Summary: Paul wrote in his letter that he wanted to speak to the SPIRITUAL PEOPLE, but was not able to.


Text: I Corinthians 2:14 thru 3:1

This morning I want to look at three types of Christians the Bible teaches.

They are all very different from one another. I have never met anyone who was not one of these three.

You cannot be kind of like one and kind of like another. As we look at this, my prayer is that you will honestly determine which one them you are.

1. “Natural Man” – (Vs. 14) The NIV identifies this person as the man without the spirit. This man may see the handiwork of God (i.e., beautiful mountain, etc.), but they cannot possibly understand the things of God. To experience the Lord in a real relationship is considered foolishness, and for the weak. They are bound and blinded by the works of the devil. This person has absolutely no control over the fate of their eternity and judgment. These people are often well educated with the things of this world, but are ignorant of the things in the spiritual realm.

2. “Spiritual Man” – (Vs. 15) For the most part, these people do understand the things of God. The Bible clearly says that they will never be judged or condemned by man. The fate of their eternity is sealed by the Holy Word of God, the blood of Jesus, and the anointing power of the Holy Spirit. No one, and no thing can touch them without the permission of God Himself. These people are living the ideal life!

3. “Carnal Man” – (Vs. 1) Apparently, Paul is having concerns with this believer in the church in Corinth. We will see, there are Christians, even today, who are “carnal”.

Paul wrote in his letter that he wanted to speak to the SPIRITUAL PEOPLE, but was not able to. Rather, he was having to speak to the “babes in Christ.” He called them “carnal”.

Well – what does that mean?

1. They do not have victory over their flesh; they have selfish and evil desires that interfere with their growing up in Christ.

2. They have received Jesus Christ as their Savior, but not as their Lord and Master (doing this would’ve been considered by them to be an option)

So does that mean that being a “babe in Christ” is wrong?

Certainly not.

This can easily be compared to the beauty found (by a new mother and father) with their newborn baby.

I doubt there are many other things in life more precious and beautiful as a newborn infant. Likewise, we can see this beauty in a new convert as they give their heart to the Lord and are baptized in water, and the Holy Spirit.

A “babe in Christ” is cleansed and made whole. For the first time they can see the real reason for living.

There is a new love and enthusiasm for the things of God.

This is wonderful, but (hopefully) there will come a time when this new convert will begin to grow up and mature in the Holy things of God.

I want you to consider the close comparisons here between the newborn and the “babe in Christ”.

They both –

1. Must be fed only with milk (with no meat). Have you ever seen the expression on the baby who got choked on food they were too young to chew?

2. Live very sensitive lives. They need their naps, pacifiers, baby strollers, play pens, and (oh yeah) their way on everything!

3. Have emotions that can easily change almost from moment to moment. Crying one minute and laughing the next. There are moments of joy followed with moments of whimpering.

Listen to Ephesians 4:13-14

13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro…

“Perfect man” here refers to a fully matured person in the things of God.

Folks – Like many of you, I can remember what it meant to me whenever my children first said the word “Dad-Da”. This is a very powerful moment whenever your own child identifies with you. There is a connection we’ll always remember.

But none of us would ever want any of our children to stay that way for very long. They are cute, but we want them to mature and be normal like other children.

Here’s my point – When a person becomes a Christian, we expect that period of time when we hear the “Dad-Da’s”. We expect that new believer to need time to understand what is going on in their lives.

But if I were to have my child physically grow up into their teens, and all they were still saying is “Dad-Da” when I walk into the room…I got a serious problem….

There is a devastating disease that some are born with called “autism”. It is debilitating and will prevent a child’s mind to ever develop past a certain point into maturity.

If, in the spiritual realm of things, we were to never take our relationship with the Lord past the milk bottle we would be “carnal”. I have met Christians that have never done anything with their walk with God to mature and live productive lives.

In a sense, they are spiritually autistic.

There is nothing beautiful about a person who has been saved for 10 or 20 years and is still a “babe in Christ”. Paul says they are not “spiritual people”, but they are “carnal”.

