Summary: This is the first message in a series on the book of 2 Thessalonians. Paul gives encouragment to Christians who are going through trials and tribulations.

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12


A few months after writing his FIRST letter to them, Paul writes his SECOND letter to the Christians at Thessalonica.

WHY did he write this 2nd letter?

o The 1st letter didn’t answer all their questions.

o Persecution had intensified (1:4).

o They got a letter from someone claiming to be Paul … but this letter wasn’t from Paul (2:2).

o Some had quit their jobs to wait for the Rapture (3:11).

Because they were under such intense persecution by fellow Thessalonians, they thought God was displeased with them.

Have you ever felt this way?

- When things go wrong … or bad things happen to you … do you feel like God is punishing you … or is displeased with you?

This is called “The Principle of Retribution”.

- It is at the heart of every major religion.

- If you displease the gods, they will get you … floods, famines, fire, disease are the result of the wrath of the gods.

- If you don’t appease the gods, they will take it out on you.

It’s amazing how many Christians have the same idea about God.

- Many Christians believe that God will reward the people who do good with prosperity … and punish those who do bad with suffering.

We learn this from childhood.

- Good behavior earns you rewards … bad behavior earns you pain or disaster.

We carry this into our Christianity.

- Suffering is a sign that God is displeased with you … prosperity is a sign that God is pleased with you.

- This is where we get the “Name it, Claim it” philosophy.

- i.e., if you have enough faith, God will reward you financially, physically & spiritually.

- If you don’t have enough faith, that’s why you’re sick, poor & unsuccessful.

We get to thinking that when things go right, God is pleased with me.

- AND … when things go wrong, God must be displeased with me.

- That’s not how God works! But that’s how the Thessalonians thought God worked.

THE TRUTH IS … you can be PLEASING God … and everything seems to be going wrong.

- AND … you can be DISPLEASING God … and everything seems to be going right.

The WICKED can PROSPER … and the GODLY can go through TOUGH TIMES.

- I’ve seen it … HAVEN’T YOU?

- David saw it … and it troubled him … Ps. 73:2-3, 5, 12, 16, 21 – all turn

- THEN … David got his answer – 73:16-18

The Thessalonian Christians were under severe persecution … so they thought they must be doing something wrong.

- Paul wrote this letter to clear that up.

1:1-2 – “grace … and peace”

Paul knows that this is what they need right now:

“grace” … to let them know that God is a “gracious” God … Who will give them the faith they need to grow in their persecution … and be victorious.

“peace” … to let them know that God will see them through … and it’s not because they are bad.

1:3 – Paul begins by ENCOURAGING them.

When you’re going through a hard time, you need ENCOURAGEMENT, don’t you?

“thank God” - Paul lets them know that they aren’t a disappointment to him (or God) … but that he thanks God for their faithfulness.

“faith grows exceedingly” – that’s the PURPOSE for trials in our life … to grow our faith.

- If everything went perfectly, we wouldn’t need to trust God for anything, would we?

- “A faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted.”

- “Faith” is like a muscle … it has to be exercised to grow stronger.

This is how God proves whether or not your faith is GENUINE … is it there when you need it?

- An easy life leads you to a shallow faith … a life of trials and tribulations leads you to a strong faith.

- Their strong faith was an answer to Paul’s prayers for them – 1 Thess. 3:10

“love abounds” – This was also an answer to Paul’s prayers for them – 1 Thess. 3:12

- Their suffering not only brought them closer to God … BUT … to EACH OTHER.

That’s WHY God allows trials & suffering into our lives.

- It will do you GOOD! Trust Him on this one!

1:4 – “patience” – Another BLESSING of trials and suffering!

You learn “patience” when you go through hard times.

- If everything went well, you would become very IMPATIENT every time you didn’t get your way.

- When you have to trust God, you learn to PATIENTLY rely and wait on Him for your every need … don’t you?

God is doing great things in their lives through the trials & tribulations they are enduring.

- Paul is telling them to live up to 1 Thess. 5:18 …

“glory in you” … They are a TESTIMONY to other Christians.

- Your life in times of trials will ENCOURAGE other CHRISTIANS … when they see that God is faithful when the going gets tough.

- The LOST will see that Christianity WORKS … that Jesus is REAL … that God is FAITHFUL and can be TRUSTED.

Let me ask you … Are you a MUSHROOM … or a mighty OAK?

- A mushroom will grow overnight … but when trials come, it is easily kicked over.

- A mighty oak takes time … and the winds and drought only cause the roots to grow deeper into the ground.

- SO, when the storms come, it will stand.

1:5 – Their suffering was “manifest evidence” that God was working in their lives.

You want PROOF that God loves you and cares about you?

- THEN … look at your life … Are there trials & troubles? Is God seeing you through it all?

- THEN … God has proven His love to you … 1 Thess. 5:18

- God wouldn’t love you very much if He allowed you to be a MUSHROOM … would He?

When you became a Christian, Satan put a target on your back.

