Summary: Heaven or Hell are the only choices

What will be beyond this life?

MT. 25:32-34, 41, 46

When we look at life here we might wonder is this all there is. The bible is very clear in letting us know that this not the end of our lives but there is an after life. In the very beginning God created Adam and Eve to live forever for they were created in the image of God who is forever. When sin entered the world Adam and Eve lost there forever ness, were driven out of the garden and did not have close communion with God as at the beginning. At the entrance to the garden was placed an angel with a flaming sword which turned everyway to guard the tree of life. Adam and Eve could never get back to the tree of life. When Jesus came and gave His life for us it opened the way to the tree of life. Which means, we can, once again live forever. Our souls will live forever but we have to make the choice as to where our forever is. There are only two choices: Heaven is for those who have been redeemed and hell is for those have not chosen to let Christ into their lives. The Bible tells us that “it is appointed unto man once to die.” It is God who will judge at that time whether we enter heaven or depart from Him forever. So we are asking this morning are you living to go to heaven or hell. Let us look at the facts.

I. Let us first talk about heaven.

A. Heaven is a place. Jesus said the night before he died on the cross, “I go to prepare a place for you.”

1. He did not mean a place that we think about or imagine.

2. It is a place of many rooms or mansions. The Bible tells us that Jesus came down from heaven. He left

the earth to return to heaven.

B. We are told heaven is a prepared place. Jesus is the one who is preparing it for us. It will be a place of

Comfort where t here will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain, no more separation, no

more heartache, no more death. It is a place for prepared people. Only those who sins have been

washed in the blood of Jesus and walk in obedience. Those who have chosen to walk in their sin and

follow the ways of the devil and this world will barred from entering.

C. Heaven is a desired place. Heaven is a word that even to the people who live in sin like to hear and

means a good place or feeling. When it comes to funerals for Christians it is spoken of where the

Soul had gone to live forever.

D. Heaven is an eternal place. God had no beginning or ending and His habitation is heaven so we

must conclude that heaven is a forever place.

II. Now let us talk about hell.

A. We turn to Luke 16:19-26 to turn back the curtain that Jesus does to show us the horrible destiny of those who refuse to believe and follow Christ.

B. The Bible is the authority and Jesus is the Word of God. He speaks of heaven as a wonderful place

And also speaks of hell as a horrible place.

C. Heel is place of suffering, agony, pain, distress and torment. Hell is not as some believe the grave.

It is not a state of mind. It is not a punishment we might receive here on earth. It is a place prepared

for the devil and his angels.

D. There are no stops between death and hell. Luke 16:22-23 “The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and his soul went to the place of the dead. There, in torment.

E. Hell is described as a place of unimaginable suffering. The word says “being in torments, I’m tormented in this flame and you are tormented. Whatever you can think of the worst torment could be this is much worse.

F. One is conscious in hell and knows he is there. This man who was rich in this life knew where he was. The Bible tells that the soul never dies. This man experienced the second death the Bible tells will happen to those who do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

G. Hell is an eternal punishment. I would like to say it is only until you improve your life or that you can work your way out. Whenever the Bible speaks of the hereafter it always refers to it with the words “eternal, everlasting, and never-ending.”

III. Who will be in Hell?

A. Rev. 20:15”Those whose names were not found in the Book of Life were thrown into the fiery lake.” “Anyone whose name was not found inscribed in the Book of Life was hurled into Lake Fire.”

B. John 3:18 “Those who believe in him won’t be condemned. But those who don’t believe are already condemned because they don’t believe in God’s only Son.

C. John 3:36 whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, he will see God’s constant anger."



I shook my head in disbelief. This couldn’t be the right place. After all, I couldn’t possibly be welcome here. I had been given an invitation several times, by several different people, and had finally decided to see what this place was all about. But, this just couldn’t be the right place. Quickly, I glanced down at the invitation that clutched in my hand. I scanned past the words, "Come as you are. No jacket required," and found the location. Yes, I was at the right place. I peered through the window again and saw a room of people whose faces seemed to glow

with joy. All were neatly dressed, adorned in fine garments and appeared strangely clean as they dined at this exquisite restaurant. Ashamed, I looked down at my own tattered and torn clothing, covered in stains. I was dirty, in fact, filthy. A foul smell seemed to consume me and I couldn’t shake the grime that clung to my body. As I turned around to leave, the

words from the invitation seemed to leap out at me, "Come as you are. No jacket required."

