Summary: The prophetic dream of Daniel in the 7th chapter of his book applied to our security in changing times.

In chapters 1-6 of his book Daniel revealed the past. In chapters 7-12 he reveals the future. Keep in mind that the future has already taken place in the mind of God since He is an eternal being. The basis of Bible prophecy is the fact that God has no future.

The terms, "past", "present", and "future" are really for our benefit. With God, everything is present tense. Occasionally He chose to reveal the future to man. Daniel is a prime example of the blessings of the gift of prophecy - God revealing His knowledge of the future to mankind through a man.

Unfortunately, many Bible readers often skip over Bible prophecy. But since approximately 28% of the Bible is prophetic we miss a lot that God has to tell us if we ignore prophecy.

Insider trading is illegal when it comes to the stock market but not when it comes to God’s truth. The prophets were given "inside information" by God because He intended for us to use it.

We’re not going to attempt to unveil every tidbit of knowledge revealed in Daniel’s prophecies. Our purpose is in keeping with the theme of this sermon series, "Reinventing Your Life". Daniel and his friends had to reinvent their lives when they were taken captive in Babylon. From time to time we also need to adapt to the changing world around us. One of the blessings of adapting God’s way is it gives us security. Neither the present nor the future need worry us if we follow God’s revelation.

As a matter of fact this is how we’re going to take a look at Daniel chapter seven. The dream of Daniel keys us in on where to find security.

The first eight verses of Daniel chapter seven teach us that THERE IS NO HUMAN SOURCE FOR OUR SECURITY.

Dreams and visions were often the way God revealed Himself and His will through the prophets. Numbers 12:6 - "When a prophet of the LORD is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams."

So it was not at all unusual for Daniel to receive God’s Word in this manner.

In Daniel’s dream he envisions a great churning sea. (Verses 1-2) The sea is often used symbolically in the Bible to represent the world of nations. (Isaiah 17:12-13; Revelation 17:1,15) So a sea in the chaotic state as Daniel envisioned it represents the nations of the world in turmoil.

Four great beasts come up out of this unstable sea, representing four great Gentile kingdoms. This was also the message of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two.

The first beast, a lion with eagle’s wings, represented Babylon. (Verse 4) It is interesting that the Bible compared Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king of Babylon, to a lion (Jeremiah 50:17) and an eagle (Ezekiel 17:3,12). Eagles and lions are known for their swiftness in overtaking their prey. Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar exhibites just such swiftness in conquering her enemies. When the beast stood up like a man in Daniel’s dream, it probably represents the more humane treatment Nebuchadnezzar exhibited after his bout with insanity. (Daniel chapter 4)

The bear in Daniel’s vision represented the Medo-Persian kingdom. (Verse 5) A bear is slower moving and larger than an eagle or lion. The army of Medo-Persia was known for its huge size and slower movements than the army of Babylon. One side of the bear was higher than the other in Daniel’s dream, representing the fact that the Persians wielded more authority than the Medes in the merger of their two kingdoms. The three ribs in its mouth probably represent the three other great kingdoms conquered by Medo-Persia: Lydia, Babylon and Egypt.

The leopard with four wings and four heads, the third beast in Daniel’s dream, represented Greece. (Verse 6) Four wings illustrated an even more swift conquest than two wings would have. That, added to the already swift leopard used to represent this kingdom, illustrates the way that Alexander the Great conquered the known world faster than any other ancient ruler did. After his death his kingdom was divided among his four generals - hence the four heads of this animal in Daniel’s vision.

The fourth beast was nondescript and represnted the Roman Empire. (Verse 7) It was such a dominant kingdom that no animal could be used for comparison. The military might of Rome is illustrated by the iron teeth and crushing power of the beast.

Interestingly Daniel attributes ten horns to this beast. While he was thinking about the ten horns an eleventh "little horn" rose up among them. (Verse 8) In turn, this little horn uprooted three of the ten horns. This horn had human characteristics such as eyes and a mouth.

The interpretation of the ten horns was given to Daniel and is recorded in verses 23-24. He was told that the ten horns represented ten kings and their kingdoms. The "little horn" most likely represents the Antichrist - the epitome of a man trying to rule the world apart from God.

So what does this vision mean to us thus far? The kingdoms of men have come and gone. They may have been powerful. They may have risen to power with amazing speed. Their boundaries may have been extensive. But none of them lasted forever. Another, more powerful, more hungry, more determined ruler was always waiting in the wings. We cannot look to men, even powerful men, for our security.

