Summary: My first sermon as the new Pastor of an older church that has struggled for several years.



First Thessalonians is the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the church at Thessalonica. Thessalonica was a Greek city in a land filled with false gods; and even though Paul met strong opposition he dared to preach the gospel. Even though many who had accepted Jesus

as Lord suffered severely and were persecuted, they welcomed the message of salvation with joy. They had given Paul a loving reception: A reception with open, loving hearts and minds. Their growth in Christ and their acceptance of Paul and his other associates, Silas and Timothy, was such a miracle, that the love and faith of the Thessalonican believers had become famous throughout the area. Paul wrote Thessalonians(Probably from Athens.) to encourage the church.

Today is my first opportunity to share a sermon with you, and to share the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Communion with the Danvers Church of the Nazarene--My new church--My Forever Family. Last Sunday, Installation Sunday, you opened your arms and hearts to Joan and to me in a gracious way. You worked hard painting the parsonage and had the pantry stocked

with food. (May I say: Not only were your arms and hearts open—So were your eyes! Every time that I looked up someone was looking at me or at Joan. Guess what? We were doing the same thing! We too were checking you out. And we liked what we saw and heard.)

For several years this church has been in my prayers. While I was a college student at Eastern Nazarene College, I pastored the Reading Church of the Nazarene.(About 12 miles away.) My first District Ministers

License was signed by a former pastor of this church, Ross Cribbis.(When the church was then located in Peabody. He was the New England District Secretary.) While at Reading, Joan and I visited the Peabody church and enjoyed a gospel music concert by the Spear Family. Ken Mills, my former college roommate, my former District Superintendent, and my friend served as your pastor for eighteen years.

Just over ten years ago, after pastoring in Pennsylvania, New York, and Florida, I returned to New England to pastor the Falmouth Church of the Nazarene. At that time, they were a church in deep trouble. Spiritual trouble, financial trouble, relationship trouble, reputation trouble… During the ten years that I was pastor, God blessed in wonderful ways,

scores of souls were saved, the church grew and the mortgage was paid off many years early. Plans were developed to expand the church for the growing congregation. When I moved, a few weeks ago, the church was on a good and strong foundation. Reports are coming here to me that the church is functioning well and good things are happening. Of that, I am happy!

I thought I would probably pastor Falmouth until I retired. Why leave a good thing? But over the past ten years God began to place a burden on my heart for this church. At District Assemblies, I heard and read the

reports. Each year the Danvers’ reports pointed out more declines in almost every area. To make a long story short: Just as verse two of today’s Scripture tells us that Paul prayed for the Thessalonica church

and loved them, God turned my prayers into a burden, and then the Holy Spirit, District Leadership, the Danvers’ Church Board, your example as a church that held on through out multitudes of trials, and my desire for a new challenge, resulted in my acceptance of your call to become your new pastor.

For far too many years this church, you, have suffered. Perhaps not in the same ways that the Church of Thessalonica suffered and was persecuted. The Devil used other trials to try and cause you to give up your faith in Jesus Christ the Messiah and Soon Coming King. When I read today’s Scripture passage, I immediately thought of you, the Church at

Danvers. Please notice with me, three similarities: 1. "Your WORK produced by FAITH." 2. "Your LABOR prompted by LOVE." 3. "Your ENDURANCE inspired by HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ." Let us compare.

I. "Your WORK produced by FAITH."

Why have you hung on and kept working when so very many have, for a multitude of reasons, given up, moved on to other churches, or completely given up an active, working faith in Jesus Christ? A few of you hardy souls are new to this church and even though the church was in crisis, you choose to join this crowd of Nazarenes. Why? Why did you stay?

Each of you have your own reasons. Maybe you live nearby and it takes to much effort and gas to drive to another Church of the Nazarene. Maybe you were brought up in the church and your roots go very deeply into the past days(Way back to 1899.) where God blessed for so many good years. Maybe you gave funds to purchase something in this building and you have an emotional attachment and to leave would be too hard to do. Maybe you thought you could outlast a pastor that you did not particularly like.(And some of you did…) Maybe you are just plain stubborn. Maybe because of friends. Maybe you are asking yourself, "Yes Pastor, why did I


I like to think that you stayed and kept WORKING and PRAYING because you LOVED your church. That your FAITH was in Jesus, who promised in Matthew 16:18 "on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." This kept you true to Jesus and your commitment to the Church of the Nazarene in Danvers. It is essential that our faith be securely grounded in Jesus Christ and not in a pastor. Pastors come and go, perhaps to help us keep our faith in God and not in a man.