I decided to give it a shot. Mustering up every bit of courage I could find, I opened the door to this restaurant and walked up to a man standing behind a podium. "Your name, sir?" he asked me with a smile. "Dennis Selfridge," I mumbled without looking up. I thrust my hands deep into my pockets, hoping to conceal their stains. He didn’t seem to notice the filth that I was covered in and he continued, "Very good, sir. A table is reserved in your name. Would you like to be seated?" I couldn’t believe what I heard! A grin broke out on my face and I said, "Yes, of course!" He led me to a table and, sure enough, there was a placard with my name written on it in a deep, dark red. As I browsed over a menu, I saw many delightful items listed. There were things like, "peace," "joy," "blessings," "confidence," "assurance," "hope," "love," "faith," and "mercy." I realized that this was no ordinary restaurant! I flipped the menu back to the front in order to see where I was at. "God’s Grace," was the name of this place! The man returned and said, "I recommend the ’special of the Day’. With it, you are entitled to heaping portions of

everything on this menu." You’ve got to be kidding! I thought to myself. You mean, I can have ALL of this! "What is the ’special of the Day,’" I asked with excitement ringing in my voice. "Salvation," was his reply. "I’ll take it," I practically cried out. Then, as quickly as I made that statement, the joy left my body. A sick, painful ache jerked through my stomach and tears filled my eyes. Between my sobs I said, "Mister, look at me. I’m dirty and nasty. I’m unclean and unworthy of such things. I’d love to have all of this, but, I Just can’t afford it." Undaunted, the man smiled again. "Sir, your check has already been taken care of by that Gentleman over there," he said pointing to the front of the room. "His Name is Jesus." Turning, I saw a man whose very presence seemed to light the room. He was almost too much to look at. I found myself walking towards Him and in shaking voice I whispered, "Sir, I’ll wash the dishes or sweep the floors or take out the trash. I’ll do anything I can do to repay you for all of this." He opened His arms and said with a smile, "Son, all of this is yours if you just come unto Me. Ask Me to clean you up and I will. Ask Me to take away the stains and it is done. Ask Me to allow you to feast at My table and you will eat. Remember, the table is reserved in your name. All you must

do is accept this gift that I offer you." Astonished, I fell at His feet and said, "Please, Jesus. Please clean up my life. Please change me and seat me at Your table and give me this new life." Immediately, I heard the words, "It is finished." I looked down and white robes adorned my squeaky clean body. Something strange and wonderful had happened. I felt new, like a weight had been lifted, and I found myself seated at His table. "The ’special of the Day’ has been served," the Lord said to me. "Salvation is yours." We sat and talked for a great while and I so enjoyed the time that I spent with Him. He told me, me of all people, that He would like me to come back as often as I liked for another helping from God’s Grace. He made it clear that He wanted me to spend as much time with Him as possible. As it drew near time for me to go back outside into the "real world," He whispered to me softly, "And Dennis, I am with you always." And then, He said something to me that I will never forget. He said, "My child, Do you see these empty tables throughout this room?" "Yes, Lord. I see them. What do they mean?" I replied.

"These are reserved tables, but the individuals whose names are on each placards have not accepted their invitations to dine. Would you be so kind as to hand out these invitations to those who have not joined us yet?" Jesus asked. "Of course," I said with excitement as I picked up the invitations. "Go ye therefore into all nations," He said as I turned to leave. I walked into God’s Grace dirty and hungry. Stained in sin. My righteousness as filthy rags. And Jesus cleaned me up. I walked out a brand new man... robed in white, His righteous-ness. And so, I’ll keep my promise to my Lord. I’ll go. I’ll spread the Word. I’ll share the Gospel . . . I’ll hand out the invitations. And I’ll start with you. Have you been to God’s Grace? There’s a table reserved in your name, and here’s your invitation... "Come as you are. No jacket required."