Summary: Isaiah sets an example for us to follow!

Wow! Uh-Oh!! I’ll Go!!!

Isaiah 6:1-8

Isaiah was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament. He was quoted over 50 times in the New Testament. His greatest God given revelation? Chapter 53!

I. Isaiah was able to see as God sees:

A. He was able to see with his eyes:

1. The glory of God (John 12:41)

A. The Throne

B. The Robe

C. The Seraphs (Psalm 104:4)

2. The ongoing praise of God

(Psalm 145:17)

3. The power of praise

A. The place shook

B. The Temple filled with


B. He was able to see with his heart:

1. His sin

God became a reflection of who Isaiah really

was in comparison to God. God should be

our standard of excellence!

2. His unworthiness

Do you realize how unworthy we really are?

3. God’s holiness

The seraphs were unworthy to risk touching

the altar.

4. God’s mercy/grace (Matthew 3:1)

Forgiveness can be painful, but it is always


II. Isaiah was able to hear God:

A. He was able to hear with His ears:

1. His praise for holiness

2. His praise for power

3. Forgiveness of God

4. Call of God

B. He was able to hear with his heart

1. The holiness of God

2. The grace of God

3. The call of God

Listen! Do you hear His call? Do you hear Him

moving? Are you willing to hear Him?

III. Isaiah was able to surrender to God

A. He surrendered his heart

1. With humility

2. With “fear”

3. With faith

B. He surrendered his life

1. “Here am I, send me!”

A bold statement. Notice he didn’t ask for

the specifics first? Notice he didn’t

dodge it? Notice no excuses? Why? He

realized he owed it to God!!!

2. Wherever!

3. Whenever!

4. Forever!