Summary: A call to our church to commit to a lifestyle of soul-winning.

“A Call to the Harvest”

Date: January 4, 2004 A.M Service

Place: Allendale Baptist Church

Text: Matthew 9:36-38


In my family there have been many different occupations. For instance, some have been carpenters, mechanics, truck drivers, salesmen, etc. Some would not like me to say this but, I have heard stories of some relatives running “moonshine” during the 20’s & 30’s. Not surprising there have not been many preachers…

On both sides of my family as we have researched our family tree, we have found that many of our relatives have been farmers.

After WWII, my father and uncle purchased land side by side and began farming. My dad always called himself a dirt farmer. I don’t know much about farming, but when I think of farmers, I think of the harvest. A great deal of work goes into preparation and planning but the success lies within the harvest. For many families, the success of the harvest depends on whether they can keep the farm for another year.

For instance, if there is a drought, flood or freeze and the harvest is lost, that means loss of income. Everything depends on the harvest at harvest time. Other things become secondary, because the harvest waits for no one.

In the past, many towns and communities would celebrate harvest time with festivals and feasts. It was a great time of celebration and anticipation for the hard work ahead.

As a church, we also are in the harvest business. Not in fruit, vegetables, cotton but in the greatest commodity that can be found. The harvest of souls.

In preparation for this message, I begin to look at some of the history of Allendale Baptist Church. I am sure that in the 18 years of the churches history, there have been many that have been faithful in sowing the seeds. The best that I could find was that 179 total baptisms in 18 years. I’m certain that there have been many others who have come to make professions of faith as a result of those being a faithful witness in this community.

This morning my desire in this message is not to focus on the past, but challenge us to the future. As we look at this scripture, I want us to see five important principles for the harvest ahead.


· V. 36 “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”

· Many times we see in scripture that Jesus was moved with compassion and He wept.

· We never see His hurting and suffering for Himself, but only for the spiritual condition of others.

· My dear Christian friend, when was the last time you hurt, when was the last time you cried over a lost family, an unsaved friend or a co-worker that does not know Jesus as Savior and Lord?

· This is not going to make me very popular and same will get mad but, more church members, and I must say pastors, get their feeling hurt over silly unimportant things than they ever would be hurt and cry over someone going to hell. More church members will rearrange their busy schedules to come to a business meeting than they would to come to an evangelistic outreach or soul winning visitation night.

· The work of harvesting souls is painful and costly. But I say it is the greatest reward for the Christian and the church to persue.

· Is your pain tolerance high enough to endure the pain of the harvest?

Next we see…


. V 37 “Then saith He unto His disciples, the harvest is truly plenteous.”

· Each quarter we are given the large number of people to continue to move into Montgomery County. One report that comes to mind shows over forty thousand families each month. We have seen a large part of that growth in the west side of Montgomery County, but over the last few months the growth continues to come eastward.

· In the previous verse we saw that Jesus looked at the multitudes.

· This word multitudes is used over 200 times in the Bible as I see related to the work of evangelism.

· I must say this the shortage is not found in the harvest.

· You do not have to go very far, and I would even say turn your head this morning to find someone in need of the Gospel.

· Many churches have turned so inside that they have lost sight of the harvest right outside their backdoor.

· Ever heard the old saying; “can’t see the forest for the trees.”


· V 37 “But the laborers are few”.

· Today when the harvest is ready the farmer will use large machinery called combines to gather the produce, cotton, grain, corn or hay.

· Years ago farmers would bring in what they called “harvesters” to help with gathering.

· You can use a combine or machinery to harvest corn but it takes people to harvest people.

· It takes people to spread the seed of the Gospel and it also takes people to harvest.

· Can I say this? It is a wonderful thing to invite someone to church; it is also wonderful that some share their faith and testimony of coming to a saving knowledge of Christ. But we must ask folks the question: do you know Him as Savior? In your personal opinion what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? If you were to die today do you know where you would spend eternity?

If the farmer does not harvest the crops in time and get them to the market he not only loses his profit but the crops will be totally ruined. My dear Christian friend if we do not harvest the fields God has placed us in, it is not crops and produce that will spoil it is individual souls that will be lost for all eternity.

While I was in the soft drink one thing was drilled into me as a salesman, and I also drilled it into those I managed: you never get back lost opportunities. This meaning if you lost a sale you rarely ever got that chance again.

We as Christian should take that same mind-set. A missed opportunity to share the Gospel we might not ever get again.


· V. 38 “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest.”

· Someone has said prayer is not preparation for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.

· I hope you understand my heart, the work of the harvest, the ministry of evangelism cannot and will not be effective as the prayer ministry.

