Summary: Jesus uses a "problem at a wedding" to demonstrate his great power. As he changed the water into wine, he still changes lives today.

“A Problem At The Wedding”

John 2:1-11

Joke: Where were you on my wedding day ?

Wedding are supposed to be joyful events. Do you remember your wedding day ? Of coure you do. Was it joyful ? Wait a minute maybe you shouldn’t answer that..........Let me ask this.......did everything go as planned. They seldom go off without a hitch.

Wedding make me nervous.......I’m afraid I’m going to mess up the wedding.......and then the couple, and family will never speak to me again.

I’d had my share of unusual weddings.....and ceremonies.

Ex. Wedding in front yard....everyone sitting on tailgates of trucks.

Who gives this woman to be married to this man ?

Mixing up the vows

Illust. Funniest home video......priests robe catching afire.

Joke: I read about one wedding where the wife to be was very nervous naturally and so the pastor chose a verse that he hoped would diminish the fear. The verse was 1 John 4:18....”There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth off fear.”

The pastor thought it would be a nice gesture if the best man read the verse. Well.....the best man was not a church goer, and did not know the difference between 1 John and the gospel of John......As instructed at the wedding the best man introduced the reading by saying that the pastor felt this was a apt verse for Sue, the wife to be. However instead of reading 1 John 4:18 he read John 4:18 which reads......”You have five husbands, and the one that you now have is not your husband.”

Ok.....enough of that. Let’s look at our text today.

1. Wedding Is Celebrated.

Though wedding are big events in our society, our’s pale in comparison to the Jewish weddings of Jesus day. The wedding ceremony would take place late in the evening after a time of feasting. Sometimes it would be around midnight before the acutual wedding would take place. The wedding would take place at the grooms house, and the groom’s family footed the bill for the entire events. Whenever the groom was ready, he would send his friends to the house of the bride......and along the route would let it be know n that the wedding procession was about to begin. After arriving at the location of the bride...the father of the bride would take his daughter on his arm, and with the wedding party in tow, would parade through the streets of the village so that everyone could come out and congratulate the bride. They would always take the longest route so that everyone could congratulate them and join in the festivities. For the most part, everyone along the route of the procession was to join in. The procession was quite a beautiful and moving sight as they marched through the streets carrying torches, and shouting and singing with great joy.

Finally the wedding party would arrive at the home of the groom. The wedding actually took place in the front door of the grooms house. It was no short ceremony….no the festivities lasted for days. It was a time of great celebration.

After the wedding ceremony the bride and groom walked through the streets accompanied by flaming torches. Their attendants walked with them keeping a canopy over their heads. The wedding supper followed.

There was no such thing as a honeymoon! No, the couple kept open house for a week. They were treated like royalty. They dressed in fancy clothes and many times actually wore crowns on their heads. Whatever desire they spoke for…they received. Their word was law!

The grooms family was expected to provide all the refreshments for the festivities which could last as long as a week.

In our text this morning we see such a celebration taking place. And Jesus was invited along with his disciples. Can’t you just imagine the great celebration....friends, families, neighbors celebrating the joyful occassion.

And just think that the couple invited Jesus, and was blessed by his presence. To decline such a invitation was considered a gross insult.

Let me ask you.....was Jesus invited to your wedding ? Were you blessed by his presence ? Or perhaps since that time you have dedicated your home, your family, your children to the Lord, and are honored by his presence. It’s not to late even now to invite Jesus to be present in your family blessing you, and helping you !

However, this wedding like most does not go off without a problem.

2. Wine Is Consumed.

This message is not intended to deal with alcoholic I’m not going to spend any time dealing with that subject at this time.

Can you imagine having a wedding party or a reception, and the food or drink runs out before everyone is served or before the party is over.

This would show a lack of planning and would be cause of great embarrasment.

The Jewish people equated wine and joy. To have a party, and not have any wine present to drink was like having no joy.

* Though much was provided.....all was spent. Though this world offers us much......all will be spent, and we shall still be in want. Though this world may bring us temporary joy, it shall still leave us wanting more.

What do you do when your joy is gone ? Where do we turn ? Where do we go when you’re just going through the motions, just occupying space....when life has become a drudgery ?

The folks at the wedding were thirsty for joy......for excitement in their lives.......the supply had run dry.

3. Woman Is Concerned.

Thank God for people who see a need, and are concerned....and are moved to do something about it.

The fact that Mary concerns herself with the problem shows her character.

It also may mean that the bridegroom may possibly have been a member of her family. Perhaps the family of the bridegroom was poor and though they had worked hard to make it a wonderful celebration, the expense was too much. She does what all of us should do, and that is take our concerns to the Lord Jesus.

4. Word Is Conveyed.

Though Jesus had not yet preached any messages or performed any miracles, the fact that Mary expects Jesus to do something is evident.

When she said to Jesus, “they have no wine”........I believe she was also suggesting......what are you going to do about it ?

The words that Jesus speaks to his mother almost seem harsh, rude and rebuking......but the term woman in that day......was a term of endearment. Remember that on the cross in his final minutes he spoke the same term when he said to Mary and John......”Woman behold thy Son”

Notice the faith that Mary has........she instructs the servants to do whatever they are told to do by Jesus. Listen to him she is saying, and follow his instructions. Jesus turns his attention to six stone waterpots which are sitting closeby....these were actually there for the purpose of ceremonially cleansing. Each pot could hold 20 to 30 gallons of the total capacity is in the neighborhood of 120-180 gallons.

Notice the words of Jesus....”Fill the waterpots with water” I wonder if there were any raised eyebrows when Jesus instructed them to do this...

I wonder if anyone mumbled.......”we don’t want water.....we want wine”

Nevertheless the servants did as they were instructed. They filled them to the brim.

The waterpots usually held water that was used for the outward cleansing, but Jesus is about to offer something far better........he is offering, and offers to you and I........internal cleansing.

God looks on the inside....and the Lord is concerned with our inward Spiritual cleansing.

5. The Water Is Changed.

Joke: Praise the Lord.....he did it again.

Jesus now instructs the servant to draw out some of the water, and bear it to the governor of the feast. The water was changed into wine without Jesus touching it.....without the disciples touching it......without him speaking any words. When it was changed, we do not know.......was it changed as it was drawn out......we can’t be for sure.....but one thing for certain....when the governor of the feast had tasted it......he said.........You have saved the best for last !

Jesus made the comparison at the Last Supper between the fruit of the vine, and his blood being shed for us.

The Lord Jesus Christ is able to change us......just as he changed the water into blood. He can fill the emptiness......the thirst in our life. He that changed the water into wine is the river that we can drink is an inexhaustible supply.

This morning would you come to the one that changed the water into that he can change you. He stands ready, and able to forgive you of your sins, and give you new life in him.

Christian is there something in your life which has dammed up your flow of you need to come this morning confessing your sin, and asking the Lord to restore unto you the joy of your salvation ?