Summary: When one person comes to faith in Jesus there is rejoicing in heaven. Who are sinners and who are the righteous are described in this message.

“The Joy of Finding What Was Lost”

Luke 15

The primary thrust of Jesus’ mission on earth was finding lost people. Jesus said: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Jesus was not talking about finding people who were lost as they were traveling from one city to another. Jesus was talking about people who were spiritually lost – spiritually dead in trespasses and sin.

You could walk up to a person on the street and ask: “Are you lost?” They would respond. “No, I know exactly where I am going.”

In the Gospel of Luke chapter 15 Jesus tells three parables that describe the “Joy of Finding What Was Lost.”

15:1, “Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him.”

There was something about Jesus that drew “tax collectors and sinners” to Jesus. “Tax Collectors” were in the eyes of most the scum of the earth. No upright citizen would associate with tax collectors and sinners.

What qualities did Jesus possess that drew sinners to Jesus? The compassion and love of Jesus had a drawing power to hurting and needy people. Don’t you enjoy being around people that are positive, honest and non judgmental? Genuine love is alike a magnet to people searching for meaning to life.

If you were a well know religious leaders and wanted to get air time on the local Jerusalem network you would stay away from tax collectors and sinners. Jesus was not like the majority of religious leaders of his day. Jesus welcomed tax collectors and sinners. Like 19 Jesus invited himself to the home of Zacchaeus a chief tax collector and Director of the IRS of Judea. Jesus didn’t care what others thought about the people he chose to associate with. Jesus focused on the hearts of people. Jesus said he came not to be ministered unto but to minister and help all people.

Luke 15:2 “But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered (growled), “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” To the Pharisees Jesus was a religious fanatic and fundamentalist. Jesus was not true to serving as a Rabbi and teacher of the law. Jesus was unclean because he hob-knobbed with sinners.

In response to the religious leaders, the Pharisees and teachers of the law, Jesus told 3 parables – Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son.

Lost Sheep. Jesus addressed the religious leaders and said: If you have 100 sheep and one is lost would you not leave the 99 and go out into the open country and search until you find it. When you find it you would put it on your shoulders and carry it home. You would call your friends and neighbors and say, “Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep.”

Then Jesus gave the punch line of the story: “I tell you there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 religious persons who do not need to repent.”

There is great joy over finding a lost sheep but there is even greater joy when one sinner repents and receives Jesus as Savior. Every time a person repents there is a celebration party in heaven.

#Three years ago Carollyn and I went skiing at Copper Mountain in Colorado. We stayed in a five bedroom condo with our Son Wendel and his family. We were getting dressed in our snow pants and thermo jackets, gloves and boots. Wendel’s youngest daughter somehow slipped outside and when we went out she was nowhere in sight. I jumped in the car and started driving around looking for here in the freezing weather. We spread out over the area looking of little Annie Wen Ellis. After what seemed like hours and was actually only about ten minutes we found her waiting outside the door with an adult. She had gone up to a door and knocked and told the people that she was lost. They took her in and kept watch for searching people.

We all were overjoyed to find her and thankful she was safe. With all the joy we felt there is even more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents.

Lost Coin. Jesus told another parable: “Suppose a woman had 10 coins and lost 1. She will turn the house upside down, sweeping every corner until she finds it. When she finds it she calls her friends and neighbors ands sys: “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.” Again Jesus adds the punch line: “I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

One of our pre-school teachers misplaced her keys to her car and house. She nearly got sick over her loss. We searched high and low around the church and grounds. No keys could be found. Finally the lost keys were found at the back of her school mailbox. We had had a time of rejoicing with her.