Don’t forget where Daniel was when he had this vision. He was in Babylon. In the Bible, Babylon represents idolatry and man’s boastful claim that he does not need God. Idolatry is all about making "gods" to suit our desire rather than vice versa. Beginning with the Tower of Babel and continuing through to the end times, Babylon is synonymous with political and religious rebellion against God. Babylon was the place idolatry originated and the place where it will end. (Revelation 17:5)

So why did God allow His people to be taken captive by such an ungodly nation? To begin with, of course, they were being disciplined for their own idolatry. God had warned His people in advance of the dangers of worshiping false gods. Spiritual adultery, God tagged it. The prophets foretold the danger of trying to worship Jehovah and the idols simultaneously. It can’t be done. As Jesus declared, "No man can serve two masters." (Matthew 6:24)

But there is another reason for God’s choice of Babylon as the furnace to burn out the impurities in the lives of His people. It was to prove His existence and the non-existence of the idols. Could any other "god" reveal dreams, answer prayers, or deliver from fiery furnaces or the lion’s den? Daniel and the other Jewish exiles in Babylon were a great witness to the existence of the One and Only True God. There is no security from any other source than God because there is no other source!

Remember that. When we build our hopes and dreams on anything other than God, we will not experience true security. Our idols may not be the same types as the ancients worshipped but whatever we put before God in our lives is out of place.


Look at the continuation of Daniel’s dream in verse 9.

When Daniel saw the thrones of the eternal order set in place, it was the Ancient of Days who took the place of authority. This name, among many names for God, indicates that He has lived throughout the entire course of human history. He has witnessed everything human rulers have done. As a judge He does not rely upon secondhand testimony, thus, His judgments are accurate.

The description of God’s throne and the angels attending Him is breathtaking. (Verses 9-12) It is indeed a scene of judgment because the court was seated and the record books were opened. God’s judgment on Antichrist’s kingdom will also be a judgment on all the kingdoms that preceded it, the kingdoms that ruled without any recognition of God.

The vision becomes even more exciting with the entrance of the Son of Man onto the stage. (Verses 13-14) "He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him. His domain is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."

We need to pause and praise Him a few moments after reading this verse! Let’s all say, "His kingdom will never be destroyed."


There can be no doubt that Jesus had Daniel 7:13-14 in mind when He repeatedly (literally dozens of times) used the term "Son of Man" in reference to Himself. Here are a couple of those times.

Matthew 24:30 - "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory."

Matthew 19:28 - "Jesus said to them, ’I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

So what then is the significance of Jesus appropriating the title "Son of Man"? He is the Son of Mankind. He became a man in order to be our representative to the Father. Ephesians 3:12 - "In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." That’s security! We can approach the Ancient of Days in confidence because of the work of the Son of Man on our behalf.

But is also goes further than that. As the Son of Man Jesus will do what no earthly ruler has done before. He will rule righteously. He will rule with the authority of God. The nations have never had a ruler like that.

TO HAVE A PART IN HIS KINGDOM IS TO HAVE SECURITY. If He is not the king of your life you will not have security. Not now - nor in the future.

The Son of Man appears before the Ancient of Days in Daniel’s vision for one specific purpose - to receive the rule over the earth.

Some have concluded that Jesus established this kingdom at His first coming, and, in a way, He did. In the hearts of those of us who have chosen to follow Him He is King. But Daniel says, and so did Jesus in the verse we looked at from the Olivet Discourse, that His coming to rule would be in the clouds. Jesus’ first coming was in a manger, not the clouds. This is indeed a future event not yet realized and not to be spiritualized.

When Daniel received the vision he was troubled so he asked an angel to interpret the dream for him. (Verses 15-18) In the course of his explanation the angel says in verse 18 - "But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever - yes, forever and ever."

Receiving the kingdom will surely be a thrilling time for the saints of God! It won’t be anything the saints deserve or helped bring about. The saints will not bring in or establish the future kingdom of God - they will "receive" it.

Daniel also received further info on the little horn in verses 19-22. It not only becomes more impressive than the others do but it wages war against the saints and defeats them until the Ancient of Days pronounces judgment and that’s when the saints receive the kingdom.

We see in this scenario that the ten kingdoms will somehow be connected to the old Roman Empire - perhaps geographically or politically. These ten kingdoms will come under the authority of one king. (Verses 23-24)

This king will do three things, all described in verse 15:

1 - "He will speak out against the Most High."

2 - "He will wage war against the saints for 3&1/2 times." In Revelation 13:5-7, John talks about this king blaspheming God and waging war against the saints for forty-two months. Forty two months is exactly 3&1/2 years.

3 - He will "try to change the set times and laws". We’re not told what specific changes he will try to make but times and laws are God’s domain. He will try to take authority that belongs only to God. This is clearly the man John called Antichrist. (1 John 2:18)

The Antichrist will not be able to carry on his rule for long. (Verses 26-28) No man, no matter how intelligent, charismatic, influential, and powerful can bring security to mankind. Only the rule of God will effect that.

So where do we find security? In allowing God to be the Sovereign Lord of our life.

The question is one of authority. Who is the authority in your life? Before you answer think seriously about it. Whose guidelines do you follow for living? Whose authority do you live under?

The more we place ourselves under God’s authority the more security we will enjoy.