Summary: The FINAL study in a series of messages from the book of Romans.


Lesson 1 - THE PLAN OF THE GOSPEL (1:1-17)(1:117)

Lesson 2 - THE NEED OF THE GOSPEL (1:18-3:20)

Lesson 3 - THE WAY TO THE GOSPEL (3:21-5:11) 5:11)

Lesson 4 - THE BENEFIT OF THE GOSPEL (6:1-8:39)

Lesson 5 - THE REJECTION OF THE GOSPEL 9:1-11:36)


LESSON 7 - The Commission Of The Gospel (Ch 16)


These were people who were making strides in the early church. People who were putting their necks on the line. These were people who were offering their bodies as a living sacrifice for Christ. THESE WERE PEOPLE WHO WERE FULFILLING THE GREAT COMMISION. So the theme for this final section of Romans will be "The Commision Of The Gospel." We’ve seen the plan, need, way, benefit, rejection, responsibility, so NOW IT’S TIME TO GO! We’ve been commissioned.

Verse 25 of this chapter says, "Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ." This is our challenge. That we become established in the Gospel Hall of Fame. That we fulfill our commision to the gospel. That we find our specific role. We will look in depth in our class Wednesday night just how each of these played a specific role in the "Commision of the Gospel. "



As we have been commisioned by the gospel to spread the gospel, one thing that will always be a factor is division among believers and obstacles. It is truly a shame that these things happen in the church. The reality of why they happen is this. Satan hates the church. By the way, that’s not the building that’s you and me. His plot against the church is to:

1) Divert - Satan knows that if he can get us side tracked, then we will not be as effective in our Kingdom work. If he can get you and I divided and bickering, then you and I will not work together to help others come to know Christ. He has successfully put an obstacle in our way when we are divided. If we are going to fulfill our commission, we must make sure that we watch out for division and obstacles placed in our way because they will only divert our attention from our commission.

2) Pervert - If Satan can’t divert our attention, he will do his best to pervert our beliefs. Verse 18 says, "by smooth talk and flattery they will deceive the minds of naive people." If there is a battle in the whole church today, it is the battle of perversion. With homosexuality and other sin being allowed in the church as acceptable, it is a reminder of Satan’s desire to pervert the church. By doing that, he places an obstacle in our ability to efffectively fulfill the Commission of the Gospel. The world doesn’t buy the lie.



The one who has been so patient throughout the ages. The one who has allowed Satan to have his reign. The one who has displayed His grace to an ungracious creation, will soon turn to wrath and judgement. Included in that wrath will be Satan himself. How will he be crushed? This verse says under the feet of the believers of God! Based on Thursday and Friday’s study, Satan is causing division and stumbling blocks for the believer. He is also trying to divert and pervert the church. What a way to start a Monday! SATAN WILL SOON BE CRUSHED! He is a liar on borrowed time, and he knows it!



Recently, my wife and I went to the movies to see "Cheaper By The Dozen", a very cute movie with Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt. As the movie ended, we hung around to watch the out takes of the movie. You know, those funny little clips where the actors mess up during filming. As those were being played on one side of the screne, on the other side were a bunch of credits. I bet you the only people who read the credits are the people whose names are in the credits. Every eye in the theatre was on Steve and Bonnie.

The fact that very few people read the credits of a movie doesn’t change the fact that they were very important in making the movie all that it was. As funny as Steve Martin is, he can’t act, direct, and film all at once. It takes a support staff.

As we come to the close of the book of Romans, we get to meet the support staff of Paul. Timothy, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Tertius, Gaius, Erastus, Quartus, all men of God who helped Paul be the great man that he was.

Each and every one of us have people that are our support team. We have people in our lives who help make us who we are. People who encourage us. People who challenge us. People who comfort us. Please take a moment today and reflect on who your support team is. Take a minute or two to pray for them and thank God for them playing such a vital role in your life. Then take a moment a realize whose life you may be playing a role as a member of their support team. Pray and ask God to help you be everything that they need you to be.



I remember the first time I ever helped my oldest son (who is 2 1/2) try to put a puzzle together. He would try it this way and that way and then another way. He would get so discouraged, and he would look at me and say, "But daddy, I ’taint do it!" I would try to reassure him that he could do it. The reason I knew he could do it is because I could do it. I knew if I worked with him enough, he would learn how to do it himself. Today, he can flat put a puzzle together. I get much pleasure out of watching him accept the challenge of a new puzzle. I like to look at him as I see the wheels turning in his little mind trying to complete the task in front of him. When he is finished he always yells out his cheer of victory, "Daddy, I did it!"

As we close this weeks study, and the study of the book of Romans, we are challenged. We have studied for three months the Unveiling of the Gospel. Now in this final week, God is telling us to go and do our part. Our immediate response could be, "God I ’taint do it!" And He would reassure us that we can, because He is going to help us. He is able to do it through us if we are willing to try. Philippians 1:6 says, "being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ." If He has commissioned you, and He has, He will complete it in you, and one day soon you will be able to proclaim, "Daddy, I did it!"