In September Carollyn and I flew to Southern Cal., and drove to Oak Glen Camp for the Bishops’ School of Renewal. When the school was over we drove back to the Airport. While on the Freeway I wanted to look at a map I had put in my blue carry on bag. I had forgotten to zip the bag so when I lifted it up most of my contents were dumped out. I picked them up and put them back in the bag and got our bearings with the map. We checked the car in and flew back to San Jose. When I got to my car I looked in my carry on bag and could not find my keys. Then I remembered what had happened in the rental car. The keys must have fallen down between the seats and were still in the rental car. My keys to the car, my church office, our home, were lost. Carollyn called Avis and reported the lost keys. The next day Avis called and said they found my keys. I told them to Fed Ex the keys and I’d send a check for whatever the cost. I rejoiced in finding the lost keys.

The greatest joy you can have in finding what you have lost is nothing compared to the celebration in heaven when one person repents and becomes a member of God’s family.

Lost Son

Jesus told the story of the Lost Son. The younger son demanded his inheritance early and left home with his portion of his inheritance to enjoy his freedom. He rebelled against his parents and went his own way and suffered the natural consequences. He experienced famine- he spent all his money, wine women and song. Famine was in the land but was also in his soul.

He hit the bottom and looked up. He was desperate enough to become a hired hand of a Gentile pig farmer. As he slopped the fat pigs and saw how they munched on their corn his own stomach growled with hunger pains. He thought my father’s hired servants have plenty to eat. I’ll go home and ask my father’s forgiveness and work as a hired hand. Convicted of his sin he repented and turned around and went home to throw his life at the mercy and judgment of his father.

His father saw him coming along way off. Here was a father that never gave up on his sin. He must have had a daily watch for his son. He welcomed his son and threw a party. The son said, “Father I have sinned, I ant not worthy to be called your son.” The father forgave him and called all the family and neighbors to celebrate and have a welcome home parade. “For my son was lost and is found, he was dead and is now alive.” The father had his servants prepare a great feast to celebrate his son’s return.

The older brother came in from the field and couldn’t believe what his father was doing for his youngest son. The older brother got angry and stormed out of the house. He would have nothing to do with his father’s wayward son. He thought, “he is no brother of mine-he left home, let him go back to the hog hole with husk soup.”

The prodigal son represented sinners who turn to God in repentance. There is celebration in heaven.

The Older brother represented the Pharisees and Scribes. They refused to repent. They had no room for love, grace or forgiveness.

Who are sinners? Sinners in these stories are the ones that come to their sense and recognize their sinful condition. “I’m lost. I’ve made a mess of my life. I need help.”

Sinners are honest and admit they have broken God’s laws and been disobedient to the teaching of Jesus.

Jesus is a friend of sinners. Just as a Shepherd searches for one lost sheep and a woman searches for one lost coin and a father waits longingly for a lost son, Jesus seeks and searches for those who are lost.

Jesus is the one that does the seeking. Adam and Eve were trying to hid in the Garden of Eden and God called out: “Where are you.” Moses tried to hid in the desert and God called out to him through a burning bush. God found Jonah in the bottom of the Ocean in the belly of a giant fish. Jesus confronted Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus and terrorist Saul was transformed into the Apostle Paul.

Jesus called out to me through a godly mother and a high school Sunday school teacher. How is God calling out to you? In different ways God calls out to every person created. Jesus seeks everyone out in some way or another. John 1:6-9 “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John (the Baptist). He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, (Jesus Christ), so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.”

Jesus has always been on a mission of seeking and finding. Jesus is not pleased with:

 Fishing without catching. Luke 5:4-11

 An empty banquet table (Luke 14:15-23)

 Sowing without reaping (Matthew 13:3-9)

 A fig tree that bears no figs. (Luke 13:6-9

 Lost sheep that are not brought into the fold (Matt.18:11-14)

 A lost coin that is sought but not found (Luke 15:8-10)

 Ripe harvests that are not reaped (Matthew 9:36-38)

 Proclamation without response (Matthew 10:14)

Who are the righteous? In these parables the righteous are the Scribes, Pharisees and the Rulers of the Jews. They are righteous in their own eyes. They are self righteous.

