Summary: A brief, simple, look at the place of the Jewish people in God’s plans

Jesus and the Jews. Matthew 8:1-13. WBC 1 Feb 2004 pm

Looking at ‘the Words of Jesus’. Tonight- Jesus’ words about His people, the Jews, and their place in God’s plan


OT- seen as special and chosen people. Chosen and beloved on behalf of Abraham and because, of all the people in the world, they were intent on following ONE true God

Jesus’ ministry was to the Jews

- not exclusively. But purposefully

- MT 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

- But always with knowledge of more

o That after Him it would go to ends of earth

o Gentiles flocking in was sign of end of his earthly ministry

 Cf Greeks coming to Philip “Sir we would like to see Jesus” Jn 12:20

- Here: who passage is about inclusiveness (not exclusivity):

ONE: The leper. Socially excluded. Unclean

- Jesus reached out and touched him

- No concern for ceremonial uncleanliness

TWO: Centurion. An inquisitive and God-fearing neighbour who came to Jesus

- doesn’t actually voice a direct request to Jesus

o but Jesus hears his implicit cry for help

o relies “I will come and heal him”

 lit “Am I to come and heal him?”

 = not off-putting. It’s probing the man’s faith. Am I?

• drawing him out

• ‘don’t you know a Jew isn’t SUPPOSED to go into the house of a gentile”

• (not that that bothers Jesus! He’s just touched a leper!)

These two cases speak of God’s inclusive plans for the Kingdom

What a response he gets from the centurion

- lit “marvelled”

- word only used ONCE elsewhere – and that’s Mt 6:6 where He MARVELS at the Jewish UNBELIEF

The centurion’s faith that is so marvellous = not faith in all the theological complexities (that the Jews were so good at)

- rather simple, utter, reliance on God’s word and power

He’s held up as an example

- nobody in Israel was like this!

And Jesus goes on to speak of His inclusive plans for the nations… people like this centurion


In OT- God’s Kingdom… and it’s fullness/fulfillment is pictured as a banquet (a wedding banquet)

ISA 25:6 On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare

a feast of rich food for all peoples,

a banquet of aged wine--

the best of meats and the finest of wines.

ISA 25:7 On this mountain he will destroy

the shroud that enfolds all peoples,

the sheet that covers all nations;

ISA 25:8 he will swallow up death forever.

The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears

from all faces;

- but it’s a banquet for ALL nations

o the Rabbis and teachers had selectively forgotten this (as we ALL do!)

 THEIR writings narrowed it down

Now Jesus explains the true meaning of it

- it’s a level playing field

- all are invited to the banquet (not to become Jews)

o on the same criteria- FAITH

o the faith of Abraham and Isaac etc

 they were/are saved by believing God could save them- and was credited it them as righteousness

 and the sacrifice of the cross became retro-active

- so- saved by same criteria as us (just didn’t know as much as us

o Ab saw Jesus’ day but not as clearly as we do

 But don’t have to understand ALL to be saved!

There is no favouritism with God

- here = about the outcast, and their acceptance

- God welcomes ALL who call on the name of Jesus to be saved

o Irrespective of race, background, minor issues

o = level playing field. Equal footing

Note: Jews & Gentiles are there together (by same criteria)

= shock to the Jews

- thought it was a Jewish preserve & right

- “No son of Abraham could be lost”

Jesus goes on to clarify to them in a shocking way

- in fact, the Jews will be excluded!

- not totally, as Ab & Is are there- but they will be if they rely on being a Jew to get in

o answers those who think 2 covenants mean 2 means of salvation- one for Jews one for people of faith

Jesus uses some language to drive this home

- “Sons of the Kingdom” (ie the Jews… = THEIR term) – those who should be in will be out

- folks will come from “E& W to take their place”

o = term used of gathering the Jews!

So- does the church REPLACE Israel?

- no: the church is the fulfilment of Israel- and includes the true Israelites who follow in Ab’s faith

But what about Roms 11- branches broken off so that gentiles may be grafted in

- don’t we take their place?

- No: SOME branches are broken off (ie those not ‘true’ Jews)

Did God save the Jews one way & gentiles another

- no

- there were 2 covenants – 1 of faith, 1 with Ab’s generic descendants

o but only ONE way of salvation

So- that 2nd covenant. The one about Ab’s generic descendants and the LAND

- does it still stand?

To be honest: I’m in a grey area, here

- lots of promises to return. Probably to be fulfilled

- but should they take the land from Egypt to Mt Hermon, as in days of ‘yore’?.

- I find it hard to say because:

ONE: I’m not sure this hasn’t been fulfilled (not negated/cancelled) in Jesus

- and now Ab’s TRUE sons take THE WORLD!

- There’s nothing about the ‘land’ in the NT. AT ALL. It’s all in the OT

o Why not mentioned by JESUS at all? Why not in the words of ANY of the NT writers

 Only in words of Americans?!

 Not ONE passage. Think about it.

- Only places where it COULD be are in Acts 1:6 “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?”

o Jesus relies about the HS, and them being witnesses to take the world to the world

 Ie it being a SPIRITUAL kingdom

- Also Heb 11:6 where it seems to imply that the saints of old realised that God was talking about a heavenly land and home, not an earthly one.

TWO: Any pressing on the ‘land’ seems to violate a higher/clearer law in scripture to me

- that of love, fairness, justice and how God feels about war and bloodshed

o if the Jews are given/take Egypt to Mt hermon- it will be all out war

o (ah- “that’s Armageddon”, you say. “That might be stupidity”, I say. Are you really going to start a global war over something Jesus… nobody NT mentions… and could clearly be argued has been fulfilled in Jesus?)

I’m a main and plain, broad brushstroke man

- don’t want to get into obscure nitpicking. I wonder whether folks do, sometimes, because they are simply bored and have lost focus on taking their faith to the world

o find these issues are irrelevant to conversion… new believers!

I’m not saying I’[m right- but I just steer clear of that ‘land’ stuff

- as it is more political than scriptural (in NT sense)

- and I have been called to a different emphasis (front –end. And this stuff doesn’t help that emphasis in the UK)

I recommend you do the same (but I don’t require that you do)


but, in closing, I think there is something pretty clear about the Jews

comes from Roms 11. About the grafting bit

- Says that we have been grafted into a vine not ‘natural’ to us

o We’d, naturally, be gentile pagan’s if it weren’t for the gospel

o We’re gaining sap/sustenance from the stump of Jesse- ie the Jew’s roots

- Implication: if we grow well, there- how much more so the Jews!

o It’s natural territory to them!

- And if the false ‘Jews’ being broken off meant life/Jesus for us

o How much more will a few Jews being Christians mean!

 = resurrection

There seems to be the inference that… near the resurrection (end)… Jews will find the true vine… true Messiah… and all that will provoke a huge gathering in of Jews & Gentiles

- not least because God remembers His love to their ascendants

- they are generally and genetically inclined to religious things & there will come a time when many more recognise the truth. True vine

It’s not clear exactly how- but it’s there in the NT.

- how exciting the future will be!

o Not focussing on wars but on WINNING lives for Jesus

- Who says the church is going it die out!