Summary: Used during our VBS to explain salavation.

God loves you guys more than anything in the universe!

A. God wants us our lives to be clear of sin.

a. What is sin? (Any thing we’ve done that God doesn’t like)

b. Rms. 3:23 (For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.)

All of us are in the same boat.

(Bad news. The boat is sinking.)

B. When sin comes into our lives, our relationship with God changes.

a. Close to your eyes and think of something you’ve done that is unpleasing to God.

b. When you think of something you’ve done that is unpleasing to God, take a pinch of powder and drop it in the water.

(For every 10 students have a different gallon jug)

C. Sin keeps us from having the clear relationship that God wants to have with us. (There is nothing we can do on our own to clear this mess up.)

a. God sent His son, Jesus, to clear this mess up for us.

He came from heaven to earth, earth to the cross, cross to the grave.

b. God has a plan to clear this mess up.

D. "IF we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

a. What do we need to do to be forgiven?

b. What does it mean to confess our sins?

c. What does God promise to do if we confess our sins?

E. Pour Bleach into jug & shake it up!

a. The red water was the mess that sin made in our lives, this (bleach) represents the blood of Jesus. His blood takes away our sin.

b. Bow heads.

Think of any thing you might need to ask God to forgive you for. RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU HAVE SOME THINGS YOU NEED GOD TO CLEAR UP/FORGIVE.

Romans 10:9-10

[9] That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. [10] For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

F. Tonight, it may your night to follow God’s plan for your life. The first thing you’ve got to do is. . . .

a. Admit (you are a sinner.)

God, your right. I’ve sinned.

Tell God you don’t want to sin any more.

b. Believe (That Jesus is the Son of God)

You trust/have faith in Jesus Christ.

Trusting that Jesus will forgive your sin and make you one his own.

c. Commit (Your life to Him)

God is now in control of your life.

You want to do what He wants you do.

G. A miracle happens when we Admit, Believe, Commit.

a. You become a new person because Jesus now lives in your heart.

b. You have become a Christian.

(IL.) John Wesley had a dream he went to heaven. Any Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians? No. Only Christian are in heaven.

c. Tonight, if your ready to A.B.C., I want you stick around after the worship tonight for about ten minutes. Come to the stage because I want to talk to you about A.B.C.

d. God loves you more than anything in the universe and he wants to take the sin out of your life.


This helps kids to see what sin does to lost people’s lives and what sin does to Christians. This requires one tall clear plastic bottle, one empty film canister, one pack of grape Kool-aid, one cup of Ultra-Clorox.

Take the film canister and put the Kool-aid in there. Put the Clorox in a seperate bottle. Take the tall clear plastic bottle and fill it with enough water so that you have plenty of room to pour the cup of clorox into it.

Now, you show the tall bottle with the water in it to the kids. You tell them that this was what man was like when he was created, or this is what our lives are like in Christ. (Both implications) You take the Kool-aid in the film canister and slowly pour it into the Bottle. Tell them that this is what happens when sin enters our lives as Christians, it darkens us and we can’t listen to God. Or this is what happened when sin entered the world. We are darkened and we become hardened toward the Gospel, and full of sin and need forgiveness and cleansing. Then, you get the Clorox and state that this is Christ’s blood shed on the cross, this represents Christ’s forgiveness and then you slowly pour it into the bottle. Slowly it will clear the blackness up and it will become semi-clear again. It will have a small yellow tint because of the clorox, but I use this to represent the scars that we incure on our heart when we fool around with sin. Sin can be forgiven in Christ, but it is still not without earthly consequences. It hurts. Hope that this helps you all.

***Notice: I have used Sermon Central Sermon for a very long time. If this or any of my sermons are similar to a sermon that is currently already on Sermon Central by another pastor or teacher....chances are I have used it. Actually, there is probably absolutely nothing in this sermon that hasn’t been preached before! If I used your sermon and haven’t given you credit, please write me and I’ll give you credit by name. I have in no way intentionally withheld credit to any work I’ve used/borrowed from. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF I HAVE "USED" YOUR WORK IT WAS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU HAD A SUPER SERMON! I prefer to preach with an outline and just rearranged your sermon. My intent is to make sermons relevant and easy for outline guys to use. If you use MY work, feel free to claim it. I do not care!!! Simply realize that I have borrowed from other preachers, too.

Mike Fogerson, Pastor, Chester’s First Baptist Church