Summary: Series of 9 Sermons for the Advent season. This is sermon 2 of 9

Midweek Advent Service December 4, 2002

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Be Prepared for Christ’s Coming With Joy

I. Joy centered in the Savior

II. Joy reflected in our lives

Fellow Christians preparing to celebrate the Savior’s birth:

Tonight’s fruit of the Spirit that gets our attention is JOY. Joy is right at the heart of what Christmas means. But, try as hard as we might, we have a hard time getting a handle on the meaning of that word today. We understand “fun.” “Happy” we have no problem with. “Party” (as a verb) is commonly used. But joy? What’s that?

True joy, the kind Christmas Is supposed to be about, is a much deeper experience than “fun,” and rejoicing has little in common with “partying.” It is something special, something out of the ordinary. You may spend all day In Disney World; you may have no end of fun, but chances are you won’t rejoice or know true joy as a result.

To rejoice means to be at peace in the knowledge that, at all times and in all places, God loves you and that you are his own dearly loved child through faith In Christ. True joy—Christian joy—is present even when a person knows death is near, because he sees with the eyes of faith beyond death to the mystery of eternal life.

The great news of Christmas is that we can look forward with joy because of the birth of our Savior. We can look forward with a joy that depends, not on the immediate surroundings, but on God’s grace that helps us through this life’s difficulties to the next life’s eternal pleasures. All this is possible because of our Savior’s birth. And so, tonight we are to BE PREPARED FOR CHRIST’S COMING WITH JOY.

I. Joy centered in the Savior.

Before focusing on our own joy as a fruit of the Spirit, we need to recall the joy that was present during the first Christmas. Consider first of all the Savior’s mother. Mary heard from the angel, Gabriel that she would give birth to the promised Savior. This would be a miraculous, virgin birth.

Mary must have sensed the difficulties that confronted her as an unwed mother. How could she possibly begin to explain to Joseph and to others what was going on? In her society she could have even been put to death as an adulterous woman. Even in today’s rather permissive society, an unmarried woman often doesn’t find much happiness in finding out that she is pregnant.

But we are told that Mary rejoiced. In her song from Luke chapter 1 we hear her words “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46, 47). She was filled with true Christmas joy. It was not that being unmarried and pregnant made her happy. It was not going to be a fun nine months. And at the end of the nine months it wouldn’t be fun to wander homeless with Joseph throughout Bethlehem looking for a room in which she could have her baby. It wouldn’t be fun to be so poor that her new baby could only be wrapped in swaddling clothes—rags—and placed in a feed-trough for animals as his crib. Yet she was joyful, because her joy was deeper than those difficult circumstances.

Mary rejoiced because she knew that God chose her to be a part of bringing the Savior into the world. All mothers have high hopes for the futures of their children. Mary’s joy wasn’t based upon any human hope. It was based upon God-given certainty. She knew that her child would do what was necessary for saving the world from sin, death, and the power of the devil. She rejoiced because she knew that Jesus wasn’t just her son. He was God’s Son, the Savior whom God had promised who would take away the sin of the world, would take away the punishment that all, including Mary, deserved as sinners. Poverty, ridicule, shame—these and all other negatives gave way to joy for Mary as her son, her Savior, was born.

And let’s not forget Joseph as we think about Mary’s joy. He, too, must have shared in this Joy on that first Christmas. He, too, was told by an angel in a dream that Mary’s child would be the Savior of the world. Even though that child wasn’t his own flesh and blood, when he saw Jesus for the first time, he must have had more joy at being present for that birth than any father who views his own child for the first time. He knew that this child would make it possible for him and for all to inherit eternal life In heaven. His joy over this birth silenced any fears that he might have had as he faced a new life with a wife and child.

Others also come to mind as we think about Joy on that first Christmas night: the shepherds. Imagine those bored, dirty, tired, lonely shepherds, sitting beside their fire on the Bethlehem hills, perhaps stirring a pot of stew, strumming a harp, and humming a late-night camp song. Suddenly a flash of light illuminates the hills. An angel’s voice as loud and as musical as a waterfall cascading across the brisk night air announces the joyous news that Jesus is born! Numerous other angelic voices join in a hymn of praise.

