Summary: This is an Advent sermon.


Y2K fears. Water, food and guns. Companies spending thousands to fix it. Fear and anxiety.

Read Luke 21:25-36.

I. The fact of the Second Coming

It is going to happen.

A. Prophecy

332 prophecies in OT about Jesus 1st coming. All true. Statistically speaking it is impossible for only 8 of them to be fulfilled in one person. 1st coming was correct.

Prophecies about the Second Coming. Daniel 7:13. Matthew 26:64. Acts 1:9-11. Revelation 1:7; 14:14.

B. Projections

Various theories of prophecy. Charts, graphs, etc. Verse 32. The “generation.” Various theories. The apostles, the church, the human race. Passing comments.

William Barclay writes, “There has always been much useless argument and speculation about the second coming. When it will be and what it will be like, are not ours to know.” If we were supposed to know…. History is headed somewhere. When will it end? We have hope!

The speculation doesn’t matter, we have to…

II. Be ready for the Second Coming

We have to be ready. Don’t be overly concerned with what is going in the world. (Politics and sports.)

A. Preparation

Watch. No distractions. Don’t go live on a hill. Go about our daily lives. We are to go and preach the Good News.

Preparing for company in the holiday season. We know when they are company. We have to keep up to date when you don’t know. The house has to be in order.

Baby Jesus. Mary holding him. Came as a servant. Will come again as conquering king.

B. Prayer

We are to pray. What do we pray for?

1. For strength to endure

We cannot do it on our own. Day-to-day.

2. To be ready to stand before Jesus

Pray to have our lives and hearts right with him.

Luke 22:40, 46. Pray to avoid temptation. Few days later. Church, are we asleep? He is coming. When? I don’t know.

It doesn’t matter when he comes, we have to be ready whenever.


William Barclay writes, “We must live forever in the shadow of eternity, in the certainty that we are men [and women] who are fitting or unfitting themselves to appear in the presence of God.”

Are you ready? Will you meet Jesus coming with fear or rejoicing? What will be the reaction when the knock comes on the door?

Is your heart right with God? “What a day that will be.”