Summary: The primary purpose of God is to form us into Christlikeness.

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A Vision for Christlikeness

Pastor Jerry C. Vargo

Our Mission

To love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:29-31 ¡V The Great Commandment) and to make Him known in accordance with Matthew 28:19-20 ¡V The Great Commission).

Our Vision

Helping people grow into Christlikeness (Genesis 1:27; 5:1, Romans 8:28-29) by focusing on the five purposes of the church¡KWorship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.

I. Introduction.

A. Defining Christlikeness¡K

1) God¡¦s Goal ¡V Genesis 1:27, Genesis 5:1, Romans 8:28-29.

2) What Christlikeness is NOT:

- It is not an ACT.


- It is not FORM

We must have a strong desire to be like Jesus if we are to become like Jesus. Often we have settled for typical American Christianity that focuses on programs and policies. We are content to come to church once a week, to call ourselves Christians, and settle for a ¡§form of godliness, but denying the power thereof ¡V 1 Timothy 3:5¡¨

3) What Christlikeness is and how do we get it¡K

II. Body.

1. To be Christlike we must live with the heart of Jesus.

A. Jeremiah 17:9 reveals some very sad news about our hearts:

"The heart is more deceitful than all else

And is desperately sick; who can understand it?¡¨

B. All of us know that if we try to live life with our own heart we will surely fail to accomplish God¡¦s purposes for our lives.

C. To be Christlike we must get to know His heart and know His ways.

D. I want to read an excerpt from Max Lucado. It is found in His book ¡§Just Like Jesus:¡¨

What if, for one day, Jesus were to become you? What if, for twenty-four hours, Jesus wakes up in your bed, walks in your shoes, lives in your house, assumes your schedule? Your boss becomes his boss, your mother becomes his mother, and your pains become his pains? With one exception, nothing about your life changes. Your health doesn¡¦t change. Your circumstances don¡¦t change. Your schedule isn¡¦t altered. Your problems aren¡¦t solved. Only one change occurs. What if, for one day and one night, Jesus lives your life with his heart? Your heart gets the day off, and your life is led by the heart of Christ. His priorities govern your actions. His passions drive your decisions. His love directs your behavior.

What would you be like? Would people notice a change? Your family ¡V would they see something new? Your coworkers¡Xwould they sense a difference? What about the less fortunate? Would you treat them the same? And your friends? Would they detect more joy? How about your enemies? Would they receive more mercy from Christ¡¦s heart than from yours? And you? How would you feel? What alterations would this transplant have on your stress level? Your mood swings? Your temper? Would you sleep better? Would you see sunsets differently? Death differently? Taxes differently? Any chance you¡¦d need fewer aspirin or sedatives? How about your reaction to traffic delays? (Ouch, that touched a nerve.) Would you still dread what you are dreading? Better yet, would you still do what you are doing? Would you still do what you had planned to do for the next twenty-four hours? Pause and think about your schedule. Obligations. Engagements. Outings. Appointments. With Jesus taking over your heart, would anything change?

E. Probing questions huh? Well, you know what? This is exactly what God wills for us. To be led by the heart of Jesus. Filtering every situation and every event through the heart of Jesus.

F. I don¡¦t know about you, but my heart often gets me into trouble. It is so wicked at times. My heart doesn¡¦t satisfy. Listen to what the Psalmist says in Psalms 17:15:

¡§As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Thy likeness when I awake.¡¨

G. What we need to know is this: We cannot live our lives with the heart of Jesus apart from an ongoing intimate relationship with the Father. We must cultivate that relationship before we can live with the heart of Jesus.

How¡¦s your relationship?

2. To be Christlike we must think with the mind of Jesus.

A. How does this happen?

„X It won¡¦t happen by coming to church once a week.

„X It won¡¦t happen by listening to teaching tapes.

„X It won¡¦t happen by reading books about God.

„X It won¡¦t even happen by reading three chapters per day.

B. It will only happen by spending huge amounts of time studying the Word of God with diligence.

C. We must purpose to let the Bible transform our way of thinking.

D. And the way we think is very important ¡V Proverbs 23:7 says: ¡§Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.¡¨

E. How many times do we have to hear Romans 12:2 before we make a commitment to obey it?

¡§Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.¡¨

F. To decide to NOT think like Christ is to decide TO think like the world. Look at Ephesians 4:17-24.

G. To have the mind of Christ is to walk in a continual state of repentance. The word actually means: ¡§To change your mind.¡¨

3. To be Christlike we must walk the way Jesus walked.

A. We must be passionate about walking out what we know to be biblical and true.

B. Jesus always did the will of the father. He didn¡¦t just talk about it¡KHe did it!

C. This is my calling here. I am committed to fulfilling Ephesians 4. This is why I do so much training. I am called to equip this body to walk the way Jesus walked. Look at Ephesians 4:11-13.

D. The value of any church is not in its doctrines (although that is important) or in its church government (although that is important), but in its ability to produce people who have the character of Jesus Christ.

E. We need a revival. A revival that is marked by a people group who decide that they are once and for all going to walk in the character of Christ.

F. It is time to walk what we talk. As a matter of fact, it is not optional¡Kit is commanded in the Bible. Turn with me to 1 John 2:4-6.

4. To be Christlike we must make a decision to be like Jesus.

A. Rick Warren made a sad but true statement:

¡§¡KMillions of Christians grow older but never grow up. They are stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy, remaining in diapers and booties. The reason is because they never intend to grow.¡¨

B. God¡¦s will is for all of us to grow up and mature in the faith.

C. Becoming spiritually mature isn¡¦t an overnight process. It must be intentional.

D. Rick Warren also says this: ¡§You must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow, and persist in growing.¡¨

E. These things happen only after we make a solid decision to become Christlike.

F. In order for God to establish His plan for our church¡Kwe must first accept the fact that Jesus must conquer us as individuals first¡Kthen and only then will we make a difference as a corporate body.

G. Make a decision¡Ktoday is the day to begin the journey!

5. To be Christlike we must make a commitment to Jesus.

A. After the decision, there must be a commitment! We must commit ourselves to be Christlike.

B. The commitments we make always shape our lives.

C. If you tell me what you¡¦re committed to today, I will tell you what you will be in ten years.

D. Many of us have served the Lord for 5, 10, or 15 years! However, many really aren¡¦t that old in the Lord. Many are only one year old with 5, 10, or 15 years of experience with that one year.

E. The sad thing is this¡Kmany of us just drift through life never making any serious commitments to Christ.

- Some make half-hearted commitments and then never follow through.

- Others only commit to worldly values and worldly goals¡Kending up empty and bitter.

F. Being like Christ only happens when we make Christlike commitments. God made you and wills for you to be like His Son. NOTHING is more important than becoming like Christ.

G. My vision (and I believe God¡¦s vision) is for all of us to become Christlike in¡K

1. Worship

2. Fellowship

3. Discipleship

4. Ministry

5. Evangelism

III. Conclusion.

A. It¡¦s time to decide. It¡¦s time to make a commitment. Aren¡¦t you tired of trying on your own? On our own, we just can¡¦t do it! But here is the good news¡KJesus wants to help us and live His life through us.

B. If not now¡KWHEN? If you won¡¦t decide now¡KWHEN?

C. This is probably the most serious altar call I¡¦ve made since my arrival. If your ready to

1. Live with the Heart of Jesus.

2. Think with the Mind of Christ.

3. Walk in the same manner that Jesus walked.

4. Make a serious decision to become Christlike.

5. Commit yourself for the long-haul.

Come to this altar and tell the Lord!