Summary: 3rd sermon in series Who? Me? A disciple? The primary purpose of this teaching message is to describe the function of the nine spiritual gifts of 1 Cor 12

TITLE: Who? Me? A Disciple? Spiritual Gifts 051903a

TEXT: 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8) To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9) to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10) to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another the ability to speak in different kinds of tongues, an to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11) All these are the work of the one and the same Spirit, and He gives them to each one, just as he determines


A. If you?re going to be a real disciple of Jesus?a learner and a doer?

you?re going to have to get outside yourself. You will not be successful with all your striving in natural strength.

ILL. Has your boss, parent, teacher ever given you a task to do that was completely beyond you?even impossible? How did that make you feel? You probably became so exasperated that you did even start to try.

1. John 14:12 12I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me,

you will do the same things that I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father.

--How frustrating is this to any one who knows just a little bit of

what Jesus accomplished?

2. A disciple is really one who has accepted the task of continuing the

earthly ministry of Jesus. Since Jesus ministry was a miracle ministry, you will get real frustrated if you are counting on some natural ability you were born with to compete a supernatural task.

3. What are we missing? What?s the missing ingredient? It is

impossible to be a disciple of Jesus in this literal sense with out the Holy Spirit and the special abilities that He gives. These abilities are called gifts.

4. This morning I am going to give you an introduction on the 9 gifts

of the Spirit as listed in 1 Corinthians 12. This is not the only list of gifts in the Bible. There is one in Romans 12 and another in Ephesians 4 I will primarily consider the gifts as listed in 1 Corinthians 12 .

5. I?m even going to give you a little breakdown of each gift and how if

fits into the biblical context of living as a part of the body of Christ.

TS. But before we talk about what spiritual gifts are, to avoid

misunderstanding let consider what...


A. Let?s first clear up some misunderstanding about the gifts I have

heard people struggling with through the years. Here?s what spiritual gifts are not:

1. Spiritual gifts are not natural talents. Though you may have the

propensity to receive certain gifts due to faith and experience. The gifts do not become part of your natural ability. You are not the one to decide when the gifts are to be used?that is left to the sovereign will of God of God that you.

a. Talents are usually physical. Annette has been blessed by God

with the physical talent of being able to sing well. I have practiced ten times the amount of time that she has practiced in her lifetime but I will never be able to sing as well as she does.

b. Sometimes people ask Jim-how did you get to play the guitar so

well, it must be a gift, I?ve heard Jim say, ?I?ve been practicing since I was 7 years old?there?s not magic about it.?

c. The Bible teaches that God has given people certain talents?

these they are often able to use or misuse at will.

2. They are NOT ?The Fruit of the Spirit? (Gal 5:22-23). 22God?s

Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 23gentle, and self-controlled.

a. These things though marking a miraculous change in most of us

when we truly give Jesus the reigns of our lives are not in the same category as gifts. These will naturally mark your days without you even thinking about them

b. They are the expected outcome of God?s work in our lives ?

developed, not discovered.

3. They are not ?Counterfeit? Gifts. Interpretation of Omens,

Extrasensory Perception, Channeling.

ILL. I?ve heard people talk about a friend of a member of their family who could tell you that the phone was going to ring before it rang. We?ve heard of people who can make warts go away, call fire out, divine for water. Incidentally. When I first met my friend Larry, he could divine water. I watched him do it with a peach limb?it was kind of spooky. But after he accepted Jesus?that ability went away.


A. A distinct and supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to

accomplish God?s will and purpose. This is most always miraculous.

1. If there is something that we can change with physical or mental

strength in order that it might line up with God?s will, we ought to do it. But so often there is no physical way of accomplishing this.

2. God?s will usually entails overturning the work the devil has

accomplished in someone?s life situation. The devil doesn?t often yield to human strength, willpower or wisdom.

3. spiritual gifts are for the building up of the body of Christ. I think it is

a high insult to God when a person pridefully uses knowledge of the gifts to bring dissension to a body of believers

4. The gifts are from God, to every believer, not for themselves, not

for gaining notoriety or respect, but for the whole body. It?s hugely important to understand that last part. They?re not give to boost your ego, but to boost the whole body. It?s not to give you self-identity or self-worth.

