Summary: God favored His people by revealing Himself by several names which offered special insight into His love and righteousness.

God’s First Name

Exodus 3:7-15

Names are often meant to be descriptive or hopeful. Stanley Yelnats was sentenced to 18 months at a camp for a crime he did nto commit. He and all the other boys are forced to dig 5 foot wide by 4 foot deep holes in the desert every day. They are told this builds character, but in fact they are being used to hunt treasure. Stanley befriends a Zero who is very reclusive. They form a bond and expose their captors’ real plans. What is interesting is the nicknames given to the boys, some pretty interesting nicknames. Armpit, Barfbag, Zero, Caveman are just a few examples. Armpit had a problem with B.O. Barfbag, well; I’ll let you figure him out. Zero was perceived as nothing and caveman found a fossil.

All received their names because of an attribute - real or perceived. I’m sure that each of you could tell a story or two about your nicknames too.

Names in the Bible are important. In the ancient world, knowing another’s name was a special privilege that offered access to that person’s thought and life.

For example, take Jacob, one of two sons of Isaac who was the son of Abraham.

Jacob means "surplanter" or "cheater". He was named that because, he came into this life holding onto his brothers heal, as if to pull him back in and to take his place. Later in life, Jabob did cheat his brother out of his inherited birthright as the first-born.

Later, Jacob changed. Through God’s influence he changed from being a deceptive, sneaky, slimy, oily character into a compassionate, sensitive, caring, and passionate man. So God changed his name too. His name changed from Jacob (meaning cheater) to Israel (meaning prince of God)

So what is God’s name?

God favored His people by revealing Himself by several names which offered special insight into His love and righteousness.

Jehovah/Yahweh. One of the most important names for God in the Old Testament is Yahweh, or Jehovah, from the verb "to be," meaning simply but profoundly, "I am who I am," and "I will be who I will be." The four-letter Hebrew word YHWH was the name by which God revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:14). This bush was a vivid symbol of the inexhaustible dynamism of God who burns like a fire with love and righteousness, yet remains the same and never diminishes. Some English translations of the Bible translate the word as Jehovah, while others use Yahweh.

God is the author of life and salvation. His "I am" expresses the fact that He is the infinite and original personal God who is behind everything and to whom everything must finally be traced. This name, "I am who I am," signals the truth that nothing else defines who God is but God Himself. What He says and does is who He is. The inspired Scriptures are the infallible guide to understanding who God is by what He says about Himself and what He does. Yahweh is the all-powerful and sovereign God who alone defines Himself and establishes truth for His creatures and works for their salvation.

When Moses was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt God called to him from a burning bush in the foot hills of a mountain called Sinai.

Let me read to you about what happened – directly from the text. This is in the version called “The Message.” Focus on the words and catch what God told Moses.

Exodus 3:7-15 (The Message)

God’s First name describes him well

Moses was called to proclaim deliverance to the people and was told by God, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ’I AM has sent me to you’ " (Exodus 3:14). In the deliverance of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt, God revealed a deeper significance to His name. But He had already disclosed Himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as Yahweh. Each of them had called on the name of the Lord (Yahweh) (Genesis 12:8; 13:4; 26:25; Exodus 3:15) as the God who protects and blesses. Yet Exodus 6:3 shows that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did not know the fuller meaning of Yahweh, which was to be revealed to Moses and the Hebrew people in the Exodus experience.

The divine name Yahweh is usually translated Lord in English versions of the Bible, because it became a practice in late Old Testament Judaism not to pronounce the sacred name YHWH, but to say instead "my Lord" (Adonai) - a practice still used today in the synagogue. When the vowels of Adonai were attached to the consonants YHWH in the medieval period, the word Jehovah resulted. Today, many Christians use the word Yahweh, the more original pronunciation, not hesitating to name the divine name since Jesus taught believers to speak in a familiar way to God.

Stanley and Zero are both incarcerated at Camp Green Lake. A reform camp where the boys are made to dig holes every day. When Stanley takes the blame for another boy, Zero is impressed by his selflessness, so he finishes digging Stanley’s hole. When Stanley asks why he did it, Zero says that he knew Stanley was innocent. Stanley smiles, and offers to teach Zero to read.

Stanley begins by teaching Zero to spell his own name. Zero sees the value in learning to read, so he offers to help Stanley dig his hole

every day "so you won’t be so tired to teach me." At first Stanley declines, but Zero says, "Look, you’re a slow digger." Stanley laughs and asks if Zero is "trying to bag" on him. Zero says he is, but that "this way we’ll be done at the same time." Stanley replies that "it couldn’t hurt."

He guides Zero through the spelling of his name, correcting as he goes. Zero, who has been a loner, looks up and tells Stanley, "You

know, Zero isn’t my real name." Stanley is surprised because even the counselor calls him Zero. But Zero explains that his name is Hector Zeroni.

As if they are meeting for the first time as true friends, Stanley says, "Nice to meet you, Hector." And Zero replies, "Nice to meet you."

Their friendship grows. Zero figures that at their current rate, they can get through the alphabet in five days. The other boys in the camp are jealous. They taunt Stanley, asking him how he likes having a personal slave. But Stanley and Zero understand one another, and shake it off.

As they continue their lessons, they grow closer. Zero learns to spell mom, and then opens up to Stanley about his life. Zero explains that his mother had trouble, and eventually abandoned him in a park near where Stanley used to play. Stanley asks, "What happened to her?" and Zero replies that he doesn’t know, but if he could he would hire investigators to find her. Stanley realizes that he played while Zero was homeless, and Stanley feels sorrow for his friend. Zero says, "No biggie," smiles, and they get back to work on his lesson.

The whole idea of Camp Green Lake was to make the boys competitive, self-serving, and isolated so that they could not truly form a cohesive group. But Stanley’s selfless act of mercy breaks through the barriers the warden had created. Stanley and Zero become friends.

The same competitiveness exists in our own world. We are constantly told to look out for number one, and that it is a dog eat dog world, out there. But all it takes is a selfless act, a reaching out, to break out of worldly thinking and gain friends. Together, friends are stronger than one alone. Their mutual encouragement enables them to stand against life’s troubles.

God is the one who IS. He sees all and has seen all. He understands all has understood all. He is before the beginning and he is after the end. God is “I AM”.

It was this that led Moses to service.

When Moses stood on that mountain and caught a glimpse of God, just a glimpse, it changed him. Just like getting to know God changed Jacob from a cheater to a prince and he served God.

Now, Friends, this is someone worth knowing more about. Just knowing God can change your life.

Have you ever really looked at a diamond? The brilliance of the facets is, well, fascinating. (That’s where the word comes from!) The more you look the more it pulls you into it.

That’s what I want to invite you to do.

Discover God and enjoy the process.

It is the discovery of God that changed and is changing me. I said that that way on purpose. I’m not done yet. But the more I know of God the more I am compelled to serve him and others. The more facets of God I discover and explore the more excited and passionate about life I get.

God changed Jacob. God Changed Moses. God changed and is changing me. God can change you, too.

That is what I want to share with you, all of you. That is what God wants, for you to be a part of his family.

Oh, one more thing, Jesus said, “Before Abraham was I AM”. Jesus is God.

Let’s Pray…