In verse 2, the “carnal” people are still

1. Not able to eat and digest the meat of God’s Holy Word.

2. Only interested in milk to patronize and soothe them when things go wrong in their life.

We all have to make our decision to grow up, but some never do.

Read verse 3.

1. “Envy” – this is a desire for someone to control what is going on in their lives as they see it in others. In a worldly sense, we first think of possessions. But in the spiritual sense, “envy” has to do with the control of power and recognition over other Christians. This causes some to be religious.

2. “Strife” – there are some who know that to mature in the things of God will require a higher level of accountability to God’s Word, His righteousness, and holy living. They will oppose spiritual leadership of any kind, and will cause strife with other saints.

And either one of these two will inevitably result in division among the fellowship they belong to. This is what happened at the church at Corinth. And this is exactly what can happen whenever there are “carnal” Christians in any church.

“Carnal” Christianity is a threat to the plans and purposes God has for you.

Read Verse 4.

A problem with some believers is when they begin to identify themselves with being Pentecostal, charismatic, Assemblies of God, Church of God, this church, that church, this TV Evangelist, that teacher, this prophet, that great healer, etc….

This is the height of being a “carnal” Christian. I have a relative that quit attending church, but faithfully listens to one famous preacher.

To this day, they do not have fellowship with any other believers.

“Carnal” Christianity is a very serious problem nowadays in the Bride of Christ. A lack of maturity is very obvious for those who follow and focus on a prominent person instead of worshipping the King of Kings.

We can become a “carnal” Christian when we exclude ourselves from other believers. Paul saw this in the church of Corinth where it was preventing the believers from experiencing greater things with God.

Likewise, I would encourage each of us to evaluate who we are in this picture. A natural man, a spiritual man, or a carnal man?

Pray and ask the Lord who you are.

He will be glad to answer that prayer.

As an example, I have asked many people, over the years, if they were a Christian. I have heard it all.

Often they answer me by telling me what church they go to.

And when we are asked if we are a Christian, “Yes Indeed.”

What church do you go to,

“His Church.”

How long have you gone there?

“I was born there…by the Spirit of God.”

Consider this – The dividing of denominations is something God never intended for His people. Could it be that denominations is the mark of being Christians being “carnal”?

Unfortunately, Christians everywhere have grown used to denominations. And the devil just sits back and grins.

It is time we all should be directing our commitments to the Savior, the Lord.

Verse 5 asks a very good question.

“Who is Paul? Who is Apollos?”

We must ask,

Who is Jim Yeargin. Who is Dave Mullen? Who is Charles Crank?

Who is Benny Hinn? Who is Rod Parsley? Who is Joyce Meyers?

Who is John Hagee?

What’s my point?

Verse 6 is the point.

It is God who gave the increase.

When we are “carnal”, we align ourselves with the results of a ministry.

We decide if God is increasing us by the results of what people are doing.

That is wrong.

We are here today because a man planting seeds 30 or 40 years ago. And another that came along (later) that watered those seeds. But it was God Who gave the increase. Not a man, not a prophet, not a TV evangelist. IT IS GOD – GOD ALONE!

Sometimes, we loose sight of what God has done and is doing.

That is when we become “carnal”.

People have a habit of looking for results of their hard work more than they look for the Lord to do it.

Let’s remember that we have been commissioned to do what God has told us to do, and then rely on Him to fulfill His sovereign plan.

After that, it’s up to God.

What He does with our seeds and the watering we do is up to Him, not you.


Many of you have seeds that you are busy planting. Some of you have seeds that need to be planted right away. Some of you are only supposed to be watering seeds that have been planted by someone else.

We are all in this together.

Here is my prayer:

1. That God will enable us to be more faithful and responsible with what He has for us to do.

2. That we would be SPIRITUAL PEOPLE who rely on God to give the increase.

Can I be frank with you?

Sometimes I get frustrated with this timing thing with God. Do you?

Maybe we hold things up with God’s plan by not being the SPIRITUAL PEOPLE that God wants us to be.

Listen to vs. 9 –

For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.