Summary: Message concerning the Second Coming and how to prepare for it.

But Wait – There’s More!

Various Scriptures

April 27, 2003


Don’t you just love those late-night infomercials? Have any of you bought anything off one of those? It’s okay, don’t be shy.

They sell just about everything you can think of, from flea powder to kitchen utensils.

They go into great detail, describing all the features and benefits, and then they say what: “but wait – there’s more!”

And then you hear about another feature, or about the free gift you’ll get with your order of only $19.95.

Well, I’m here to tell you that Jesus’ death bought our forgiveness. His resurrection gave us power over death. But wait – there’s more!

He’s coming again! The job’s not done, yet! He’s got more to accomplish. And we’re going to look at what that is today.

You see, Jesus’ mission didn’t end on the cross. It didn’t end at the empty grave. It will end when He returns in glory.

We talk about His first coming at Christmas, and His death and resurrection at Easter time, and I thought it would be good to look at His second coming.

We are only going to scratch the surface on this topic, because we could literally spend weeks and months just trying to figure it all out.

And my intention today is not to give you a lot of data regarding the timing of His return, but rather to encourage you to be ready when He does come.

In doing so, I want us to look at why He’s coming again, when He’s coming again, and how we should prepare for His return.

My hope is that you will leave here aware, and encouraged regarding that wonderful day when He will come again in glory.

1. Why will He come again?

Two main purposes:

 To bring reward and judgment.

1 Corinthians 4:5

Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.

The New Testament is filled with mentions of Jesus’ return to judge.

And Jesus Himself makes many references to His role as Judge. He will judge men’s actions and their hearts.

And what you need to know right now is that generally your actions reflect your heart.

I say, “generally,” because all of us can do good deeds at times, even if we are not inclined to do them as a habit.

Hardened killers have shown kindness to people, but that doesn’t mean their hearts will withstand the judgment.

Folks, the judgment is very real. But you can escape that judgment. I will tell you how to do that later in the message, so hang on, okay?

But before I get too far into the negative, let me be quick to say that Jesus will also be bringing reward with Him. His return will be a terrible time for some, but a wonderful time for all who are living for Christ.

The second reason Jesus is returning is…

 To bring His people to Himself.

John 14:2-3

In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

I love this passage. It tells me two things: first, He is coming back, and second, that He is looking forward to having me around in Heaven.

Now I don’t know about you, but I like the thought that Jesus is getting ready to return to take me back home with Him.

And when that happens, I won’t be worrying about all the hassles down here on earth. I’ll be in the house of the Father.

I will finally be in the presence of the one who loves me more than anybody on earth can love me. The one who loves me so much He sent His only Son to get me to heaven.

And it’s very possible that I will meet Him in the air, according to the passage we read at the beginning of the service,

If you call on Christ as your Savior, you have that same assurance.

The Bible mentions other reasons for His return, but these are the two biggies, in my book. He is returning to bring reward and judgment, and to bring His people to Himself.

Let’s look at the next question…

2. When will He come again?

If you want to start a debate among Christians, just ask this question. Opinions differ greatly, and many godly people will just about fight to the death about when they think Jesus will return and what has to happen first.

People from the time of the apostles have tried to figure out when Jesus will return.

Today, I want to make a prediction that I can back up with Scripture and the certain wisdom of God. I want to give you the date I think Jesus will return. You’ll see that I have a blank in your note-taking guide so you can write it down and hold me accountable if it doesn’t come true.

I don’t claim to be a prophet. I only claim to understand enough Scripture to make this prediction with a great amount of confidence.

The date of Jesus’ return is: sometime in the future! How’s that for going out on a limb?

Had some of you going, didn’t I? At least some of you were thinking I was going to be like a bunch of those date-setting types we hear about so often.

You board members can relax about calling the District Superintendent to have me removed now, okay?

We can’t know the date, folks. In fact, there are only two things we know for sure about His return:

o He’s coming back.

o It could be today.

Luke 12:40

You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

It could be today. It might be next week. It may not happen for another 100 years or so. We don’t know.

All of the New Testament writers were convinced that Jesus would come again during their lifetime, but He didn’t. It’s been 2,000 years since He said He’d return, so where is He?

Let me read from 2 Peter 3:9 –

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

I think the main reason Jesus hasn’t returned yet is because God is waiting for as many as possible to come to faith in Christ.

There are missionaries in just about every country in the world, but there are many different people groups without knowledge of what Christ accomplished for them.

Until the good news of Jesus has penetrated all people groups, so they can have a chance to respond to God, the Father is waiting.

You’ve gotta understand, it’s not up to us when He comes. It’s not even up to Jesus. It’s up to the Father.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that the apostles asked Jesus when He was coming again, and Jesus said, “Hey – even I don’t know when that’s happening. That’s up to the Father. It’ll happen when My Father decides.”

Oh, and by the way, when He comes back, everyone will know it.

ISA 40:5 And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."

