Summary: Too many times peopele, including Christians, fill their lives with all of their wants and desires and then try to fit Jesus into the room that is left. God said to seek first His Kingdom. We should strive to conform to His mold for our lives.


Luke 18:18-27


A. In the skit that our young people just performed we see that Jesus wasn’t very cooperative with their ideas about Him or about how He should act

1. Jesus simply did not fit into the mold that they had created.

2. Do you ever have trouble getting Jesus to fit into your mold?

a. Do you ever have trouble getting Jesus into the space that you’ve created for Him?

B. This morning we are going to take a look at a young man that was in search of God–the problem is that he wanted God on his terms instead of accepting God on God’s terms

1. His goal was eternal life, but he wanted to do it his way.

a. As we take a closer look this morning at the man known as the rich young ruler, we will find that he is not unlike many people in the world today.

b. As a matter of fact, he may be a lot like you

c. READ: Luke 18:18-27


A. As we look at this passage, we can see that the rich young ruler really thought he was a pretty good person

1. If there was ever anyone that was deserving of eternal life because of their goodness, he was the guy

a. I’m sure that he was just thrilled when Jesus asked him about the 10 commandments–like he said, "those he had kept from his youth"

b. As we read through this passage we can picture in our minds the man just beaming--big smile on his face

2. Many people fall into the same trap today–and many of them are Christians

a. The reason is because there is a huge misunderstanding about God’s grace

b. We have trouble coming to grips with the idea that salvation cannot be earned–that it is a free gift from God

c. Of course, this free gift must be accepted by each individual

We do that through repentance and being obedient to Him through baptism

3. There are many that think they will go to heaven when they die simply because their pretty good people

ILL> Funeral. Yeah, old Joe wasn’t much of a church goer, but he was a really great guy.

Yeah, they don’t make many like Joe any more.

B. Jesus, knowing the young man’s mind, went right to the heart of the matter

ILL> Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell

What are you looking for in a man?

This is a man we’re talking about isn’t it?

"I’m really close on this one."

1. God said, "Either you are good enough or you aren’t. There’s no credit for being close."

a. Once you sin, then you aren’t good enough any longer

2. He knew that the young man placed a great deal of value in his goodness

a. So, when the ruler said, "Good teacher," Jesus replied, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God."

b. Jesus had taken away one of the crutches the man was counting on

c. Bottom line--He wasn’t nearly as good as he thought he was


A. His goodness was simply a safety net he looked to for security

1. He was really depending on his wealth

a. Now when we talk about wealth most of us feel like that doesn’t relate to us because we don’t really feel all that wealthy

b. So, let’s put it into terms that relates to all of us

c. He was depending on his STUFF–his material goods

2. We know this is true because we see the challenge of Jesus

a. VS 22–You still lack one thing

b. When Jesus challenged the hold that his stuff had on his life, it says that he became very sad because he was a man of great wealth

3. Following the 10 commandments–no problem

a. Giving to the poor–no problem

b. Going to the synagogue every week–no problem

c. Give up my stuff–OH, OH

ILL> The billionaire JP Morgan was asked, "How much money is enough?" His answer? "One more million."

4. VS 25 - Jesus uses hyperbole–an exaggerated statement to get his point across

a. Our stuff tends to have such a great hold that we tend to put it before God.


A. The Apostle Paul ran into a group of people that believed they were better than others because of what family they had come from or what they had accomplished in their lifetime

1. In Philippians 3, he says, "You want to talk about all the things you’ve done and who you are. Well, let’s compare lists."

a. Everybody has a list

b. Started attending church at birth

Baptized when I was 9

During a 15 year period in my in my youth I only missed Sunday School one time

Have never missed church 2 Sundays in a row

Bible College

preaching for 19 years - preached nearly 2000 sermons and taught more than 1500 lessons

2. Philip. 3:4b-6

If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: [5] circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; [6] as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless.

a. Philippians 3:7-8

[7] But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. [8] What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ

b. Ephes. 2:8-9

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- [9] not by works, so that no one can boast.


A. You see, the rich young ruler wanted God, but he wanted God on his terms

1. As Christians we are concerned about eternal life and our relationship with the Father

2. Here is where the rubber meets the road

a. Are we concerned about allowing God to use us as His instruments, allowing Him to shape and mold our lives, and doing all that we can to become the people He desires us to be?

b. Or are we more concerned about doing everything we want, putting our wants and desires first, and then trying to fit God into the picture somewhere?

NOTE: For this illustration I used a clear glass container to represent each one’s life. I used cups of beans (or you could sand, sugar, etc.) to represent the things that clutter our lives. Then I used 10 thread spools (you could use walnuts, or whatever) labeled with some of our commitments to God.

First I put in the beans and I tried to put in the spools they would not fit. But when I put in the spools first, all of the beans would fit. For an added illustration you could then show that it’s still not full by pouring in water. We are not really full until we have God’s Holy Spirit.

3. This jar represents your life

a. If you look you I’m sure you can find some flaws in my illustration today

b. But, I want you to focus in on the point that I am trying to make

4. Now, everybody’s jar is pretty much the same

a. We all have 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, and 52 weeks/year

5. The question is, how does Jesus fit into your life

6. We have many opportunities and responsibilities

a. Let’s take a look at some of these


Civic organizations

Hobbies - golf, stamp collecting, painting, x-box

School & School Activities

Sporting events and activities

Reading - I do more now that I did 10 years ago


Dance and Cheerleading


Relationships - spending time with friends

Television & Music

b. Our list could go one, but I think you get the point

We have plenty of things to keep us busy

If we are ever bored, then it is no ones fault but ours

7. However, as Christians we have other responsibilities as well–responsibilities to God

a. Let’s take a look at some of these

Regular worship

Sunday School - Bible Study


Tithing and giving

Visiting the shut-in

Using our talents and gifts

(i) teaching

(ii) music

(iii) serving

(iv) Encouraging

(v) ladies’ Bible study

(vi) Ladies meetings

(vii) Communion preparation

(viii) Cleaning


(i) Yes, we have elders and deacons, but the church needs a variety of leaders

VBS help

Youth workers

Bulletin preparation

b. Oh, oh–we’ve got a problem–not everything fits

The question is–what are we going to leave out?

8. Matthew 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

B. Jesus is seeking followers, not fans. He wants people to be converted, not convinced.

1. "It’s much easier to be an admirer of Jesus than it is to be a follower. You can admire from a distance and be relatively unaffected – but followers have their lives turned upside down.


A. VS 22 - You still lack one thing

1. If Jesus were speaking to you this morning, what ONE THING would He say that you still lack

a. What area of your life needs shoring up

b. What is the biggest change that you need to make?

c. What is the greatest obstacle that keeps you from being what God expects you to be?

2. For some of you this morning, the ONE THING is making a personal, sincere commitment to Jesus Christ

a. You need to repent

b. You need to come and be baptized

c. That you might begin your life with Christ

ILL> Ask someone to bring up $1. Explain that they will not get it back after the illustration. Then give them $10 and let them keep it. That is only 10 times more, Jesus promised 100 times more.