B. There are three different words used in the original Greek to describe

our english rendering, "Gifts".

1. Charisma - Grace (Undeserved Favor). Found in Romans 12.

2. Pneumatos - Spiritual matters [things]. Found in I Corinthians 12.

3. Dorea - Gift (General). Found in Ephesians 4.

C. What are these Gifts???

1. Romans 12:6ff (Charisma Gifts) Prophesying, Serving, Teaching,

Encouraging, Giving, Leadership, Mercy.

2. I Corinthians 12 (Pneumatikos Gifts) Message of Wisdom,

Message of Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miraculous Powers, Prophecy, Discernment, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues.

3. Ephesians 4 (Derea Gifts) Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists,

Pastors, Teachers. These are offices to which people are supernaturally called.


A. Alright, now the good part: What?s the point? Can we truly function

without the use of these gifts? Do they still apply today.

1. There is a myth circulating that Spiritual Gifts are not longer in

operation since the completion of the Cannon of Scripture (The Bible). Harry thoroughly handled this misinterpretation of I Corinthians 13:8-12. Everyone who prophesies will stop, and unknown languages will no longer be spoken. All that we know will be forgotten. (perhaps some of you feel this way, but it hasn?t happened) 9We don?t know everything, and our prophecies are not complete. 10But what is perfect will someday appear, (the Bible? No!) and what isn?t perfect will then disappear. 11When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways. 12Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. (this hasn?t happened unless you are dead) We don?t know everything, but then we will (Some people think they do, but neither has this happened) , just as God completely understands us.

2. Also, please know that this poorly devised doctrine did not exist prior

to 1906. As far as my studies have taken me, 1906 is when this theory of "Perfection" (v. 10) - as the completion of the Cannon - was brought onto the doctorine scene.

B. Let?s describe the gifts of 1 Cor 12. I will also give examples of

how I have seen these gifts in operation. But these are probably classes of gifts with a variety of ways in which they can be manifested.

1. The Message of Wisdom is given to meet the need of some

particular occasion or problem. It is not dependant on human ability. Through this gift supernatural insight is given?how to act, what to say in a particular situation.

a. It is linked closely with the message of knowledge?which is

information that God himself whispers in your ear. It is not always for public discloser.

b. A message of wisdom will supernaturally enable you to act upon

information you know however you received it. Wisdom is the right application of knowledge.

2. The Message of Knowledge. Knowledge of God. Knowledge of

on going situations. Much is said in the Bible of divine knowledge that God longs to impart to people.

a. Paul told the Colossians 1:9 9We have not stopped praying

for you since the first day we heard about you. In fact, we always pray that God will show you everything he wants you to do and that you may have all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.

b. I depend upon this gift regularly. When I?m trying to teach on a

passage of scripture, sometimes I don?t know what it means. I pray and ask God to help me understand.

c. There have been times that God has told me things that were

going on that I had no physical way of knowing in some other way.

d. When counseling He?ll tell me things like-?Joe is still smoking

pot even though he is denying it. Upon further investigation?I often find these little messages to be true.

e. I often must wait upon the message of wisdom to know how to

act upon the knowledge He has imparted.

f. And not to be silly or trite. Sometimes I have prayed for a

message of knowledge of where I have misplaced my car keys.

3. Faith?as a gift is something different from saving faith and also

from faithfulness?which is a fruit of the Spirit. It is faith of the sort that moves mountains?faith exhibited by the heroes of Hebrews 11.

a. It?s the act of being emptied of doubt so that you can just

completely believe that God is going to keep His promise?act in a supernatural way?that He is going to sustain even in that period of hardship.

b. I?ve seen it sweep over a body of believers to raise the level of

expectation of something God was getting ready to do in their company.

c. This gift is related closely to the next two.

4. Gifts of Healings (both plural in Greek) This gift takes a variety of

forms. Some take this to mean that certain individuals are gifted to heal one sort of disease or sickness. Example: Philip was used especially in the healing of the paralyzed and the lame. Acts 8:7 describes that Philip was used to heal a lot of crippled people.

a. Others would say that it means that God doesn?t appoint some

to the office of healers, but that the Holy Spirit would provide a new ministry of healing for each need as it arises.

b. There is know evidence that the apostles were able to heal

when ever they felt like it. Oral Roberts was challenged one time: ?If you have the gift, why don?t you stroll through the cancer ward on a regular basis?? This describes a severe misconception of the gift of healing.

