Summary: Fear in the heart of a believer will stop all faith from working in our behalf.

Fear and Faith

Matt 14:27…But Jesus spoke to them at once. "It’s all right," he said. "I am here! Don’t be afraid." NLT

Opening: Repelling

At the age of 16 years, I was a member of Royal ranger Outpost # 4 Highland Assembly of God, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This was a top notch Ranger Ministry. The Trail Rangers consisted of 15 -17 year old boys all eager to learn and know about the outdoors.

Repelling down 120-foot shear cliffs became one of the main activities we managed to do on Saturdays. One special Saturday we were training new recruits in the repelling events. The training cliff was only 60 feet high and not a steep as the other cliffs. The process consisted of many previous weeks of knots, safety instruction and discipline procedures for the recruits. So today, the recruits were on the rope. We had a partner system with the rope rigged so the lead Ranger could repel down the cliff beside the new recruit. I was the lead Ranger.

Otis was a pretty good fellow and most of the Rangers liked him. As Otis started over the edge with me he look pretty scared. We just past the point of no return, meaning Otis had to go all the way down when he said, “I have changed my mind, I don’t want to do this.”

Otis decided to stop descending. He froze right there at 50 feet up. Beads of sweat popped out on his face, his grip was tightened on the rope so tight his knuckles were white and fear flushed his face.

That why I was there, to help Otis. The safety team at the bottom locked down the rope so Otis could not fall. Otis was safe, but still on the cliff refusing to move.

The fear in the heart of Otis defeated the faith he had in his training, the equipment, and in himself.

I stayed there with Otis, cracked a joke and helped him to relax. I corrected his stance a little by getting him to lean back correctly. I talked him into relaxing his grip a little and then told another joke.

He looked at me and said, “Aren’t you going to be a preacher or something?”

I said, “Yes probably”

He then said, “Well then do something religious!”

So, I told another joke!

It took about twenty minuets before Otis took one small step down the cliff. Another ten before he took another. Then he began to lighten up and soon we were both on the ground. Only with the assistance of someone experienced and who knew the end result could Otis over come his fear.

Fear defeats faith

1. Faith Recognizes God’s Presence

The text today comes from the amazing story of Jesus and Peter walking on the water. The disciples were in a boat when the storm hit the lake. They were in trouble and struggling with the wind and waves.

Matt 14:24… the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. NLT

Matt 14:25-27… About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came to them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him, they screamed in terror, thinking he was a ghost. But Jesus spoke to them at once. "It’s all right," he said. "I am here! Don’t be afraid."

What was Jesus really doing walking on the water at three in the morning.

Mark 6:47-48… About three o’clock in the morning he came to them, walking on the water. He started to go past them NLT

Why was Jesus going to go past them. They were is serious trouble so why pass them by.

God would do this “passing by” when he wanted to select a individual or a group for a purpose of communicating His message. When God had a calling to place on the heart of a person, he would “pass by”

Ex 33:22…When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. (from New International Version)

1 Kings 19:11…The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by."

• God passes by to get their attention,

• To bring each one to a point of new understanding

• To encourage and to enlist for his continued service

• To help each to increase in faith and decrease in self

• To show His glory and power

Of the twelve in the boat, one recognized the power, the glory, and the person. One realized the majesty of the moment and wanted to respond to the “Passing by of God!”

2. True faith Discerns Foolishness

Matt 14:28…Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you by walking on water." NLT

This is not a story about risk taking as much as it is an illustration of obedience.

Peter was discerning between a authentic call of God and a foolish impulse from his own thoughts. Courage is great in serving the Lord but it is not enough without wisdom and discernment.

God is not looking for bungee-jumping, hang-gliding, tornado-chasing, cliff-diving, Pinto-drivers. This is not a story about extreme sports but it is about Extreme Discipline

This means before Peter gets out of the boat he better make sure it is an idea that Jesus approves of… if it’s really you, tell me to come

3. Faith takes a step

Matt 14:29… "All right, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. NLT

Friends there is always more to life than staying in the boat. In this case, the boat was in trouble and it was not a comfortable place to be. You see God knows that we will never take a step of faith as long as we are comfortable.

• As long as the church is running smooth, no steps of faith are taken

• Family doing well, no steps of faith required

• Marriage ok, no steps of faith needed.

• Money in the bank, no reason to believe for a miracle

• Health adequate, no healing sought

Peter’s boat was in trouble, God passes by to show His glory and peter wants out of the boat

Moses had lead the people, then they rebelled with a golden calf, Moses wanted out of the boat

Elijah had seen a great victory at Mt. Carmel, then was threatened by a queen, ran for fear of life, Elijah wanted out of the boat.

Friends, it seldom is a situation where we want to walk on the water, but a situation where we need to walk on the water.

What is your boat life like?

ILL… David

• Vocation…A builder for 35 years and he is now 50 years old

• He knew God called him to ministry but he did not respond

• His fear is he missed his calling

ILL… Kathy

• It is a relationship….she is in love but he is distant

• He never initiates affection… avoids talking about the future

• Creates as much distance from her as possible

• She never pursues finding out His true feelings.. she too frighten

• Her boat life is shaky but she is too scared to take a step

ILL… Ralph

• A pastor of a church he neither fits or loves

• It is filled with division and squabbling

• Constantly tires to make everyone happy and keep the peace

• He dislikes and fears the church

• It is his boat but if he leaves it the next boat will be the same

ILL… Doug

• Secrecy… He is addicted to porn and lust

• It a light addiction, occasional not regular or often

• Nothing that will cost him his marriage or his job

• He is afraid to admit the problem, afraid to ask for help

• Even though it is full of guilt and shame it is his boat

ILL… Kim

• Her dad….She raisins her kids, keeps the house and has a career all to keep her dad happy

• She still can never please him but the thought of crossing him is terrifying.

• His approval is a leaking vessel, but it is her boat

Maybe your boat is success, family, kids, marriage, drugs, lying, or self-centeredness.

Where is your fear holding you from stepping out of the boat, recognizing the glory of God and changing your life?

Faith will take a step; fear keeps you in a sinking boat.

4. True faith Expects problems

Matt 14:30

But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted.


5. Faith recognizes fear as a price of growth

6. Faith masters failure Management

7. Faith sees failure as an opportunity to grow

8. Faith learns to wait on the Lord

9. Faith brings a deeper connection with God