Summary: True Spirituality comes to us by knowing the mind of Christ.

Knowing the Mind of Christ TLC 6/01/03 1 Cor. 2:12

The Apostle Paul wrote to a Church at Corinth to correct some serious problems that existed in that church. The church was full of envy, strife, divisions, immorality, false teaching, and inconsistency.

Some were saying that they followed Paul, some were saying that they followed Appolos, some were saying that they followed Cepahs, and then there were others that said that they followed Christ. There were cliques in the church. There were big I’s and Little U’s. They were going to court against each other, and One man was having relations with his father’s wife. In other words that church was in a mess.

They were depending upon attendance rather than atonement.

They were depending on faithfulness rather than forgiveness.

They were depending upon denomination rather than regeneration.

They were depending upon membership rather than discipleship.

But inspite of their envy, their strife, their divisions, their immorality, their false teaching and inconsistiencies, they prided themselves in being super-spiritual. But Paul said, not only were they not super-spiritual, they were babes in Christ.

(Watch me now,) some of them were putting on a show, acting like they were holier than thou. They tried to mimic lifting up Holy hands. They tried to fake speaking in tongues. They tried to act like they were pure, Holy and undefiled.

They pretended that they were sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. And even though the members of the Corinthian church were gifted, they were carnal, immature and unspiritual.

Some of us today are still putting on a show. We are trying to appear spiritual, when in fact we are walking according to the flesh.

Isn’t it ironic that even today that there are many folk who act like they are so spiritual are actually still babes in Christ. Folk who have been in the church 20, 30 and 40 years, you would be surprised about the things that they don’t know about Christ.

Our relationship with Christ is spiritual. Our new nature receives from the Spirit of God a new position in Christ. We are no longer under the law of sin but we are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

Man is a triune being, “body, soul, and spirit.” The natural man, which is the flesh, is under the dominion of the soul, I call that the animal life. The spirit must be born again before we can comprehend the things of the spirit. The things of the spirit is foolishness to a person who is under the animal life.

Those under the animal life thinks that its foolish for us to get up early on a hot Sunday morning and put on a suit and necktie and to put on stockings and a dress to come out here to this place to worship the Lord.

Those under the animal life thinks it’s foolish for you to give your money to the church in tithes and offerings. Those under the animal life thinks its foolish to pray to a God that you cannot see. Those under the animal life thinks it’s foolish to follow the man of God who is no more than a man just like yourself. Those under the animal life thinks it’s foolish to give God some praise.

The word spiritual means “pertaining to the spirit”. In order for a person to be spiritual, they must be indwelt, filled, taught, and lead by the Spirit of God. Paul says in Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.” The word “walk” in the Greek means to march with, to keep step with. It is a military term which implies following a leader or commander. For us to be truly spiritual we must march in step with the Holy Spirit and let him control our lives.

The goal of this message is to challenge us at Truth and Light to be for real in Christ and not only to be for real in Christ but to be for real with Christ.

There are three things I want to point out this morning to let us know what true spirituality really is.

I. True Spirituality means living for the Savior. Notice I didn’t say living for me, Pastor Johnson, nor living for Elder xxxxxx, but I’m talking about living for the saviour. For Paul, Christ was the reason for living. The man or woman who lives for Christ has everything to live for. Life is worth living only when we live for Christ. He can bring meaning and purpose to life. We ought to get to a point where we say for God I’ll live and for God I’ll surely die.

Some folk maybe living for money and possessions? But when death comes what will they have. The bible says what does it profit a man to gain this whole world and loose his soul.

Some maybe living for comfort? But what will happen when disease comes or strategy strikes; or death knocks on your door. What will it profit you?

Some maybe living for a position? They want to be in control of something. But what happens when you are edged out, by-passed, demoted, laid off or fired? What will that position profit you?

Somebody maybe living for their family, their wife and kids. But what if your family is suddenly taken from you? What good will that family do you when you stand face to face with Christ at the Judgement Seat?

You may be living for recognition. You may be living for honor. You may be living for popularity. You may be living for recreation. But it won’t last. One Song writer said, “You may build great cathedrals large or small, you can build skyscrapers grand and tall, you may conquer all the failures of the past, but only what you do for Christ will last.”

II. True Spirituality is loving the Word of God.

2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” The Word “inspiration” in the Greek means “to breathe.” The scripture is the very breath of God. It is given for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. It is not man’s ideas. It is the very heart and mind of God. It is God’s message to mankind. The more we study it, the more we learn it, the more we obey it the more we practice it, the more spiritual we will become.

The bible is a book of Truth. It doesn’t just contain truth, but it is the Truth. The writer of Psalm says “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Without the word of God you and I are walking in darkness. It is through the word of God that you and I have been born again. For the bible says that whosoever believeth and is Baptized shall be saved. Ro 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

The word of God enables us to grow. The reason we have so many spiritual midgets in God’s work today is because we don’t study the Word of God so that we might apply it to our lives and grow. A Christian who is careless in his bible reading will be careless in his Christian living. We ought to study the word so that we can show ourselves approved and workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

III. True Spirituality is Laboring in Service. (If when you give the best of your service... telling the world that the savior has come. Be not dismayed if men don’t believe you. He will understand and say well done.)

In Exodus 35, when they were outfitting the Tabernacle, the Scripture says in v21, “And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him up, and everyone whom his spirit made willing,” We have more than enough people for the service of the Lord. God is looking for somebody who is willing to go.

Isaiah said, “Here am I, send me.” We ought to say like Isaiah said, Truth and Light, Here am I send me. I may be young, old, blind, motherless… The saved should want to serve and ought to serve the Lord. We should be willing to go all the way.

We talk about what we ought to do, but nobody wants to do it. Our Lord wants heart-service, not head-service. What we do in this church we ought to do because we love the Lord. You are not doing it for me, I have no Heaven neither no Hell to put you in. I’m trying to see Jesus for myself.

We should surrender our time, our talent, our offering, and talk to the Lord. We are to submit ourselves unto the Lord, Holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service.

Getting to know the Lord, and establishing a relationship with him is a life long process. Each day brings me closer than the last. I’m not what I should be, but I’m glad that I’m what I used to be. I heard somebody say that every day with Jesus is sweater than the day before. Do you want to know him better today than you did yesterday? Do you want to have a closer relationship with him today than you did yesterday?

To really know the Lord, you have to know what he is all about. Paul tells us to “Let this mind be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus.” Not only did he talk the talk, he walked the walk. His mission was to redeem a sin-sick world. His motives were to bring glory and honor to his Father. His ministry was to liberate, and set the captives free. His message was, repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

I’m glad this morning that I know Jesus for myself. Long ago, I did not know nothing about Jesus and his love. I had heard about him, but I’ve never felt that manner that come from above. When in this old life of sin, I could no longer stand I asked my mother how could I get to know the man, she said, you must be, don’t you see you got to be born again.