Summary: Temptation of Jesus - You can do it, easier and quick and test God. The devil knows how to tempt you, not just a generic temptation. He knows the best time, the best place, the most tempting thing to offer.

How about a piece of pie?

Luke 4:1-13

Today we are talking about temptation. Most of you may remember the Flip Wilson Show and his character Geraldine, Always saying “the devil made me do it!”

We tend to think like that don’t we? If we sin and we feel caught or guilty we like to blame someone else. Maybe the devil or some one that is evil or less moral tempts us.

I think we all believe that we know what temptation is all about. But let me give you a couple of stories that I think illustrates the thought with a precise focus.

A little boy in a grocery store was standing near an open box of peanut butter cookies. “Now then, young man,” said the grocer as he approached the young man. “What are you up to?” “Nothing,” replied the boy: “Nothing.” “Well it looks to me like you were trying to take a cookie.” “You’re wrong, mister, I’m trying not to!”

That’s temptation!!

We understand that temptation leads to trouble. Such was the plight of man that I read about in Reader’s digest. This man said he was shopping in the mall with his wife when a shapely young woman in a short, form fitting dress walked by. He said as she walked by his eyes followed her. Without looking up from the item she was examining his wife asked, Was it worth the trouble that you are in?

That’s the trouble with temptation. We know we should not and we know that there are consequences to our actions. We are sometimes just asking ourselves is it worth it.

Our scripture today describes how Jesus was tempted. It tells us the setting, Just after Jesus Baptism and that he is full of he Holy Spirit.

Isn’t it easy to resist temptation when we are full. When you go over to the steak house and fill up on salad, then the meal comes with a big baked potato.

When you are full, it is normally easier to say o I don’t need that $4.50 piece of Pie or cake. I am not saying that you want give in, it is just easier.

At the beginning of the 40 days, Jesus is full of the Holy Spirit, but it seems that the devil pulled out his best stuff after Jesus was hungry. At the end of the 40 days the devil starts tempting Jesus to use his divine identity and abilities.

Solve your hunger, You have the power. You can do it.

How in the world can I look at Jesus and think the if he did it so can I. HE was the son of God for heavens sake. I am just a normal person with way too much stress. The only thing I feel full of is hot air.

Just because he was able to resist when he was weak only makes me feel bad that I can’t when I am strong. You know what; stories like this are just the reason that some people don’t want to hear about being a Christian. Jesus was perfect and if you aren’t perfect you better go someplace else because you are only going to feel bad about yourself.

Personally one if my big temptation is to feel sorry for myself. To beat myself up when I get physically tired, when I get spiritually hungry and when I review my failures. Temptation to separate yourself from God is always there. The separation is the consequence not the temptation itself.

If you use Jesus as your daily measuring stick you will never feel like you are doing any good in your life. Jesus should be or target, but while we are in this sinful world you will not really get close to hitting it.

The temptations in the scripture today can be warning flags for us, and Jesus success should be our goal.

Let’s start with the bread. When we are hungry can be physical but I would think we should be thinking of Spiritual. Satan suggests that Jesus, as the son of God, not depend on God to provide but to take action for himself.

How does that happen in our lives? Do we actively jump into situations and look for a fix or nourishment. Do we feel that we have to search desperately to fill something that is missing and let someone else tell us what it is?

TV advertisers love to tell you what you need. Foods, exercise and diet products, how to buy real estate. Advertisers are always trying to fill the questions inside of us that say that we need to be better, thinner, richer and if we use our credit card the answer can solve the hunger with rush shipping.

The devil is the advertiser to our spiritual hunger, pointing out the green pastures over there someplace. You have the power to heal yourself. Just take control and make decisions totally for your self. You are empowered and a free thinker. You are in charge and don’t need to trust God.

The majority of temptations in our lives will only ask you to make the simple innocent looking decisions that are no big deal.

You can do it, it’s no big deal. No one will know. You need to.