- Because you are a child of God, following Jesus will cause you some problems that wouldn’t otherwise be there if you weren’t a Christian.

- A problem-free, trouble-free, care-free Christian life is IMPOSSIBLE … you have a target on your back.

- Satan WILL throw his fiery darts at you … GUARANTEED!

“righteous judgment” – God isn’t allowing troubles & trials in your life to PUNISH you.

- God isn’t UNFAIR to you, just because He allows you to suffer.

- Just the OPPOSITE.

- He allows suffering because He is “righteous” … and is preparing them to be strong for their life in the present kingdom of God … and preparing them for Heaven.

1:6 – God’s judgment on the LOST is also a “righteous thing”.

God will repay the lost for their causing tribulation to the Thessalonian Christians.

- It may not come in THIS LIFE … but it WILL come.

- A holy and righteous God cannot let sin go unpunished … He CAN’T! … or He wouldn’t be “righteous”.

WHEN is God going to bring judgment to those who are persecuting them?

1:7-8 – When Jesus comes at the RAPTURE (1 Thess. 4:13-18), He will come to take us away from all out trials & suffering.

When Jesus comes at the REVELATION (at the end of the Tribulation Period), He will come to bring judgment to those left behind at the Rapture.

- This is what Paul is speaking of here.

Rom. 12:19 – “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

- We aren’t to seek vengeance … or revenge … it is GOD’S to give.

- Judgment IS coming … God is just & righteous … He HAS to punish the wicked.

- We don’t see a lot of JUSTICE in the world today … but JUSTICE is coming.

HOW is God going to punish the wicked?

1:9 – “everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord”

The lost will be forever separated from God.

- They will reap what they have sown.

- They distanced themselves from God while on earth … God will distance Himself from them for eternity.

“the glory of His power” … How do YOU see God’s POWER?

- The CHRISTIAN sees God’s power as a “glory” … as the glorious presence of God in our life.

- The LOST will not see the “glory” of God’s power … they will see God’s power in judgment, wrath, and vengeance.

What will His coming to judge the lost mean to the Christian?

1:10 – When Jesus comes at the REVELATION, we (who have been raptured) will come with Him.

We will come with Jesus to show off His “glory” … the “glory” of God’s plan of salvation.

- We will be like God’s trophies … the proof of the work of Christ’s atonement for believing sinners.

- We will reflect the glory of God … it will be a victory parade for Jesus … He will be given the glory that He deserves.

RIGHT NOW, Jesus isn’t very highly thought of by the world … He is ridiculed, blasphemed, and thought to be irrelevant.

- BUT … when Jesus comes at the REVELATION, the whole world will marvel at the glory and majesty of Jesus … because of what He has done for us who have believed.

1:11-12 – Paul begins his prayer for them.

“worthy of this calling” – they are encouraged to live up to their calling.

- When our faith is tried, we reveal our worth.

EX.: You don’t know if a bill is counterfeit, UNLESS, you closely examine it.

- When you put it to the test, the genuineness will be revealed.

Paul is telling them that these trials are just proving that their faith is genuine.

- AND … through it all … Jesus will be glorified …will receive all the honor and glory.

CONCLUSION: Romans 8:18

It’s hard to see how all our trials & troubles are a “blessing in disguise”.

- That takes FAITH … BUT … you can trust God that it’s true.


2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

INTRODUCTION: The Thessalonian Christians thought God was

displeased with them because of all the persecution.

- Suffering is not a sign that God is displeased with you …

prosperity is not a sign that God is pleased with you.

- Psalm 73:2-3, 5, 12, 16, 21 … the answer: 73:16-18

1:1-2 – God is a “gracious” God who will give them “peace” to

go through their persecution.

1:3 – Paul encourages them … they aren’t a disappointment to God.

- The purpose of trials is to grow a stronger faith.

- “A faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted.”

- Their “faith” and “love” was an answer to Paul’s prayers for them (1 Thessalonians 3:10,12).

1:4 – Trials makes you “patiently” wait on God for His provision.

- The storms of life will topple a mushroom, but not a mighty oak.

1:5 – Trials & troubles are a proof that God loves you.

- You became a target for Satan when you were saved.

- Trials & troubles are preparing you for kingdom living NOW … and for Heaven later.

1:6 – God’s judgment on the lost is “righteous” … and SURE!

1:7-8 – When Jesus comes at the REVELATION, He will come to bring judgment on the wicked – Romans 12:19

1:9 – God will distance Himself from those who distanced themselves from Him.

- We see God’s power as “glory” … the lost will see God’s power in judgment.

1:10 – We will come back with Jesus at the REVELATION to show off the proof of Christ’s atonement.

- We will reflect the grace of God, giving Him the glory He deserves.

1:11-12 – Paul prays that they will live up to their calling, and reveal the genuineness of their faith because of their persecution.

CONCLUSION: Romans 8:18

- Your trials are a “blessing in disguise” … trust Him!