These dirty, cold, excited shepherds race into town to see the baby Jesus—the newborn King. Along with Mary and Joseph, they are among the first to see the Savior that has come to earth. Joy had entered the world, and their lives would never seem as cold or boring or tired or dirty again. Their joy at the birth of their Savior would overwhelm any earthly problems. At least this would be the case as long as they remembered the angel’s words, "I bring you good news of great joy. . . a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10,11).

II. Joy reflected in our lives.

Now let’s take a look at our own joy as we prepare for Christ’s coming. Is there joy in our hearts and lives during this holiday season? Do we show it? Are we sharing it? As believers, joy is ours as a fruit of faith. If joy is slipping out of our lives, maybe it’s time we heard again the announcement of Jesus’ birth. When an angel named Gabriel comes out of nowhere to a young Jewish woman and announces that she will be the mother of Jesus, that’s more than a message for Mary. It’s a message for us, as well. When angels announce to the shepherds that the Savior is born, that’s more than a message for them. It’s a message for us as well.

If joy is slipping out of our lives, maybe it’s time that we again take a good look with the shepherds at that manger at Bethlehem. Maybe it’s time to remind ourselves just who that infant in the manger is and what he came to do for us.

Colorful Christmas lights on trees and houses can be seen everywhere during this time of the year. As we view them, let them jog our memory about the true light who lit up, not just the manger at Bethlehem, but the world, the night he was born. The joy of Christmas is the joy that comes from seeing, in faith, the light of the world, Jesus Christ. Remember that “the true light that gives light to everyone” (John 1:9) came into the world in Bethlehem’s manger. He lit up the way to heaven for us who were on the road to eternal darkness and damnation in hell. He lit up the way to heaven for us through his perfect life, innocent death, and glorious resurrection. As we see that light through faith, we can’t help but rejoice in our salvation.

But do others see our joy? Christmas can be a sad time as we remember our loved ones who are no longer with us or if we envy the prosperity or good health of others. But someone once said, “A sad Christian is a sad Christian.” Joy is a sure sign of the presence of God. To show joy doesn’t mean that we have to go around with a constant smile painted on our faces, but neither does it mean that we walk around as though there were a cloud of gloom and despair hanging over our heads. Christian joy is an objective reality because it isn’t affected by outward circumstances, place, or company.

Consider the apostle Paul. He was unjustifiably imprisoned in a jail In Philippi, chained with criminals, and seemingly forsaken by God and man. There he faced bad circumstances, a bad place, and not the best of company. But there he also expressed an overflowing joy. We are told that the other prisoners heard him praying and singing hymns to God.

How was this possible? Paul knew that the Christchild of that first Christmas had been born to be his Savior. From the moment he came to faith, the rest of his life was centered in the joy of having his salvation through this Savior. In the same way it is possible for us to display joy even when facing financial, family, or health problems. Remember: the Christchild was born for us. Believing in this child as our Savior leads us to be filled with joy.

Finally, realize that joy displayed is contagious. Remember that the shepherds didn’t just return to their flocks in silence. They spread the word about the Savior’s birth wherever they could.

Christmas is family time. Nobody in his right mind would really want to spend the holidays alone. We want to share this happy time with others. True Christian joy is also greatly enhanced through contact with others. Many feel especially good about helping people with their physical needs during this time of the year. Some would classify Christmas joy as that feeling of warmth we receive when we know that we have helped a person or family have a better Christmas,

What greater joy we would feel at knowing that God used us to lead others to faith In the Christchild. As we gather to worship the Lord with our Christian family during the holidays and throughout the year, wouldn’t it be great if someone became a part of God’s family of believers because we were messengers of Christmas joy? It can happen, if we let the Lord use us to share the joy of the Savior’s birth.

Yes. “Joy to the world, the Lord is come." May the Spirit fill us with this JOY as we prepare for the Lord’s coming. Lord, thank you for this fruit of faith. Amen.