Summary: Are you ready for Jesus to return. You better be!


• Today I want to time a moment to recognize our veterans and to also have a moment of silence in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives for our country.

• A teacher asked the children in her Sunday school class, "If I sold my house

and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into Heaven?" "NO!" The children all answered. "If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into Heaven?" Again, the answer was "NO!" "Well," the teacher continued, "then how can I get to Heaven?" In the back of the room, a 5 yr. old boy shouted out, "You gotta be dead!!!"

• Last week we looked at the difference between having a symbolic faith and a real one. Today we are going to take a look at the future. The future is something we all have to face. The question I have for you today is, “Are you ready?”

• We all have an appointment at sometime in our life (unless Jesus returns first) with death. After death we all will have a second appointment. That appointment is with God. My question for you today is, “Are you ready?”

• I am not the type who plays the grim reaper all the time to remind you of what WILL come in your future pertaining to the end of life, but sometimes we need to give it some thought.

• Most of us who are a bit older have or have given thought to investing for the future. We do not want to get to a point where we cannot take care of ourselves financially.

• What are we doing to prepare for our eternal future? In the first 34 verses of Luke 12, Jesus is speaking on the subject of the folly of fearing man instead of trusting God. Now in verses 35-48 He is going to share three short parables to illustrate the importance of being ready for the day of His return! This morning, I want to know if Jesus came this very morning, would you be ready.

• This morning let us look at why we need to always be ready.



• Let us look at verses 35-38. READ

• How many of us know when Jesus is going to return? The bible tells us that we do not know when the Lord will return.

• MARK 13:32-33 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. "Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come.

• If you do not know when the Lord is going to return, then are we preparing for His return? The other factor in this though is the fact that the time of our own death is unknown. When you put those two things together, it would be wise for us to be in a state of readiness.

• In this first parable, Jesus wants us to understand we are to be watchful and ready at all times.

• In verse 35 Jesus tells us to be dressed in readiness. The Message version say, “Keep your shirts on and keep the lights on.” Other versions speak of being ready for action.

• In Jesus day people wore a long outer garment that looked like a robe. When they were going to do some hard work or run somewhere, they would pull the bottom of the robe up and tuck in it in their belt so it would not get in the way while they worked.

• Being dressed ready for service with lamps burning describes the servant in the first century who is awaiting the master’s return from a wedding banquet.

• In the parable Jesus says the servants were to be ready for the masters’ return no matter when it happened.

• Jesus says in this first parable that the servants who are alert and ready for the masters’ return will be blessed!

• It says the master will serve them!

• One of the worst things that could happen to the servant would be for them not to be ready for the master to come home.

• William Barclay in an article, “You Can Say That Again”. Christianity Today, Vol. 39, no. 8. The best way to prepare for the coming of Christ is never to forget the presence of Christ.

• How many of us really think the master will return during our lifetime? I think if we were honest about it, many of us would say no.

• How many of us really think we could die today? Once again many of us if we were honest about it would say no.

• Herein lies the problem. Why be alert to something we do not think will happen.

• If we are aware of the Lord’s presence in our lives, it will change our perspective and it will change how we live and prioritize things in our lives.

• Look at verse 38. Whether He comes in the second or third watch (middle of the night or early in the morning) and Jesus finds us waiting Him and ready to open the door for Him, He will bless us.

• Since the time of His return is not known, we must always be watching and waiting.

• Jesus tells us since the time of His return is unknown; we are to be ready at all times. Are you ready?


• In the second parable Jesus tells us the time of His return will happen at an unexpected time.

• Read verses 39-40

• Jesus switches another parable in these verses to illustrate another point concerning His return.

• Jesus says His return will be unexpected.

• Notice how He tells us that if the head of the house knew when the thief was going to come, the thief would not be allowed to break in.

• How would he stop the thief? Be not only watching, but by being prepared.

• 1 Thessalonian 5:2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

• I know people who have security systems on their home. Why? It is a way to prepare in case someone decides they want to break in.

• Not only are we to be watching, but we are to be preparing.

• If there is no expectation, then there is no preparation. This point is close to the point of the first parable. If you do not expect Jesus to return or if you do not expect to die, then you will not prepare.

• We do not want to look at it like a young man in Sunday School one day.

• To start a discussion on core values, a youth minister asked the teenagers: "What would you do if your doctor told you that you had only 24 hours to live?" The teens mentioned being with friends and family, and the discussion seemed headed in the right direction. But it came undone when Jason, a 13-year-old, said, "I’d get a second opinion."

• For those of you how were in the military, what was one of the first things you did when you entered the service. What did they do with you before they sent you out to battle?

• How many of you served but were blessed enough not to have to serve in a war? What was one of the first things you did when you entered the military? THE SAME THING.