Jesus cannot forgive self-righteous people, because they refuse to ask for forgiveness.

One of the great paradoxes of these parables is that sinners are forgiven and heaven rejoices, and the so called righteous are not forgiven and there is no rejoicing in heaven.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.” Matthew 5:3 God’s blessing is not on the arrogant and those who are puffed up with their own accomplishments. God’s blessing is on those who have a contrite heart and are broken in their spirit who come to Jesus seeking forgiveness and cleansing from sin.

The Scribes and Pharisees were only too glad to brag about their spirituality. They would recount the times they fasted and prayed and all the rituals they went through. Jesus knew their hearts. Jesus knew their hatred for all that didn’t believe or act as they acted. Jesus knew all the sacred rites they went through to promote their self righteousness. Jesus said they were like dead men walking and like white painted tombs. They needed to repent and turn form their arrogant and proud ways.

Jeremiah had this in mind when the Lord spoke through him: “Let not the wise man gloat in his wisdom, or the mighty man in his might, or the rich man in his riches. Let them boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who is just and righteous, whose love is unfailing, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord have spoken.” Jeremiah, 9:23-24 Living Bible

If you inherited a million dollars, what would do with it? If you could have anything you asked for, what would it be? Solomon had the opportunity to make a choice between wealth and wisdom. He asked for wisdom: “Now Lord God, please keep your promise to David my father, for you have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth! Give me wisdom and knowledge to rule them properly, for who is able to govern this great nation of yours. (2 Chronicles 1:9-10) Solomon had a great intellect, but he recognized he needed wisdom from the Lord.

Spiritual pride, spiritual arrogance, and a holier than thou, attitudes are enemies of the Lord Jesus. You might say, “That’s not my attitude. I would never rejoice in my own righteousness.”


• Have you taken credit for your accomplishments without giving any acknowledgement of God’ help?

• Have you become bitter about the times you have been slighted or your rights not respected?

• Have you performed for the praise of others?

• Are you prone to complain that you don’t have all you deserve, and compare yourself in self-pity to others who have more?

• Do you believe that whatever benefits you receive from the hand of God flow only from His grace and are completely undeserved?

If self-righteousness has crept into your life like a cat sneaking up on its prey; then confess your self-righteousness and seek the forgiveness of Jesus.

The parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son, teaches that both sinners and self-righteous all need to repent. When one person repents there is rejoicing in Heaven.

Rejoicing in Heaven.

The teachings of Jesus in these parables reveal that the angels in heaven know what is happening on earth. The angels are God’s cheer leaders. The angels are in warfare against the powers of evil. When a person says yes to Jesus and repents the Angels give a great cheer and shout of praise.

What excites People? Some people get excited when they get a big year end bonus check, or when their stock portfolio doubles. People shout for joy and jump up and down and on each other when a significant game is won. Did you see the Angels ball-team get excited when they won the World Series? Players were yelling and jumping all over the place. Talk about excitement.

Angels in heaven get excited and celebrate when one person repents and turns from sin and accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Jesus is seeking each one you to give you assurance of eternal life. Remember this Jesus never tires of seeking you. You personally may have turned to Jesus with a contrite and humble heart, but you may have children or loved ones or friends that are lost. Remember that Jesus will not give up on them. Jesus will relentless seek to reveal them his love and mercy. Jesus is not willing than any perish. To all that turn around Jesus will pick up in His arms and carry you back into His fold.

If you do not have the assurance of going to heaven you can have it by coming to your senses like the prodigal son and turn around and repent and say, “Jesus I’m no longer running for you. I’m receiving you as my personal Lord and Savior.

As you partake of communion this morning you remember the death of Jesus. His body was broken for you and he shed his blood for you as a sacrifice for your sins. With a contrite heart and broken spirit you say, “Lord Jesus come.” If you are confessing your sins to Jesus for the first time, you can be assured that heaven is rejoicing. “There is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents.”

“Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling.”