5. Miraculous Powers. (both plural again) suggesting many varieties

of deed of supernatural power?beyond what any man can do-- are available.

a. The Greek word for Powers?dunameonis used almost

exclusively of the activity of God...or of Satan. Therefore this gift is especially useful in connection with the conflict between God and Satan. Acts of power bringing defeat to God and Satan. Then this would certainly include the casting out of demons

b. Jesus used this gift in raising the dead, quieting the storm,

walking on the water, feeding the 5,000.

6. Prophecy. This is more than just the gift of being to tell of things

that will happen the in future. In fact so far as the ?gift of prophecy? is concerned that does not seem to be its main purpose. Consider this verse about prophecy: 1 Corinthians 14:24,25 24But suppose all of you are prophesying when those unbelievers and outsiders come in. They will realize that they are sinners, and they will want to change their ways because of what you are saying. 25They will tell what is hidden in their hearts. Then they will kneel down and say to God, "We are certain that you are with these people."

a. The gift of prophecy will convince the unbeliever so that he will

be convicted and turn to God. Sometimes by another individual revealing thinks that he thought were well hidden.

b. In the Bible, this gift was available to any member of the

congregation, not just to those who had a regular ministry as prophets. It is one of the gifts that Paul encourages everyone to seek since its purpose is for building up the church.

c. The Holy Spirit does more than inspire people to proclaims the

facts of the gospel, rather He enables them to present them in such a way that people will be convinced and begin to feel their need for salvation.

7. Distinguishings between spirits. (not a type-o, also plural in Greek

indicating a variety of ways in which this gift may be manifested). It is mentioned directly after the gift of prophecy because on of the uses is to judge the origin of prophecy. Is it a product of the will of God? Was it inspired demonically? Was it the vain though eloquent manipulation of an individual?

a. The ability to judge what is the motivation behind someone?s

words or actions: good? evil? truth? deception?

b. This gift helps you to make decisions.

c. 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, don?t believe everyone who claims

to have the Spirit of God. Test them all to find out if they really do come from God. Many false prophets have already gone out into the world,

d. Like all the other gifts, this does not raise a person to a new

level of ability. It is a specific gift give for a specific occasion.

8. Tongues. The purpose of this gift is to build up the church, not

divide it or tear it down as it has often been used. It is the ability to proclaim the glory of God in a language one has not learned?This is different from devotional tongues, often called the prayer language which has often been described in Bible.

a. Believers used their tongues, their muscles. They spoke. But

words did not come from their minds, but from the Holy Spirit.

b. When this gift is given, it needs to be accompanied by the final

gift in 1 Cor 12...

9. Interpretation of Tongues. This is giving the meaning or the

essential content of the message given in tongues. Psalm 23:1 is only 4 words in Hebrew, but it takes 9 words to translate it into good English.

a. The gift does not imply knowledge of the language. It is

recieved from the Holy Spirit.

b. The gift may come by vision, by burden, by suggestion as the

Holy Spirit may choose.


A. I often hesitate offering a teaching message like the one I have given

today. Those I count as confidants often ask why? Why don?t you teach more. Here?s why:

1. People?s response to teaching is often this: ?I didn?t know that. Why

that is very interesting. I?ve never thought of it that way before. Thank you for informing me.?

2. The response I really feel is most appropriate from everyone in the

place to a Sunday morning message is the same sort of response Peter?s hearer?s offered in Acts 2:37 ...They asked Peter and the other apostles, "Friends, what shall we do?"

3. What shall we do with the information we have just received? I

think that we should express our desire that these things become a normal though supernatural part of or daily Christian lives and our act of worship.

4. I challenge you to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit like the believers

did through prayer in Acts 2

5. Remember Luke 11:9-13 9So I tell you to ask and you will

receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. 10Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find, and the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. 11Which one of you fathers would give your hungry child a snake if the child asked for a fish? 12Which one of you would give your child a scorpion if the child asked for an egg? 13As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks.


Mike Spain, Sermon: Spiritual Gifts (a Sermon Central contributor)


Stanley M. Horton, What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit.