Summary: THIS MORNING – Palm Sunday, we will see that Jesus came to be our king!!!

He Came To Be Our King

What Jesus Came To Do – part three

TODAY – is our 3rd week in our series, What Jesus Came To Do. SO – far we have seen that Jesus came to seek and save the lost (why? Because lost people (regardless of age, color, education, looks or social standing) matter to God; because lost people are valuable God and because The Father desires that all lost people come home…

AND – last wee we saw that Jesus also came to replace rules with relationships… LISTEN – Jesus Christ brought in the new and better way of relating to God – not through rules that are a burden and that we could never live up to – BUT – through relationships… We know that Jesus came to usher in the era of relationship because of they way in came – (he became one of us; because of what he did – (he nailed the rule book to the cross & he hung out with people…people like me & you…) AND because of what he said – (that God is our Dad & that we are his friends…)

THIS MORNING – Palm Sunday, we will see that Jesus came to be our king!!!


It’s six days before the Passover, in less then a week Jesus would be hanging on a cross. But right now Jesus is in Bethany a small village about 2 miles east of Jerusalem. He is at the home of Simon the leper having a meal. At the dinner are: the 12 disciples, Mary, Martha and Lazarus (who Jesus had just raised from the dead a few days earlier) they were giving a dinner in honor of Jesus.

TRY – to picture the scene…. They are reclining at the table eating and talking… QUESTION – what kind of conversations to you think were going on? NOW - I am pretty confident that some there had to have a few questions for Lazarus….

Lazarus what was it like to be dead?

Lazarus do you remember anything?

Did you see anything?

Did you hear Jesus shout from outside the tomb?

Others were probably talking to Jesus asking him questions and recounting recent events....

“SO – Jesus the greatest really is the one who serves?

AND – those 2 commands really are the greatest and sum up everything (Love God/Love people)?”

“Jesus – do you remember the look that Zacheus had on his face when you looked at him up in that tree and told him that you were going to go over to house… AND – I don’t think ever saw anyone so joyful as he was after he heard the good news… he was so pumped up – I’d almost thought he’d burst…”

And still others were saying things such as, "pass the gravy -- and hey Pete how come you always take the biggest lamb chop.. Just a bunch of friends who had shared so much having a meal together, enjoying each others company --laughing telling jokes and having a good time.

AND SUDDENLY – their conversations were interrupted by the sound of breaking glass… And they thought that Ol’ Martha must have dropped something – (and maybe they even applauded in jest like we do sometimes...) BUT - then they noticed a strong aroma filling the entire room - it was the aroma of expensive perfume....

And they looked over at Jesus, and saw Mary kneeling at the master’s feet, pouring perfume on them and drying his feet with her hair... NOW - Mary did this, because she loved Jesus -- and she wanted to do something for Jesus -- and something inside her told her to do it now... "Mary don’t wait, you need to do it now, you might not have another chance, so do it while you still can." So she did...

Now the practical disciples and Judas the thief, rebuked Mary for what they thought was a waste, saying that they could have sold the perfume and used the money to help the poor…

QUESTION – was it a waste to pour perfume worth a years wages on someone’s feet? Was it worth it to pour $35,000 worth of perfume on the feet of Jesus? Was Jesus worth that much?

WELL – it all depends on whether or not Jesus was who he said he was…. UNDERSTAND – if Jesus was not who said he was – THEN to even wash his feet with dirty dish water would have been a waste… BUT LISTEN – if Jesus really was God in the flesh, if Jesus really was the Messiah, If He really was the Savior of the world, THEN – if Mary was somehow on that night, able to put all the wealth of the entire world into that small bottle and pour on the feet of Jesus it would not be waste – it would be worth it..!

QUESTION – is it a waste to give 10% of you income each week?

Is it waste to keep your faith promise and building for life commitments?

Is it a waste to give all the money to the church?

Is it waste to give your time, energy and effort to the church?

Is it waste to put the church [body & bride of Christ] above all else (family, career, your wants and desires)?

WELL – it all depends, on whether or not Jesus is who he said he was… UNDERSTAND – if Jesus really was God in the flesh, if Jesus really was the Messiah, If He really was the Savior of the world, THEN – he is worth everything we have and everything we are!!!

THEY – rebuked Mary for the waste, but they were quickly stopped by Jesus who rebuked them saying, "Leave her alone, it was intended that she should save this for my burial…you will always have the poor among, you but you won’t always have me…”

"My Burial", The disciples didn’t like to hear Jesus talk that way… To talk about his death and burial.. It always made them feel uncomfortable to think about Jesus dying and no longer being with them, they didn’t understand it at all, it didn’t make sense... SO – they quickly let those words slide from their minds, and went back to their lamp chops and much more pleasant conversations…

Meanwhile back in Jerusalem, the Holy City was swelling as thousands of pilgrims flooded the city of David to participate in the Passover feast -- the numbers often reached as high nearly 2 to 3 million.

But this year as the faithful pilgrims arrived, they had more than the Passover Feast on their minds.... LISTEN - Jesus was on the lips and in the thoughts and minds of nearly everyone in Jerusalem. YOU SEE - word of his miracles had spread like a brush fire: the feeding of the 5,000, the healing of leprosy, the restoring of sight -- the lame made to walk, the forgiving of sins, the raising from the dead of Lazarus and the powerful encounters with the Jewish leaders....

UNDERSTAND - the multitudes in Jerusalem were with great intensity looking for Jesus... they went to the market place, they looked in the temple and they asked one another,

”What do you think?

Is He coming?

Is Jesus coming to the feast?

Man, I hope he does

I mean, we could witness something incredible this Passover

Maybe, the Messiah’s Kingdom will come now

Oh, we better be quiet, here comes some Temple guards

They’re looking for Jesus too

I heard that the Pharisees and priests have put a price on his head

Maybe, he won’t come

Do you really think that he is the Messiah…”

NOW - it wasn’t long before word of Jesus being in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper (along with Lazarus) reached Jerusalem.... And thousands of people quickly left the city in an excited state. To not only see Jesus, but to also see Lazarus who had been raised from the dead.

AND - when the well adorned Jewish leaders in their long flowing robes saw the crowds leaving they asked; “where are the people going, why are they leaving the city...” The answer – was not too well received……. SO - they said to themselves, "Well, my friends it looks like it’s time to get rid of these Jesus once and for all – and while we are at it – we best take out Lazarus as well….”

So Jesus sets out from Bethany heading towards God’s holy City, and when he arrived in Bethpage on the Mount of Olives he called 2 of his disciples to Him ....


So the 2 left the large group and headed for the village just up the dirt road. I wonder which two went? Peter? James? Andrew? Nathaniel? What do you think they talked about on the way? Do you think they wondered that with such a large crowd everywhere, that it would be impossible to find a donkey and a colt tied up? Do you think they were asking each other, "do you really think we should just untie the colt and take it?"

But as they were talking they looked up ahead and saw the colt and her mother tied up, just as Jesus had said. So they untied it, and as they were leaving the owner came out (probably a little on edge with the Passover taking place... the noise the crowd walking by his house-- day and night. Much like people who live right next to a stadium during a big game...He was probably keeping a close vidual to make sure his property was safe), the owner said to them, "hey what are you 2 guys doing with my colt and donkey" -- And the disciples replied as Jesus had told them, "The Lord has need of them." And they left with the colt and her mother.

WHEN – they got back to where Jesus was they took off their coats and put them on the colt and Jesus sat down.

UNDERSTAND - Jesus, could have walked into Jerusalem on that Sunday morning nearly 2,000 years ago, but he rode in on the colt of a donkey (NOW – a donkey, was a respected animal back then and it was what a king road on when he wanted people to know that he came in peace)..

AND LISTEN – doing this was not only a sign that Jesus came in peace – but it was also a graphic and symbolic claim that He was the Messiah.. CHECKOUT – what the prophet Zechariah wrote in Zechariah 9:9,10 [Zechariah was a prophet who lived many years after Jerusalem had been conquered by the Babylonians]…

“Rejoice greatly, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey--even on a donkey’s colt. I will remove the battle chariots from Israel and the warhorses from Jerusalem, and I will destroy all the weapons used in battle. Your king will bring peace to the nations. His realm will stretch from sea to sea and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.”

NOW WHEN – Zechariah spoke those words to God’s people it had been 70 years since Israel had had a king on the throne. AND – when Jesus came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey fulfilling that prophecy – it had been 600 years since Israel had, had a King on the throne…

AND – perhaps even more significant is that fact, that when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday – it had been over 1,000 years since Israel had rejected God as their king. Let me refresh your memory a little…

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt after 400 years of being slaves…

When Moses died, Joshua became the nation’s leader and he conquered the promise land

After this conquest God’s people settled in the land

For the next 300+ years the Israelites were ruled and lead by Judges (Deborah, Gideon, Samson and the last judge (Samuel) was also a prophet.. And Samuel records these words in the 8th chapter of his first book…

“…all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, "You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have." But when they said, "Give us a king to lead us," this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD . And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods…”

-1 Samuel 8:4-7

LISTEN – it had been 1000 years since God’s people had rejected God as their King… 1000 years since they had in effect driven him at of their city and their lives… BUT – on the first Palm Sunday God comes riding back in again – proclaiming to all that he is the one and only king – that he is the king of kings…

Earlier thousands (after the feeding of the 5,000) wanted to make Jesus "King" but Jesus withdrew from them because it was not the right time.

AND - many times Jesus had told people not to tell of the miracles he had performed… UNDERSTAND - for nearly 33 years Jesus had purposely stayed out the lime light (as much as possible – when you do what he did, say what he said) – BECAUSE it was not time yet. But now the time has come (the tree is ripe) and Jesus announces that He is indeed the King, but not according to the plan of man, but rather according to the plan of God, as revealed by his prophets in His Holy Word.

Jesus enters Jerusalem royally. Jesus enters Jerusalem freely, He is not a victim -- he is not a prisoner. Jesus did not hide and He did not hurry. Jesus did it His way and on His time schedule.. And Jesus was not afraid. He did not try to secretly slip into the city. NO - Jesus acted deliberately and with purpose as he rode into the city.

LISTEN – Jesus knew that his enemies would be watching when he rode into town and he wanted them to see Him being treated like a king. It was as if he was saying to them, "Look, I know you’re going to drag me into court and treat me like a criminal, but before you do, I want you to take one more look at the real me. I want you to have one more chance to step out and join the parade..."’

You see, the time had come for the great struggle to BOTH, begin and end -- it was high noon time.. The hour had arrived for the world/mankind to make the ultimate decision, (to either acknowledge her King or to renounce Him). The time had come for Jesus to fight the great battle with, satan, sin and death...

The moment was at hand for Jesus to finish the work that the father had sent him to do (the work of redemption). The time had come for the King to claim His rightful throne.

PICTURE – the scene, Jesus is riding towards the Holy city, surround by thousands of people. With every step the excitement and energy reached higher epic proportions... It was like a volcano that had suddenly erupted with tremendous power after weeks and months of shaking and smoking....

UNDERSTAND - the people after waiting months for Jesus to make his claim... Now they see him making it. And their joy and emotion erupted and it’s fall out was flowing down the winding road from Bethany to Jerusalem.

Matthew says that the whole city was stirred... The word Matthew uses here that is translated stirred is "seismos", which means quaking, trembling... where we derive our word seismograph. A city swelled to nearly 3 million was exploding with excitement, it was an emotional earthquake. Jesus was surround by thousands were following him... And thousands more as he neared the city, came rushing out to meet him...

The one everyone was talking about, The one that had performed mighty miracles, The one everyone was hoping would show up was here... They were literally in a state of frenzied euphoria.

This crowd of thousands began taking off their coats and laying them on the road on which Jesus was riding... Many of them climbed palm trees and cut off branches to throw down for the colt to walk upon.

Still others waved the palm branches back and forth, (palm branches are an emblem of victory and restoration, Rev 7:9).

AND - these people felt that victory and restoration was riding right before their very eyes on a colt... (and, they were right, but they were wrong about how it would happen).

And then the streets erupted with the sounds of praises, of singing, of shouting...

”Hosanna (save us now we pray) - Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!" (Matthew) Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" (Luke)

The people are shouting king, but the robe he is wearing is not royal – it is homespun and seamless… And he is not riding in on a powerful stallion or is he surrounded by a mighty army and royal attendants… NO – his court is made up of fishermen, tax collectors, JUST an array of common people… YET – no pageant that ever passed through the streets of any city has so set it’s mark on time as this one… The triumphal entries of the Roman and other empires have long since been forgotten, BUT – this one in every detail, is known and retold year after year – century after century…

QUESTION - wouldn’t you have loved to been there --- wouldn’t you have loved to be in that shouting, singing crowd as the King of Kings, As the Son of God, As Jesus our Lord and Savior rode triumphantly into Jerusalem.

You know, there is something that happened on the ride into Jerusalem that we do not talk about too often... In fact for years I never even noticed that this event was even part of this ride of triumph... I don’t know why, I mean it had been there all the while in the black and white of God’s Word, but somehow I’ve always looked over them. I guess I have always been so caught up in the crowd, the shouts of Hosanna, the palm branches the excitement -- that this event just slipped right by me...

I guess it is easy to do, perhaps you have never noticed this event either... And if you have missed it... Do you know what? You are not alone…. YOU SEE - the thousands of people; singing and shouting praises to Jesus, on that bright spring day 2,000 years ago, they missed it to...

I don’t know if anyone really noticed.... You see, Luke is the only Gospel writer who records this event, and he being a gentile was probably not even there at the time.... SO - perhaps, it was God himself who had to reveal this event to the good doctor, because no there ever noticed.

You know one danger in getting all fired up emotionally -- is that we tend to loss sight of what’s happening around us, we become so consumed by our enthusiasm.

The Passover crowd was celebrating and praising Jesus, but at this moment, they were more concerned about the parade then the King. And they didn’t notice what the King was going through. Listen to Luke [19:41-44]

“When the city came into view, he wept over it. "If you had only recognized this day, and everything that was good for you! But now it’s too late. In the days ahead your enemies are going to bring up their heavy artillery and surround you, pressing in from every side. They’ll smash you and your babies on the pavement. Not one stone will be left intact. All this because you didn’t recognize and welcome God’s personal visit."


NOW – the word translated ‘wept,’ means much more then tears… it suggests that Jesus’ whole body was heaving and sobbing, his body shaking with emotion… LIKE – the deep and heavy sobbing we suffer when we loose a loved one…

Do you see that picture? Do you see the contrast? Does it break your heart?

Do you see the crowds singing, shouting, praising Jesus, surrounding Jesus thousands of them. But not one notices Jesus. No one sees the one they are calling King as he sits on the colt.... No one sees Jesus, His body heaving, shaking, tears flooding down his face.. weeping violently unable to stop the tears, unable to still his quivering body... The emotion is just too overwhelming.

Do you see Jesus?

Do you see your Savior sobbing?

Why are you crying Jesus?

What’s wrong?

UNDERSTAND - as Jesus nears Jerusalem…. He is not weeping for himself, he is not weeping over the cross that awaited him. NO!, he was weeping over the fate that would come upon the nation.

YOU SEE - instead of the joyful shouts and praises, Jesus heard: the screams, the cries, the shrieks and groans of the men woman and children who would die in the city – Jesus could see the burning buildings, the city turned to rubble and he could smell the odors of smoke, fire and death.

