Summary: Tithing is more than a goal. Tithing shows our level of our faith in Christ. How we spend our money is often a good indicator of where our values are.

Simple Living – Top Five Reasons NOT to Tithe

2003 Searching Series

2 Chronicles 31:1-10 and Mark 12:38-44

November 16, 2003

Purpose: Tithing is more than a goal. Tithing shows our level of our faith in Christ. How we spend our money is often a good indicator of where our values are.

I. Introduction

I do not like preaching on tithing. And, I would assume, that those in the pew are not too upset that I don’t preach on tithing more often than I do. (Is there an Amen???) When I looked up tithing and tithe in my Bible dictionaries, I found some interesting things. On the same page with the word tithe, were other words like: torment, torture, and tragedy. I thought to myself…now this might preach!

So, instead of looking for the numerous times in the Old and New Testaments where tithing is taught as a rule, like in Leviticus 27:30, which says “All tithes from the land, whether the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the Lord’s…set apart to the Lord.” – one of the standards of good stewardship, tithing sermons.

Today, I wanted to look at this whole tithing thing from a different angle. When should we not tithe? When should we not give 10%? When we should not support God’s ministry here on earth? It was in that search that I found five distinct areas in which we have been told by Scripture not to tithe.

Are we ready? You may not here this from a pulpit ever again, so you might want to get these down…

#5 – We’re not to tithe if it’s just for show. - Mark 12:38-40

#4 – We’re not to tithe if we don’t see God’s work being done. - 2 Chronicles 31:1-10

#3 – We’re not to tithe if we aren’t willing to give our tithe feely. – Mark 12:41-44

#2 – We’re not to tithe if if we don’t do it in humility...Luke 18:9-14

#1 – We’re not to tithe if we don’t trust that God will use it. –Malachi 3:6-12

If we want a more simple life…

We have to recognize that everything belongs to God, that our “whatever’s” matter, and that there are some good reasons NOT to tithe.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We want your “whatevers” to be our “whatevers.” In our struggle to make our lives more simple and manageable, help us to focus on what you would have us to focus on.

We want to rejoice in the Lord always, but we often find ourselves doing exactly the opposite. Help us. Help us to make the most of every moment, so that when we rejoice in whatever is true, honorable, just, pure and gracious, we will have the strength to face that which is tough and ugly in life.

Help us to choose carefully whatever we choose to think.

Help us to choose carefully in whatever we choose to do.

Help us to choose so carefully, that we no longer spit and sputter, but instead rejoice in the

understanding that God is God, and we are God’s people, receiving the blessings that you have furnished to us.

And, in all things, we will bring you our praise. In the name of Christ, Amen.

#400 – Come Thou Font of Every Blessing


As we leave this place,

May the God who own its all, grant us his provision.

May the God who knows whatever we need, grant us his clarity.

May the God who loves and shows mercy, forgive us when we get so busy,

that we miss out on the simple life has been offered to us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy, may this be our prayer…Amen.

Note: If for any reason you did not find this sermon helpful, please let me know by contacting me at Your input will help me personally and my congregation as I learn professionally.