Summary: Three things...1. Get in the boat, 2. Stay in the boat, 3. Love the boat

The Boat of Salvation

INTRODUCTION: Charles Swindoll, in his book "Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back," tells the story of a farmer who wanted to impress his hunting buddies. So, he bought the smartest, most expensive hunting dog he could find and he trained his dog to do things no other dog on earth could do---impossible things that would surely amaze everyone. Then he invited his buddies to go duck hunting with him. After a while a flock of ducks flew over and the hunters were able to make a few hits. Several ducks fell in the water and the proud owner shouted to his magnificent dog, "Sally, Go get ‘em!" The dog leapt out of the boat, walked on the water, picked up a bird and returned to the boat. As soon as he dropped the duck in the boat he trotted off across the water again and grabbed another duck and brought it back to the boat. The owner beamed with pride as his wonderful hunting dog walked across the water and retrieved each of the birds one by one. Unable to resist the opportunity to brag a little he asked his buddies, "Do you notice anything unusual about my dog?" One of them rubbed his chin and said, "Yow... Come to think of it, I do notice something different! That silly dog doesn’t know how to swim!"

I. Get in the boat---How do I get in the boat? John 14:6

a. The first thing you need to do to get into the boat is to [accept Christ] as your personal Savior! Jesus said with utmost confidence, “I am the way, the truth, and the life….no man comes to the Father except through me.” So…the first step, in getting into the boat is getting to the Father by way of Jesus Christ. Sometimes that first step can be a little shaky as far as we are concerned.

[Tell story about getting into the little 8 foot flat bottom boat..]

b. The second thing you need to do is to [trust Christ] to do the work of salvation.

Ill- A Kindergarten class went to the fire station for a tour and some instruction in fire safety. The fireman was explaining what to do in case of a fire. He said, "First, go to the door and feel the door to see if it’s hot. Do you know why we feel the door?" “To see if there is fire on the other side”, a child responded. Then he said, "Next fall to your knees. Does anyone know why you ought to fall to your knees?" One of the little girls said, "Sure, you get on your knees so you can start praying to ask God to get you out of this mess!"

TRUST? You mean we have to trust Christ to do the work? YES…and we have a verse of Scripture to assure us that if we do our part God will do HIS! I John 1:9.…“If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Here is the promise…If we confess, our confession will be responded to in two ways…

1. He will forgive us of all our sin! Hallelujah!

2. He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness…any thing that is not like Christ will be dealt with when we get saved! Go ahead…get in the boat!

I. Get into the boat!

II. Stay in the boat…How do I stay in the boat?

In the book of I Timothy, Paul, the aged and experienced apostle writes to the young Pastor, Timothy, who is facing a heavy burden of responsibility in the church at Ephesus.

Ephesus was a city famous for its Temple and worship of the Goddess Diana. Its Temple employed prostitute priestess and priests who offered sacrifice for money. In I Timothy Paul urges Timothy to stay true in the midst of all this paganism. You know, I do not need to tell you this but if you take a close look at society today…we are becoming more and more pagan by the minute.

Paul makes several "charges" (instructions) to young Timothy in this epistle.

1. The First Charge Is Found In Chap. 1:1-3


Christians today need "staying power" - especially in our increasingly pagan society.

2. The Second Charge Is Found In Chap. 1:18,19


1. War a good warfare

2. Don’t shipwreck your faith.

a.) Remember what God has done for you.

b.) Remember the examples of those who have shipwrecked their faith.

3. The Third Charge Is Found In Chap. 6:20-21


1. Don’t be distracted by strange doctrines and beliefs

We live in a day filled with "strange doctrines". We have "political correctness" without "biblical correctness!"

III. Love the boat---How do I love the boat? Exodus 15:1-19

Especially verse 2

Love the fact that you are saved! Love the fact that it is the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses you from all sin!

Moses in His song to the Lord pointed out several things and verse 2 has enough information for a sermon in itself!

What is the Lord doing for Moses?

1. The Lord provided strength to Moses. [Monday--had two flats, (one on the car---one on my truck, drove 130 miles, mowed Ward-Kraft, Pizza Hut, played the game at 6:00 and after that game I was totally worn out…I told coach Kelso, “just let me be the designated hitter, I’m am worn out physically.” (went 4 for 6)

Sometimes, we need replenished in our spiritual journey…Moses was singing a song to God and thanking Him for the strength that God had provided. We have needed the very breath of God to strengthen us over the last year! (Dustin--Gabe)

2. The Lord provided a song…“songs in the night, songs in the night” Radio 104.7

God has drilled a truth home to me at different times with a song.

Wade--birthday, CD Greater Vision, he already had it…so I borrowed his and let him take the other one back. On that CD there is a familiar song “He loves me”

When I’m sad, He loves me,

Even when I’m bad, He still loves me. (In that while we were yet sinner)

When it seems no one cares for me,

I talk to Jesus, He loves me.

So…the Lord was a strength and a song to Moses!

3. The Lord was Salvation to Moses.

What had Moses been saved from?

Well for 1, Pharaoh. Two…bondage in Egypt. Three…The wilderness….Four…the Read Sea …. Five …. Plagues … Six… Moses was saved from the scrap heap of insufficiency. He told God that he was a nobody, “Who am I that I should go?” He told God that he was an ambassador but had no idea who it was that was sending him, He told God that He was slow of speech, “Lord, I have a thick tongue…I can’t deliver the message properly!”

Moses was saved from several things. What have you been saved from? My friends, if you are here this morning and you are saved you need to thank God for the boat of salvation. Love the boat!