(UNDERSTASND – that in a little less than 40 years; the Roman Army would siege and destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD. – Ancient Jewish historian Josephus wrote that 1,100,000 Jews were killed and 97,000 were taken as captive, some were forced to fight in the arena, others were tortured and still other sold as slaves)

Jesus (their king) came to His own and his own did not accept Him… INSTEAD - they crucified the son and invoked the fathers furious wrath. LISTEN - Jesus wept for those who would reject the gift he came to give, for those who would reject the crown of life he came to win...

NOW - there were many faces in the crowd that day as Jesus rode into Jerusalem…

AND LISTEN - just as Jesus wept for the city’s fate -- he no doubt shed tears and sobbed for the many faces in the crowd. Why? Because Jesus could not only see what was in the heart & the future of the Jewish nation… BUT he could also see what was in the heart and future of each person in the crowd…

AND UNDERSTAND – not everyone whose was shouting & singing really wanted God (really wanted Jesus) to be their king….

OKAY – the way I want to wrap this message up us by taking a look at the various people in the crowd that day…

Judas… (the poser)

NOW - I would imagine that we wouldn’t have to look very far in the crowd that day in order to find Judas Iscariot. You remember Judas don’t you? He was one of the twelve, the treasurer of the group and the one who would ultimately betray Christ to the authorities.

BUT - at this point in time, Judas had not even talked to the high priest about a deal. YOU SEE - it would be another three or four days before Judas would go to the chief priests and ask what they would be willing to pay if he would betray his friend.

But do you really think that the turning point came after the triumphant entry? Do you think that half a week could make a man turn from being a committed follower of Jesus Christ into the one who would turn his friend and teacher over to be executed? I don’t think so….

LISTEN - whatever it was that had turned Judas’ heart against Jesus, happened long before that ride of triumph… NOW - something might have been said or done to trigger the actual incident of betrayal - but understand that the wheels were already in motion. YOU SEE - on the day that Jesus rode into town, Judas had already had lost the first love that he had for Jesus.

AND LISTEN - although Judas had all the outward trappings of one of the disciples - in here (his heart), where it counts, there had never really been a transformation. SURE – when people looked at him on that first Palm Sunday – they said there is a follower of Christ, one of his disciples…

BUT - both, Judas and God knew that was a lie. UNDERSTAND - when Judas shouted hosanna that day;

he didn’t mean it…

he was acting

he was pretending, playing a part

he was going through the motions

he just look like someone whop wanted Jesus to be their king

he was as youth say today – posing – he was a poser…

The Crowd… (the shallow)

Their was another group of faces in the crowd and I suspect that they were the loudest, largest and the most exuberant.... I MEAN – these guys were really cutting loose….

LISTEN - these faces belong to the shallow – to the self-serving and rootless followers.... Sure they were all for Jesus now... Yes they were ready to make Him King but only because they believed that Jesus was coming to do what they had been wanting for years... YOU SEE - they believed Jesus was about to issue in the physical Messianic kingdom, overthrow the bonds of Roman oppression and set up, a Jewish world Empire....

UNDERSTAND – that at this time they believed that Jesus was following their plan, doing things their way - and they therefore loved Him. BUT - Jesus knew that their roots were shallow, and that their devotion temporary, fueled only by emotions and selfish desires…

IN FACT – in of the first stories that Jesus used to teach the people – he talked about the shallow crowd… REMEMBER – the parable of the sower… a farmer went out to sow some seed… and some….

“… fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The plant sprang up quickly, but it soon wilted beneath the hot sun and died because the roots had no nourishment in the shallow soil.” Mark 4:5,6 (NLT)

AND – later Jesus explained the deeper meaning to the story…

"And some are like the seed that lands in the gravel. When they first hear the Word, they respond with great enthusiasm. But there is such shallow soil of character that when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.” Mk 4:16,17 (msg)

LISTEN – the majority of the people in the crowd that day were shallow – and once they find out that being with God was not always just a praise party or needs gratification center – once they find out that there is a cost to following Jesus – that there is cost to his being their king – they quickly dry up…

Yes Jesus wept for them as he saw those same faces shouting in just in a few days... “WE HAVE NO KING BUT CEASAR - CRUCIFY JESUS! CRUCIFY JESUS!!”

