague phrase, with two meanings: cap.28,2....

And he leave the pagan king, with a heavy heart, seeing no human escape. Forced to fight against his people....He never thought it would come to this when he choosed Gat as a shelter. We can call that the David`s narrowness day, comparing with the narrowness day of Jacob. A purifying experience by the trials fire at maximum heat. A special type of experience lived by all those who pass by rebel against God to real penitence.

We can say Saul had the opportunity to turn his life to God in a very similar experience, described in the next chapter. A terryifing night, remorses, hardness of the heart, rejecting the divine grace all together with the total abandon in the hands of the enemy when he tried spiritism to force the destiny. On contrary, David sees what he has done, the terrible results of his unfaithfulness and he is looking for a reconnection with God. There is no human solution: either he fights against his brothers – including the others 6 sons of Isai – either is destroyed, caught between the two armies, Saul`s and the Philistines`. ..

There is no account of David`s prayers from that night and I can be accused of boldly commentaries or uncovered speculations. But making an analysis on what follwed, on the providential solution found by God – and there was but one –, it` s quite impossible to believe all was hazarduosly and David did not spent those hours on his knees.

Next morning. 1 Samuel 29:2... Oh, look at David! Not for the world I wouldn`t like to be him! And should I not like the Bible when also in the screenplay aria – truth 100% - is superior by far to Homer, Shakespeare, Tolstoi and Woody Allen, all together?

Divine result – cap.29,3.4....

Words are missing to describe what I feel when I become to understand this divine solution of David`s problem. Do you think now God can receive any challenge and having not the correct answer? Try Him!

And David is saved...The events hasten: Saul is killed right in that battle together with his son Jonathan, the rightful heir. God wants to keep this faithful man for the eternity: and look another divine solution for a possible future conflict between him and David...

That`s how in one single day David has the way to the throne fully open. What was unbelievable for so many years, considering the lack of David`s faith now is a fact.

But to what cost? A huge one. He robbed God by the glory He was supposed to bring Him among the pagan Canaanites. He was unprepared to be accepted as a king and Israel as a people. Hardly was he accepted at Hebron and after many years by all others tribes, being tormented by many harassments between his generals and broad hints for that period of no glory...

Ezeckiel 12 vers.23....The Gat of our time is restless. Achis wants for us badly in his campaign of unbelief against all spiritual realities. And if this planet is crunching from all his joints – social, economic, politic, financial, rasial.. – that`s only to help to our lack of faith in prophecies. Days when all prophecies will be fulfilled are near, but where will we be then? Fugitives among the Philistines or with God`s people? Ready to wear the crown or thinking at ruchings: south, west, Ghesur bussiness, personal problems, our personal war and not God`s war against sin?

David was unprepared, but grace was upon him. Gradually he learned from victories and fails and reaching that peak of “ man of God`s heart” as we should become. Today when we face the final battle, “the final war between Philistia and Israel, the dragon and the Lamb, time can deceive us. We cannot calculate how long is till the end to avoid to be taken by surprize. Now it`s the right time to learn the lesson of trust in God`s word. Today, not tomorrow.

What about belive in prophesies? Do we still believe God can overturn incredibly fast any situation to make the way to the crown for our fugitives easier? Do we realize that we can be pushed amazingly rapid in front on the scene of our world and challenged to account us for “the hope that is within us”?

How long does it take for a single event - terrorist attack, governement changing - to be mediated in papers, TV stations or Internet? Almost instantly...How long do you think it will take till world will find there is a David, a remnant ready to face the Philistines laws for the sake of God`s name and honor? And if all will be amazingly fast, today is the best time of preparation when God provide us the possibility for each one of us to earnestly prepare...

From sheperdess to royalty. Can you believe?