Jesus said that if someone comes along and says, “Here He is,” or “There He is,” you can be sure that He’s not “here” or “there.”

I mentioned in an earlier message that if someone predicts a date for Jesus, you can be guaranteed that that’s not the date.

Same thing here. If someone claims to know where Jesus is, or even claims to be Jesus, you can be guaranteed it’s not true. The world will know when Jesus returns.

He will not come in secret as the Jehovah’s Witness claim He did in 1914. He will be displayed in glory for all the world to see. Count on it.

I am totally amazed at how many people try to fit everything going on in the world into their box of end-time guessing. They come up with charts and graphs telling how everything is coming together for just this time so Jesus can come back.

They’ve got it all figured out; that is until something else happens that blows their theories out of the water.

Man, I can’t believe how many people were convinced that Y2K was going to be the date of His return. The computer hassles were going to throw our world’s economy into chaos, ushering in the anti-christ, and all that sort of stuff, and so Jesus was going to come.

I get a headache just thinking about it. So I’ve adopted a position that I think is biblical and simple. I think you’ll understand it, so you don’t have to worry about me handing out any charts and graphs.

As far as Jesus’ return is concerned, I’m what’s called a “Pan” theologian. I think God will make it all “pan out” in the end.

But make no mistake – Jesus will return, visibly. No one will miss it. And it could be any time.

3. So what should I do to prepare?

How do we get ready to meet God? It’s very important that you understand the need to be ready.

Have you ever heard the story of Jim and Jane’s first date? - She was expecting him to show up. She was dressed up and waiting patiently.

However, by the time he was an hour late, she figured she had been stood up. So, she took off her makeup, put on her pajamas, gathered all the junk food in the pantry and sat down to watch tv with the dog.

As her favorite show was just coming on, the doorbell rang. It was her date. He stared at her wide eyed: "I’m two hours late, and you’re still not ready?"-

Jesus said, “Don’t let My return sneak up on you. Be ready all the time.”(

So how do we get ready? How do we prepare to meet Jesus?

 Get eternity squared away.

Remember when I said back in the first point about Jesus coming back to bring judgment?

That judgment is very real. The Bible says that all will die and face judgment. And the Bible says that because of our sins, we will fall short in that judgment.

But Jesus also said that if we come to Him in faith, we can escape that judgment. Now that’s a deal you shouldn’t pass up.

Are you ready to meet Jesus? If He were to come today, would you be confident that He would take you with Him?

If not, why not get ready right now? Call on Jesus to forgive your sins and give you a new life on earth and a home in heaven, believing that He died for you and rose again.

It’s that simple. Call on Him. I can tell you right now that if Jesus were to come, I would be ready. And it’s not because of anything I’ve done; it’s because of what Jesus did for me on the cross.

All I’ve done is accept what Jesus did for me.

If you haven’t done that, I want to lead you in a prayer to do that right now.


After you have eternity squared away, then the next part of being prepared for Jesus’ return is to…

 Be active in His service.

Matthew 24:46, NLT

“If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.”

You see, folks, we have work to do until Jesus comes back. We are supposed to be making disciples. We are supposed to be doing the good works that God has prepared for us to do, according to the Bible.

Lots of those around. Read Jesus’ words about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, etc.

Give to the Salvation Army, or to our benevolence and outreach funds. Get involved with efforts like the one mentioned in this week’s USA weekend.

The Aberdeen area’s own Heartland Men of Integrity was written up as part of the President’s “Make a Difference” campaign for providing free auto work to single mothers and elderly people.

Be salt and light in your jobs and business, allowing people to see the light of Christ in your life.

Provide opportunities for people to know about how to know for sure they can go to heaven.

Be about the Master’s business – be active in His service. And then you will be able to enjoy the rewards Jesus promised at His return.

And then,…

 Be watching.

Matthew 25:13

MT 25:13 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Look, guys, Jesus could come back any moment. And Jesus mentioned that we should be waiting in anticipation.

Look forward to His coming – pray that it would happen in our lifetime. Pray that the good news of Jesus would go forth unhindered so all the nations and people groups can hear of the salvation available in Christ.

Get ready to meet God. Be prepared by getting your eternity squared away, being active His service, and by watching for His soon return.


I’m convinced that if more Christians gave more thought to the second coming of Jesus, they would be more serious about living authentically for Him.

Authentic Christianity has no room for hypocrisy and self-centeredness. Authentic Christians live to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves.

They look beyond racial, social, religious, and economic barriers to reach out with the love of Jesus to a lost and dying world.

And they do it with the knowledge that Jesus could return at any moment, and they would rather be caught living for Him rather than for themselves.

Are you ready to meet Jesus? I hope so. And if not, don’t go to bed tonight without getting straight with God.

Ask Him to help you love Him with everything in you, and to look forward to Jesus’ coming, so that it will be a joyous time to come into His presence, rather than the prospect of judgment.

And ask Him to so work in you that because of your anticipation, you will live a life that more accurately reflects His love.

Let’s pray.