The Pharisees… (the hard)

NOW – there was another face in that crowd AND - they weren’t shouting, singing, waving palm branches or laying their coats down. YOU SEE - they weren’t in the least bit interested in Jesus being their king.

BUT - you have to give them credit, at least they were honest about it, they weren’t pretending, they weren’t posing, they weren’t shallow – they were just hard. YOU SEE - they had their minds made up; they weren’t going to believe in Jesus, no matter what. It didn’t matter how many miracles they witnessed, how many times they saw lives changed, they had already made a decision to not follow Christ… YES – they were hard to both Jesus and his message – and with great effort they kept building up walls to keep Jesus from getting close…

NOW - we’ll never know for sure - what it was that kept them away, pride, sin or the fear of losing control but it was something. AND – if these guys had a favorite hymn it would be “I will not be moved.”

AND - O’ how it must of fueled intense anger in them to see all of this support and praise for their worst enemy. For the one who threatened their power and position... For - the one who they feared and hated...the one whose head they had put a price on...

Luke tells us that somewhere along the parade route these men could no longer contain their boiling anger.... They just couldn’t take the shouts of the crowds calling Jesus the King and the Son of David -- I MEAN - each Hosanna ripped through them like a knife...

Finally, when they couldn’t take it any longer they -- they shouted at Jesus, “TEACHER REBUKE YOUR DISCIPLES!" "TELL THEN TO STOP SHOUTING -- TELL THEM TO STOP PRAISING YOU.. MAKE THEM STOP WORSHIPPING YOU!"

And Jesus told them, do not think that you can stop the worship of God... no matter how hostile you are to me, no matter how you try to stop the people from praising me... You can not for the son of God will always be worshipped... And even if they did stop (but they won’t), but even if they did then the rocks and stones would raise up and sing praises to my name..

The Pharisees were lost in their stubborn pride... and their refusal to acknowledge Jesus – they were hard. BUT UNDERSTAND - that Jesus found no joy in their rejection... AND – as he looked at their faces - He wept for these men who were so close to the father house (they read the father’s book, knew his stories, looked for the promise) , but so far away from the Father; as God has said, "The Worship me with/their lips -- but their hearts are far from me..."

The Romans… (the sideliners)

Standing on the sidelines is another group of faces, The Roman soldiers. AND - during the Passover thousands of extra Roman troops were brought in as reinforcements --to make sure the Jews were kept under control.... they were there to keep the peace, to make sure no trouble erupted... To put out any fires before they grew.

And we can be sure that when this crowd of thousands began their celebration that it got their attention... BUT - they quickly discovered that this was a harmless gathering and offered no real threat to them.... It was best they determine to just leave them alone....

YOU SEE - their attitude was just stay in your place Jesus (don’t bother us, and we won’t bother you)... These guys were indifferent to what was going on in the streets that day..... They were content to be on the sideline and watch the parade pass by.

LET – other people praise and worship you – We don’t need a king… Our lives are going just fine…

JUST – one more face in the crowd and it is the face of;

The Disciples… (the committed)

How do you think Jesus felt as looked at the disciples... True they had told Jesus that if He was going to Jerusalem to die that they would go too. But as Jesus looked at them, as he saw them: laughing, shouting - singing praises to God on the road to Jerusalem..

AS JESUS – looks at their faces what does he see, why does he weep?

UNDERSTAND – Jesus wept for them, because He knew what they would go through and what they would endure, as they faithfully finished their race.. He saw their commitment, he saw chains, the prison cells, the beatings... He saw James beheaded, Thomas stoned, John exiled and Peter crucified upside down.

YES - Jesus had told them he was going to Jerusalem to die. But as they walked beside Jesus among the rejoicing multitude: What are they thinking now? Or are they rather refusing to think at all? Allowing themselves to be caught up in the emotional tremors, fighting off all the sad thoughts and terrifying predictions? Have they closed their eyes to the strange scene of only a night ago, when Mary anointed Jesus for His burial? And do they now at this time, rather chose to yield almost blindly to the enthusiasm of the hour?

