Summary: Somanytimes people quote the 100 Psalms, but do they full understand its meaning.

“A Song of Praise”

Psalms 100

Elder M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

Next to the 23rd Psalms, the 100th Psalms is probably the most quoted Psalms in the Bible. However it is good to be able to quote the 100 division of Psalms, but to fully understand the meaning of 100 Psalms is deeper than just being able to quote the words.

There are 7 admonishments given in the 100 Psalms, 3 reasons on why we are given the 7 admonishments. Understand that numbers in the Bible play a very important and significant part.

Admonish - 1 a : to indicate duties or obligations to b : to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner 2 : to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to.

The number 7 is God’s number and is the most mentioned number in the Bible. It represents perfection and completeness.

The number 3 is the second most mentioned number in the Bible. It represents fullness, this is the whole concept behind TRINITY - 3, it’s the fullness of God. 3 = fulness Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Death, Burial, Resurrection. Blue, Purple, Scarlet. Goat’s Hair, Ram Skin, Badger Skins. Outer court, Inner court, Holy of Holies.

The number 10 means Divine Order and mans responsibility, Law. Thus we have the Ten Commandments, the Ten Plagues that were brought upon Egypt.

7 admonitions + 3 reasons = 10- Divine order and mans responsibility to those orders.

The number 100 means Election and represents the Children of Promise.

Therefore the 100th division of Psalms is a Perfected Song of Praise that the Children of Promise are fully admonished to give by divine order.

Verse #1: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.” 1st Admonishment.

A.) The word make = to cause to happen, it is a command to bring into existence, to appear.

B.) The word joyful = an expression of happiness, a feeling of exuberance. 7 times in the book of Psalms we are commanded to make a joyful noise unto God.

Psalms 66:1, 81:1, 95:1,2, 98:4,6, 100:1. Therefore it is a perfect command to the Children of Promise. A joyful noise is perfected praise unto God.

C.) Unto the Lord. - NOT MAN. Man has this stipulation, I can’t sing, therefore I am unable to give God praise. Understand you are giving God praise and the Word says a joyful noise. No where in the Bible does it says man satisfying or pleasing praise.

D.) All ye lands = Symbolic of People of every nations and tongue.

Verse #2: “ Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing.” 2nd & 3rd Admonishments.

A.) Serve 2nd = to be of use, to wait upon, to entreat with.

B.) Gladness = having a cheerful or happy disposition and nature, pleased, satisfied.

C.) Come 3rd = an invitation to move in the vicinity of with a specified purpose.

1. His presence

D.) Signing = to relate or celebrate something in verse, to create feeling in words of song.

Verse #3: 4th Admonishment. “Know ye not that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”

A.) Know = to perceive directly, to have direct cognition, to have understanding, to be aware of the truth. Know ye not is a question of your understanding. Don’t you understand that the Lord is God, it is he that has made us, we are incapable of doing anything without him, we are his people and his sheep.

Verse #4: 5th 6th & 7th Admonishments. “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” As we have discussed in the opening of this lesson the number 3 is very important in the Bible, it represents fulness. Here we find the last 3 admonishments which is representative of fulness. However, there is something else and that is they are all in the 4th verse. The number 4 represents creative works or creation.

These 3 admonishments, which represent fulness are in the 4th verse to show what creative works of man, the Children of Promise, is required.

A.) Enter = to come in or go in, to make a beginning, to gain admission. Into his gates, this is the part many people fail to understand and that is the gates.

GATES: This refers to the gates of the Tabernacle. Once you fully understand the importance of the gates then you will know why we should enter into them with thanksgiving. The materials used for the gate of the court of the Tabernacle were blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen, remember the power and importance of 3, fulness. The height of the gate was 2.25 m, and its width was about 9 m. It was a screen woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen, which was hung on four pillars. As such, whenever one tried to enter into the court of the Tabernacle, he/she could easily find its gate. Just as today Jesus is the Gate and he is easy to find.