• I do not think the military wants to get into war, but they are always expecting it. One of my friends who was in the military when I was in High school would go on all kinds of maneuvers and even went to Germany on what I think they called “reforger” to prepare for a war that was not happening.

• For those of you who saw action, I bet you were glad you were prepared.

• Jesus tells us He will come at a time when we least expect it, so be ready! Are you ready?


• I love verse 41. Here is Peter again asking a question that needed to be asked. Look at verse 41with me. READ VERSE 41

• Jesus really never answers Peter’s question, but instead gives him a third parable.

• In this one we find not only are we to be expecting the return at anytime and therefore being ready and prepared for it, but Jesus in this third parable tells us that He wants to find us faithful when He comes.

• What does that mean?

• Does that mean that once we get our name on a church role that we can do whatever we want until we die or He returns?

• Is your baptismal certificate an insurance policy we turn in when we die? Have you ever read the obituaries in the paper only to find a new member of the Auburn Christian Church you never new about because you never saw them?

• Last week I mentioned that I have had a heavy heart of some of our folks who just are not showing up on a consistent basis. These folks are cheating themselves out of some good fellowship. It would seem they are treating their salvation as an insurance policy.

• Did God call me to Him only for me to desert Him or make up my way of following Him?

• Look at verse 42 with me.

• Jesus asks the question of Peter, who is the faithful and sensible steward whom the master will put in charge.

• Notice the transition from servant to steward. A steward is one who manages something that belongs to another. Shane manages the Auburn Supply. The owner expects him to do a good job and run it like it was his own.

• In verse 43 Jesus answers the question posed in verse 42. READ 43. BLESSED is the slave whom the master finds so DOING when the master returns!

• We are considered faithful when we are DOING or following the will of Jesus in our lives.

• If I am not trying to live according to God’s will, then I am not faithful. Is this unreasonable? No! Not when you consider what Jesus has done for me and the fact that by my choice, I gave my life to HIM!

• Jesus is teaching degrees of reward in heaven. If we are faithful with little, we will receive a lot. I do not fully understand the ramifications of degrees of reward in heaven, but suffice to say, Jesus is teaches it.


• Verse 43-44 is where we all want to be, but Jesus gives a chilling warning in verses 45-48. READ 45

• The point of verse 45 is that if we decide to disregard Jesus in our lives ONCE we give our lives to Him, there will be big trouble.

• Too many of us who call ourselves by the name “Christian” are not being faithful. I am not talking about being perfect, but really trying to live for Him.

• Jesus give you the freedom to do what you want with your time, but all He asks is that you use it wisely and that you come to church (Hebrews 10:23-25) Jesus lets you spend your money, but He asks you use it wisely and return a 10th of what He has blessed you with.

• If I pay my bills one time out of 4, am I being faithful? If I stay away from other women one time out of four, am I being faithful? If I keep my promises and commitments to my girls 40% of the time, I am being faithful? If the bank gets you deposit right 7 times out of 10, would you say that bank is doing a good job? (I guess it depends on which way it goes)

• Think about that one for a while. A FAITHFUL person will come to church, they will want to come. They will give, they will read the word and pray, they will love other people. They will do it all because they love Jesus! WE all do what is important in our life. I find time to do what I want to do. If you love Jesus and He is a priority in your life, you will find a way to do what He wants you to do!

• I AM NOT Talking about struggling with your faith, but I am speaking of just having no heart for God.

• We need to take God seriously. Look at verse 46. READ

• This is a severe punishment. Does the master look happy with the one who claimed Jesus, but did not live for Him? WE know this is speaking of a believer because notice after being punished in the most severe way, the person is cast out with the unbelievers.

• I want you to look at verses 47-48 with me as we get ready to close. READ

• Notice in verse 47, the more we know, the more accountable we are with God. If you have given your life to Jesus and then you are making no effort to live for Him or be faithful to Him, you will face a much harsher punishment than one who was ignorant of God’s ways. You would have been better off never committing your life to Him than to do it and just fad away.

• Folks, this is one of the reason I do not want to hurry people into to the baptistery. If I am discipling them, I will let them go at their own pace. I want them to be SURE they want to follow Jesus BEFORE they commit to Him.

• Verse 48 closes with this thought, “from everyone who has been given much, much will be required.”


• What are those of us who are already Christians doing with what God has given to us? God has given each of us so much, what are we doing with it?

• I am sorry to say it looks like a lot of folks are not doing too much with it.

• God has given us a great salvation! HEBREWS 2:3 says in part, “how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?”

• I know you all care about each other. If you know of a brother or sister on the Lord who is having trouble, be there for them.

• My question for those who are Christians is, “are you ready?”

• For those who are not Christians. The Bible says you are not ready yet. DO you want to get ready?

• Come as we sing!

• Next week we will look at the Life and times of a fallen hero.