After all, all of Jerusalem is on fire with Messianic hopes and the coming of the Kingdom, Who are the apostles not to join in with their shouts of,

”Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!" Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!"

YOU SEE - for the disciples – Jesus was not some traveling miracle worker – they had already left everything to follow him, he was already their king… Jesus was the Son of God who had touched and changed their lives…. Their roots were deep, their love was real their hearts were open…For them the words of Psalm 146:1,2 were being lived out;

“Praise the LORD Praise the LORD , O my soul. will praise the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live…”

And so the apostles walked joyfully down the road praising God. And Jesus as he looked at their faces wept... "ENJOY THIS MOMENT MY PRECIOUS AND DEAR FRIENDS... HOLD ON TO IT.. YOU WILL FIND THAT IT WILL COMFORT YOU GREATLY WHEN THE WAY GETS DIFFICULT."

WHAT – a crowd it was that was gathered that first Palm Sunday – nearly 2000 years ago praising God… AND – do you know what? 2,000 years later people still gather to praise Jesus. They do it churches – we do it here – IN FACT we just sang praises to the King a few moments ago…

AND LISTEN – though Jesus did not visibly come this morning riding down the center aisle on the back of a donkey… Jesus was still here… QUESTION – do you believe that Jesus was a witness to the praised we offered a few moments ago, just as he was on that first Palm Sunday…

AND – do you also believe that Jesus, like He was able to do back then – can still see into the hearts and future of everyone in this room today as they praised him? QUESTION – what did Jesus see as he looked at our faces – in this room today?

PERHAPS – Jesus saw some posers in this room today… People who wear all of the outward trappings of being a disciple, people who say the words, who sing the songs – BUT – who don’t mean it… Like Judas whatever love they had for Jesus – grew cold a long time ago…

MAYBE – as we sang today – Jesus saw into the hearts and future of some and wept because he saw that they were shallow… They are not very deep… they can get all fired up for Jesus in this room, they may have even convinced themselves that they really do mean what they sing - BUT - when their faith begins to cost them… when they have to do or give up what they don’t want.. When they go into the world during the week (work, school, home) their love, their faith, their commitment, their enthusiasm dries up….

AND PERHAPS – as we praised him today – Jesus saw some who were sideliners, who were indifferent to the King… They were physically present, but were standing on the sidelines… “hey I’m doing okay on my own, my life is working out alright.. let other people praise you & live for you – me – well I’d rather live for me…

AND I am afraid that Jesus may have wept this morning as we sang because some were hard like the Pharisees… UNDERSTAND - there are people like that in every church, they are there because they have to be. Their parents have drug them out, or it’s their spouse or a friend. OR – they drug themselves here because they think it is what they have to do.

They are religious… YEAH – I have to be in church, it’s my religious duty… I’ll go on Sunday morning and check off my list.. BUT – I’m not going to enjoy it. I’m not going to let it change me. I’m not going to let it get in… SO - they sit and stand with their arms folded (and if their arms aren’t actually crossed they are crossed on the inside) YOU SEE - their minds are made up and no praise service or preacher is going to change it. AND they leave the way they came – hard….

AND – oh I hope and pray that as Jesus looked into the hearts and future of those gathered in this room today that he saw the faces of some who were committed….

I hope he saw the faces of those who when they sang today they really meant it – it wasn’t for show, it wasn’t for them – it was for Jesus… faces who living for Jesus – faces who praise Jesus in here and live for him out there…

Faces who proclaim – nothing is going to stop me from making Jesus my king!

Whatever the cost I’ll pay it!

Whatever I need to change I’ll change

Whatever I need to do I’ll do

Whatever I need to stop doing I’ll stop doing

Whatever I need to confess – I’ll confess

NOTHING – not hardships; troubles, persecution, danger, hunger, suffering

NOTHING – will Jesus Christ from being on the throne in my life!!!!

The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on, you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:9 (NLT)