Summary: Don’t let the crops out there in the cold world to rot away. Let God use you to reap that which you have not labored for.

It’s Time To Reap The Harvest

John 4:34-38

Pastor Greg Mc Donald

As we draw close to the end of this summer, we can see that the harvest time has come for the farmers. As we look at the farmers fields we see that most of the crops are ready for harvesting.

When we drive up and down the roads we can see people along the road sides selling corn. Just like the farmers need to go out and harvest their crops before they are damaged by the coming cold weather, the time has come for us as God’s worker’s to go out and gather the harvest.

If a farmer was to get lazy and let his crops go, they would die off and rot. He would miss out on his reward for the work he has done all spring and summer. The same principle applies to us as Christians. There are workers who have gone out and planted the seed’s and now the time has come for us to go out and reap the harvest.

This morning I would like to take a look at a scripture that talks about the harvest time. that scripture is found in John 4:34-38. But before we look at our main text for today, I want to share with you the event that took place up to this point.

In the beginning of chapter four Jesus had heard that the Pharisees had heard about him. You see at this point and time the Pharisees and the chief priests were very disturbed by the ministry of John the Baptist.

Crowds of people would flock around to hear him. John was telling them that One greater than himself is coming soon. So when the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was attracting even greater crowds they were upset even more.

Some might wonder how did the lord know what the religious leaders were thinking? Remember He was God in the flesh and he knew the thoughts of everyone heart. So of course knowing their thoughts, attitudes, and their jealousy Jesus decided to leave Judea and headed for Galilee.

Normally when this trip was made from Judea to Galilee, by the Jews but they would avoid Samaria. Even though going through was the shortest route for them to take, they despised the Samaritans ,So much that they would take the longer route, going through the Jordan River.

The Samaritans were despised by the Jews because of their mixed blood and their different worship, and because of this they were separate politically and religiously.

But Jesus was a different Jew. He had no hatred, no prejudice, or animosity toward any man, Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. And one of the points I feel he was showing his disciples was that God’s grace is for all who believe.

Charles Malik, Lebanese ambassador to the United Nations, asked in a speech: "What has been the greatest American contribution to the rest of the world? Has it been money? Has it been food? Has it been medical skill? Has it been military might?" Then he answered: "The greatest thing to come out of America has been American missionary effort: the quiet, selfless men and women who left the comfort and security of their homeland to bring the gospel of Christianity to less favored nations."

In verse four of the NIV it says "He had to go through Samaria." Jesus didn’t have to go though Samaria because it was shorter, but because there was a thirsty soul waiting to drink of the water of life, so Jesus carried the message of life to Samaritan woman.

Listen to what happened. It was at the sixth hour of the day and Jesus was tired from His journey, so he goes over and sets down by the well. While He was sitting there, a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well.

Jesus knew all about this woman and he knew that the grace of God would fall upon her that day. One of the important things I believe that is important for us to recognize is, even though Jesus knew all about this woman, He did not start his conversation with her by rebuking or condemning her because of her ungodly living.

Jesus opened his conversation with her with just plain casual talk. He asked her to do him a favor, he said to her, "will you give me a drink?" With this request Jesus opened the door to a spiritual conversation which led to that woman’s conversion and a great revival among the Samaritans.

Without a doubt that woman was surprised that a Jew had spoken to her . Of course at the time she didn’t know who He was, just that he was a Jew and she was a Samaritan. At that time in history for a Jew to drink from a Samaritans vessel that Jew was considered unclean.

Just like the Jews so many times we look down on people because of the way they look or sometimes it’s just for who they are. Many times people refuse to fellowship with others because they do not belong to the same denomination.

Whether a person is Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Assembly of God, or whatever, if he or she is truly born of the Spirit of God and is washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ we should fellowship with them.

(Tell story about John Wesley’s dream of heaven and hell)?

John Wesley had a dream he went to hell, and as he was there he so multitudes of be. As he look around he wondered what denomination they were from. So he asked is there any Methodist down here and some raised there hands. Then he asked is there any Baptist down here, and there were some who raised their hands. Then he asked is their any Assembly of God, Church of God, Catholics, and etc. And there people who raised their hands from each faith.

Then it happened, all at once he seen himself in heaven with multitudes of people all around. As he was standing there he thought to himself I wonder what denomination they are from. So he asked the same question he asked while in hell. He asked is there any Methodist, Catholics, Assembly of God, Church of God, Baptist, and etc. But, no one raised their hands.

At first he was amazed at the response. But, then there came another thought to his mind. He asked is the any Christians here and all them raised their hands.

You see it’s not a denomination that gets you to heaven, but a personal relationship with Jesus.

Such a spirit of division is wrong among God’s people, it brings great joy to Satan because he is the instigator of division! The spirit of division and strife among Christians and the division between believers and non-believers is a stumbling block and hinders the spreading of the Gospel of Christ.

I’m not saying that we need to take part in the things that non-Christian do, but we shouldn’t seclude ourselves from them either. Being around them and living the life God has called us to live, and letting his light shine through us can be a great testimony.

Jesus showed us a great example of how we talk and react to people can make a difference in that persons life. On that day that woman’s life was changed and she got to see the love of Christ and not only that, but she went and shared it with the people of Samaria.

In the mean time Jesus’ disciples returned to him with food for him to eat, they were surprised to find him talking with a woman but no one asked why he was talking with her. The disciples just tried to get Jesus to eat but he was not hungry.

(Read John 4:34-38)

In verse 34 Jesus is telling his disciples that he has already been feed. And that feeding was doing the will of God the Father. To Jesus, doing the will of God was so soul-refreshing and pleasant that he felt no need for physical food.

Then Jesus goes on to remind the disciples of a common saying among the Jews that it was four months from seeding time to harvest. The sowed the seed, and in four months the harvest was ready for reaping.

Jesus said to them, "Lift up your eyes...Look on the fields!" He wanted them to see that a spiritual harvest comes quicker then the harvest of crops. They didn’t have to wait four months for the spiritual harvest. On that day Jesus planted the seed in the Samaritan woman. She went and told everyone about her experience.

Jesus wanted his disciples to see, literally, the masses of unsaved Samaritans who were approaching the place where they were standing at that time. He wanted them to look at the harvest with a spiritual eye. And he says to them, "They are ripe for harvest."

How many here today can say that they know someone who has never heard the Gospel, who has never heard about Jesus who died for our sins, Jesus told his disciples to go out and reap what you have not worked for. He tells them that others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.

The disciples were to reap the harvest that had been sowed by the prophets before them. Prophets like John the Baptist and others, had broken the ground, sown the seed, and prepared the way.

People this morning we need to ask God to let us see the harvest through his eyes. There have been a lot of seeds planted in this area, and just like I said at the beginning of the year, God has a great and mighty work that he is going to use this church for and I still believe that with all my heart.

Remember that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. A few weeks ago we seen just a small part of the harvest being reaped. Remember it only took Jesus to talk to one individual that started what I believe was a revival in Samaria.

Look at Verses 39-41 Read

Many became believers! This morning as we close with a special song, I want you to think of that lost loved one, People today still need the Lord. As we draw closer to our friendship Sunday pray for that lost soul, that God would use you like he used the Samaritan.

Harvest time in Biblical times was a time of rejoicing. Ask God to show you the spiritual harvest, and it will be a time of rejoicing for us also.