Next in the scripture, the devil shows Jesus the world – and says it is his to give. He will give it to Jesus if he will worship him. What he is offering him is to take the easy and least painful trip. Jesus came to the earth to take back the whole world. So here is the fast and easy way. No cross no pain. He can have it with out working for it without having to struggle and work at the process.

We are offered his world and all of its ease. If we will accept the world as is and we don’t try to make it better. Some will just avoid the difficulties because the world says it is ok to be selfish and self-centered. Some will spend their money to buy as much comfort and pleasure as possible. They never notice the suffering of the world and don’t worry who will care for the hurting and abused. Some people will marry and divorce just to be happy not realizing that it takes work for a relationship. The devil’s world says you must always be happy and that is what he says he offers.

If Jesus avoided the cross he could have been in control of the world but it was a failed world that would never really be perfect. The sinful world he would have accepted would always have sin, suffering and death and there would never have been the gift of grace and eternal life. But it is easier and Quick!

The easy and quick (too good to be true) temptations of this world are too easily jumped on because they look like the same goal can be reached. We all too often fall into this type because we want to do the best for our family and for God but short cuts can leave us wanting to go back.

The third temptation that the devil offers Jesus is to test God and his love of the son. Jump from the top of the temple. Sounds crazy and what would that be in my life. I would never go to the roof of the church and not expect to get hurt if I jumped. Even as a life long Christian.

For Jesus, the promise was sound. God would not allow his son to be hurt.

As for us, how about if we skipped church for extended periods of time do we think our kids will have a faith like we have, or what if we come to church and act one way on Sunday and act differently the rest of the week.

That sounds a little crazy.

The temptation that is being given is to test God. To try to find the line that God says you are OK and walk the edge and know that you are stepping over it from time to time.

If we are blessed we can live fast and loose. You are saved. Live any way you want. Drink, do drugs, drive fast, take unnatural and unnecessary risk.

The devil uses scripture to tell Jesus how he will be protected because he is God’s son.

As children of God we are offered grace and protection. But are we children of God if we purposely plan to test God’s grace or are we just thinking we can fool God?

With each challenge Jesus gave the Devil a reply to the test of scripture. Would that be a hint as to how we might be more successful in avoiding temptation? Are the answers and protections to temptation listed in the Bible? I believe a big yes is the answer to both of those questions.

For me there are many temptations. To use the Restaurant theme again. If the server ask me If I want a desert that is a mild temptation. I can often say no. If they show me the desert menu it is harder. The hardest of all is when the server brings out the tray with several examples.

The devil knows how to tempt you, not just a generic temptation. He knows the best time, the best place, the most tempting thing to offer.

And you may not be able to resist because He knows your weaknesses. When you fail, NOT IF… When you fail and fall for something. Then is when the biggest and hardest things come to you. You feel separated and defenseless. You become even more vulnerable. You had the pie and feel guilty.

You may have lost a battle but not the war. When we miss the perfect target and feel bad that is not a call to be condemned. It is a call to hang on and try again.

That is what this time of year is all about. Wednesday we started the season of Lent. The season of examining our failures and setting out hearts and minds on doing better next time.

The one thing common to all three temptations is that they attempted to distract Jesus from his mission or destroy his relationship with His heavenly Father.

The Lie Satan Wants Us to Believe

You Sinned - You have ruined your life, you are beyond God’s use, and can never go back home.

The only way the devil wins is if you believe that your mistakes can not be forgiven by God. When you will feel like you lost the war he wins, but in reality is was just one battle unless you make yourself his prisoner.

Win or loose evil keeps on working on you. “ Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.”

Margaret Thatcher, the first woman prime minister of England stated, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”

Devil will always be lurking in the shadows, watching, waiting for the next vulnerable moment.

When you are weak – expect a major assault

When you resist – be ready for a different approach

When he leaves – count on another attack

That is the real fight, to recognize that you are in a constant struggle. You must not give up because it is not the little skirmishes along the way that are important. It is how it ends and as a child of God you are told how it will end if you don’t give up. The bible gives you strength and ammunition to help in the battles. I help you to say no thank you when you are asked, How about a piece of pie?

All Glory be to God!