The materials of blue, purple, and scarlet (3 colors - fulness) thread and fine woven linen used for the gate of the Tabernacle manifest that God would save us from all our sins through the works of His Son Jesus.

First, the blue thread, which = truth, shows us a part of the truth about Jesus, who became the actual Messiah of sinners, coming to this earth and taking upon the sins of the world by receiving His baptism from John. Jesus Christ came to be our propitiation. Jesus actually bore all the sins of the world on His shoulder by being baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of all mankind. Because the sins of all human beings were thus passed onto Christ’s own head, those who believe in this truth have no sin in their hearts.

Second, what is the actual meaning of the purple thread woven into the gate of the Tabernacle’s court? It tells us that Jesus is the actual King of kings, purple is the color of royalty. Jesus, in fact, the son of God. He actually came to this earth already in the likeness of a human flesh. And by bearing all the sins of the world upon himself to save us from our sins. He paid a price He did not owe to pay a debt we could not pay.

The scarlet thread, thirdly, refers to the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross, and its meaning is that Christ has given new life those of us who believe. This truth of the scarlet thread tells us that Jesus Christ not only received the judgment of our own sins by taking the sins of the world on Himself with His baptism received from John, but He also gave new life to believers by bestowing the life-giving faith to those who had died to sin. To those who believe in His baptism and the blood that He shed, Jesus has indeed given new life.

What, then, does the fine woven linen mean? It manifests that with the New Testament, God fulfilled His promise of salvation written in the Old Testament. And it tells us that when Jesus took all the sins of the world upon Himself with His baptism and was judged for our sins on the Cross in the New Testament, He fulfilled the salvation that God had promised to the Israelites and us with His Word of covenant. Entrance through the gate was only permitted by eligible people and the eligibility consisted in their compliance with various prescribed laws. The uncircumcised were not allowed to enter into the gates of the tabernacle. When we stop and think about what the gate of the tabernacle represented, how it was a foreshadow of what we as the church now have we should make a joyful noise unto the Lord and enter into his gates with Thanksgiving.

B.) Thanksgiving: A prayer of expressing gratitude, a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness, the act of giving thanks.

Courts: The courtyard of the tabernacle was the place that the people were permitted to go and give their sacrifices unto the Lord. The courtyard was 150’ by 75’ that contained the brazen altar and the laver. These 2 pieces where for cleansing and offering of your sacrifice, which is representative of the baptism and the presenting of your body a living sacrifice. Everyone was not able to go into the holy tabernacle itself or the Holy of Holies, which was the presence of the Lord, but in the courtyard everyone that was able to get in the gate could and offer up their sacrifice to the lord. The Bible says that the sacrifices of praise is the fruit of our lips. We are to enter into his courts with praise which is the fruit of our lips.

C.) Praise - to glorify.

6th Admonishment - be Thankful - conscious of benefit received, expressive of, well pleased.

7th Admonishment - bless His name - exalt, glorify, honor, with great exuberance and enthusiasm shout with a voice of triumph.

Verse 5: “For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

3 reason why we should give perfected praise to God according to 100 Psalms. Remember 3 is fulness. We must understand the importance and power of 3.

The number 5 in the Bible represents God’s Grace to mankind in spite of their weakness. Verse 5 expresses God’s grace in fulness (3).

A.) Lord is good - This is His nature and character. He is good to us and by His spirit has placed His goodness in us. We should think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for us then we will be able to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.

B.)His mercy is everlasting - Mercy is compassion, pity, or understanding that is exercised toward us that are guilty and having God deal with us kindly. Grace is God’s unmerited favor, inspite of what we have done he still did for us, Mercy is what we should have received we didn’t get.

C.) Truth is everlasting - truth is unalterable and unchangeable. If God has said something it has to come to pass for he cannot lie, he is truth absolute. In other words what God has for you is for you he said it and it will come to pass, so

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

Elder Melvin L Maughmer, Jr.

Boanerge Ministries