If we want to see our church grow, there is much to do and each one of us, working with our spiritual gifts, is needed. "As long as it is day, we must do the WORK of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can

WORK."(John 9:4) Paul used First Thessalonians to warn the church that Jesus was coming again. Each of us know of souls that we love who are in danger of Hell. Our FAITH must keep us WORKING for Jesus.

II. "Your LABOR prompted by LOVE"

Sad to say, but I have know far too many people who have loved the church more than they have loved Jesus--More than they have loved the sinners and the saints in the church. Pastors have told me of Sunday School

classes in their churches that were not growing, refusing to vacate a room where they had met for several years in order to give another growing Sunday School class room enough to continue to grow. They have

told me of long time members who were bent out of shape because a visitor dared to sit in their favorite seat or pew.(Personal pew tax and reserved seats should only live in New England history.) I have heard of and knew people who had refused to allow someone new to take over a job that they had held, even though they had not done a good job, because they liked the title and prestige of the office or job that they had obtained. There is plenty of LABOR for everyone and we must share.(But be sure not to overload new attendees.) Everyone is needed, new and old, and needs to be LOVED and allowed to use their gifts.

There is a sad and almost universal formula at work in churches, civic clubs, and other organizations. The rule is, " That 20% of the people do 80% of the LABOR." Another that says, "That 20% of the people give 80% of the money." In which percentage category do you stand or sit? Souls depend upon us doing our best. Paul told the Corinthians, "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful."(1 Corinthians 4:2)(I am thankful for you who celebrate, along with me, the joy of bringing a tithe of the fruits of your LABOR and give it to the

Lord each Sunday.)

As your new pastor, I am thankful that most of you have LABORED for Jesus and not because of selfishness or pride. Jesus has promised that what we do for Jesus will bring rewards in heaven. James wrote, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who LOVE him."(James 1:12)

III. "Your ENDURANCE inspired by HOPE."

The King James Version translates "ENDURANCE" as "PATIENCE." Are you tired of waiting for something better to happen? Do you want our church to grow with new, maturing Christians? Do you have loved ones, even

enemies, whom you long for and pray for them to be saved from sin and from Hell? Here is a real brilliant statement. THE PAST IS OVER! I for one do not want to relive the past. I have never wanted to relive my

childhood.(I’ll get that chance if I live long enough to start my second childhood.) I have always wanted to see what new things God had in store to bless me and my churches. The good old days, when we really think

about them, were not really that good. They are the past. God has given this church a new chance to again be a holy and relevant force in the North Shore area.

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 34. Listen to part of this "1 Psalm Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he left. I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. 2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflictedhear and rejoice. 3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. 4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. 6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. 9 Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing." GOD IS GOING TO BLESS.

As I was interviewing with our Church Board about coming to Danvers, the number one thing that got my attention and got Joan’s attention, was that every member of the Church Board was not ready to give up, to throw in the towel. They had stood by the Lord and the church through deep, deep trials. They had ENDURED. They had been PATIENT. They had worked and

prayed. They had tried to do their part. And every last one of them had HOPE that God would again bless the Danvers Church and make it a lighthouse to the greater North Shore community and to the world.

When the Lord told one hundred year old Abraham and ninety year old Sarah that they were going to have a baby, they were asked a rhetorical question, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?"(Genesis 18:14) God had

promised Abraham that he would have a son, that he would have children that no one could count, and that from his seed a son(Jesus) would come in whom all the world would be blessed. Through out all the years of

living in a tent and longing to see fulfillment of that promise, Abraham and Sara endured and never gave up their hope. Forty years in the Wilderness did not destroy Moses’ HOPE. Today, we are blessed because

they remained faithful. God will give this church a way out of the Wilderness.

For 104 years this church has lived on the North Shore of Boston. God blessed in the past. Jesus is our HOPE for the future. God will do His part. We must be obedient to the Great Commission. We must continue to,

or begin to, WORK and to have FAITH. We must continue to, or begin to, LABOR and to LOVE. We must continue to, or to begin to, ENDURE or to show PATIENCE and to HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ!


The Apostle Paul used the last two chapters of 1 Thessalonians to remind the church that Jesus was coming again and that they needed to be ready. Today we will share together for the first time, as Pastor and Congregation, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper/ Communion. Jesus told us to do this until he comes again. We do it in remembrance of him. The same Jesus who has blessed the church for over two thousand years will bless us and our church if we live in FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE.

To the Church at Corinth and to us Paul wrote, "And now these three remain: FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. But the greatest of these is LOVE." (1 Corinthians 13:13) Will you LOVE God, sinners, and the church enough to do your best?

(First sermon as Pastor of the Danvers, MA Church of the Nazarene. 3/2/03)

(Bible References: NIV)

(Ronald J. "Ron" Keller)