· I believe with all my heart if more of us were praying for people to be saved, more would be saved.

· I am asking each of you, Allendale members, if you cannot go out… pray for those that will…

· Every work… every ministry of this church must be bathed in prayer.


· V 39 “That He will sendforth laborers into His harvest”

· The work of the harvest is God’s work that He allows us to be a part in.

· I have experienced a lot in my 40 years of life. I have had some wonderful, emotional highs. I have scored a few touchdowns and even hit a walk off home run in the bottom of the 9th inning to win a ballgame but there is no greater joy I have ever experienced than being used of God to bring someone into the family of God.

· I once heard a preacher say he wished the rapture would happen while he was preaching a funeral at a graveside service.

· I hope the rapture comes right after I have the priviledge of sharing the Gospel with someone and they pray the sinners prayer.

· One definition of the words used here “send forth laborers” is to “thrust them out by force.”

· I like that. But can I say this to you my dear Christian friend; You should not have to be forced out to something you are commissioned to do. Telling folks about this wonderful Savior of ours is not only a blessing and a priviledge but it is our responsibility.

We need to remember as we committ to being a "Harvester" and a soul-winner, we cannot go in our own strength we must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to move and work in and through us.

It is the job of the church... every born again, blood bought child of God to be in the harvest. Not just the pastor’s job... not just the few deacons that will go out.. but every Christians responsibility to share the Gospel... I would challenge each member of Allendale Baptist church to seek you out a partner to hold you accountable and one that will go out a witness with you.... During the 6-7 years I was a part of the outreach visitation ministry at Mins Baptist church I had many wonderful partners. Jeff Harmon, Ron Brumble and Mike Mowdy were among the many. On many visits it was my greatest blessing to pray for them as they shared the Gospel with folks in their homes. One man I will never forget is my dear friend Jesse Rodriguez. One night Bro. Jesse and I pulled up to a house out in the middle of nowhere and dogs surrounded our car. We sat there for a while praying someone would come to the door and call the dogs off and escort us to the door. This did not happen. Bro. Jesse looked over at me and said one of us should get out and go to the door. With a hesitant voice I said I agreed. Then Bro. Jesse said well do you think these dogs like dark meat or white meat. But Bro. Jesse was one of the sweetest soul-winners I had ever meet and greatly encouraged me in my walk.

I close with this story this morning:

In a small church in the East Coast following a message on evangelism, a man came to the pastor and told him this story: The man lived in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. He always considered himself a Christian. Like most Germans, he and his family had heard the stories of what Hitler was doing to the Jews but tried to distance themselves from it because they felt nothing could be done to stop the deaths of thousands.

A railroad track ran behind the church he attended and each Sunday morning they could hear the whistle in the distance and then the wheels coming over the tracks. They could hear moans and cries coming from the cars. They became aware that the trains passing by were filled with Jews being taken to the concentration camps.

Week after week the whistle would blow. The man said they dreaded the sound of those wheels because they knew that they would also hear the sound of the cries of Jews being taken to their deaths. He said they knew when the train would come and when the whistle would blow they would begin to sing hymns. He said by the time the train would pass the church the congregation would be singing at the top of their lungs. If they heard the screams they would sing louder.

The man told the pastor, years had passed by and no one talks much about the holocaust anymore but he can still hear the cries. His last statement to the pastor was; “We called ourselves Christians but we did nothing.”

I wonder if one of the songs they sang was “Rescue the Perishing.”


Some of you today have not entered into that personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. You need to come this morning and receive His forgiveness by faith in His death, burial and resurrection.

Some here today are not committed to soul winning and evangelism. I am asking every Christian here this morning to commit to reach one person during this year with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am asking you to become a “Harvester”. In each pew this morning was placed a committment card. I said at the beginning of this message you must make a decision of what to do with this message. I asked our church several weeks ago to adopt the slogan for 2004; “Each One Reach One.” If you have a desire and feel the Lord leading and will committ to reach one lost soul for His kingdom this year; if you truly desire to committ to being a "Harvester" would you check that spaace on the card and sign your name and come place it on the altar. And while you are there one the altar in the offering plates are cornels of corn. Would you pick one of these up and let this be a reminder to you of your committment to reach one person with the Gospel in 2004.

I am making my committment this morning to be a "Harvester". Will you join me?

My prayer is that each one of us will respond as God has spoken to us through this message today.

If you desire to join us in our effort to reach the lost please let us know.

A Call To The Harvest

"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest."

__ I committ to be a "Harvester" for the Lord and a faithful labourer in reaching lost souls for His kingdom.

__ I committ to pray for souls to be saved and for the outreach ministry of our church.

__ I desire to know more about sharing my faith with others.

