Summary: Hypocrisy. A work we like to use on everyone but our selves. This sermon takes a look at hyposcrisy.

Romans 2:1-16

Getting on the same Page as God about Hypocrisy


A. I admit I am still young. But I have learned a few things along the way

B. You know what I have come to value the most

C. An honest answer

D. The one time when I was counseling I asked my guys were they stood as far as their relationship with the Lord is concerned

E. I was getting the pretty good I could be better, but not bad

F. You know the typical answer

G. Until I got to the one kid

H. He told me flat out I have not relationship with God, I don’t want one, and I am here because my Mom is making me, and wearing this Christian T-shirt to make it look good, but other then that I want nothing to do with God

I. I was shocked. It was so honest.

J. But hear is the sad reality of the situation was he was not the only one feeling that way. In fact there were several others in my group in the same boat

K. We call those people hypocrites

L. This portion of Paul’s letter deal with hypocrisy

M. Today was are going to look at what the Hypocrite and see

a. Who He Is

b. How he will be Judged

I. The Hypocrite: Who He Is (2:1-6)

A. What He Feels

1. Explanation

a) Often when we think about sin we do not like to include our self

b) We do not like to think that we are the ones in need of salvation

c) The moment we begin to think that we realize we are wrong

2. Illustration

a) King David. Slept with Bathsheba, try to cover up, had the guy killed, married Bathsheba and all was good right?

b) Well along came Nathan and Nathan told a story and David said that was wrong

c) And then Nathan pointed out that is what David did

3. Application

a) The moment we start thinking we are better then someone else

b) The moment we begin to start passing judgment on other people

c) We become the Hypocrite.

B. What He Finds

1. Explanation

a) When we look at verse three and four we get a reality check

b) We see people in this world and we say “The Lord needs to Judge them”

c) Look what they are doing, it is despicable. I can’t wait till God Judges them.

d) Little do we realize that we too we be judged

2. Illustration

a) Turn to Luke 18:10-14

b) The Pharisee says I am doing good, no sin here God, and also makes sure that everyone knows he is doing good

c) The tax collector says quietly, I Need your Mercy

d) Look what the Bible says who will be Justified = Just as if I never sinned

3. Application

a) Sin will find you, you can try and cover it up any way you want

b) But sin will find you

c) The moment you think that you can hind your sin

d) You Become a Hypocrite

C. What He Faces

1. Explanation

a) The hypocrite does not have much to look forward to

b) Look at verse 5and 6

c) The hypocrite has been busy accusing every one of living a worse life then he is

d) However, what he fails to realize is that he too will face judgment

e) Because of his attitude towards others he has become stubborn

f) And has not repented (“he does not need to repent he is perfect compared to the other”)

g) Now the hypocrite not only faces judgment on the sins that he has

(1) Of which we all sin

h) But also more because he, by being stubborn, being basically a jerk towards other people will be judge on those things too

2. Application

a) When we get to the point when we as a church start getting this pride level

b) When we stop reaching out because after all we are not to be unequally yoked to people who need the Lord because we think we are better then they are

c) We are in trouble

d) We will have to face Judgment for those actions

e) We will have to face Judgment for our self righteousness

f) The Hypocrite faces Judgment

II. The Hypocrite: How He is Judged (2:7-16)

A. Judged according to His works

1. Salvation and Judgment Explanation

a) First let me start off by explaining what we are talking about when we say judgment

b) For what we are about to say will sound like we are talking about Salvation by works.

c) We know that salvation does not come from works.

d) What we need to understand is that at this point of Paul’s letter to the Romans he has not got to salvation. This is judgment

e) Salvation comes a little bit later. So with that in mind let us look how the hypocrite is judged

2. Works Explanation

a) In Verse 7 and 8 We read about the reason for their behavior

b) God judges on the reason we do things

c) Why we do what we do when we do what we do

(1) This could be bad. This could be good

(2) Depends on what the reason is

(3) To use my favorite example: Doing the dishes to get Heather to Iron my shirt, as compared to doing the dishes to just be nice

(4) God will examine the reason behind what we do and judge us accordingly

d) In verse 9 and 10 we are learn about the results of the behavior

e) If we continue to live and sin

f) Continue to sin and sin and leads us to more sin

g) Then we will be judges on the result

h) However, if we continue to live in the light continue to fallow God we will be judged accordingly

3. Application

a) God’s judgment is true

b) We are judged on what we do when we do it

c) God will not impressed by some hot shot lawyer we try to hire

d) God will not be moved by a moving testimony

e) God will not accept bribes

f) God will judge the hypocrite according to what has been done

B. Judged according to God’s Standards

1. We notice that the Bible talks about the law that was given to the Jews

2. The Jew had full access to it

3. Everything that they could do and could not do was mentioned in the law

4. Granted it did not record every last situation

5. But it did provide enough of a guide to determine right and wrong

6. However, just knowing the law is not enough

7. To be righteous we have to obey the law

8. Not notice it does not stop there it also mentions the Gentiles

9. The Gentiles did not have the law

10. However, there conscious would reveal to them right and wrong

11. Therefore they had no excuse

a) What can we learn from this

b) First of all the fact that God does not show favoritism is important

c) It does not matter, God judges on right and wrong

d) Because of God reveal Himself to us we have no excuse

e) Therefore we all face his judgment

f) We are all will have to stand before Him and give an account for our life


A. Folks that is the reality of the situation

B. Look at verse 16 it tells us God will judge men’s secrets

C. Ouch

D. You might have been able to full man

E. You might have been able to keep secrets from your friends and family

F. But God knows

G. And God will judge you on those

H. Therefore you have a choice

a. Be willing to face his judgment and all that entails

b. Or two, to stop being a hypocrite

c. To stand up and tell God that you need His mercy

d. That you need His forgiveness

e. That you need Him

f. The Bible tells us that if we confess our sin he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness

I. What about you?

J. Do you have sin living inside of you?

K. Have you been a Hypocrite?

L. If that is you, I asked that you will confess your sins right now

M. If you need to take someone with you, do so

N. Get rid of the hypocrisy today!