Summary: There will be disputes. that is not the important part. How we handle them is what matters.

Galatians 2:1-21

How To Settle Disputes


A. As long as we are human, we will have disputes

B. We will have arguments

C. We will have disagreements

D. There was a small town in Tenn. With a Church whose name was “left foot Baptist” a young seminary student saw the sign and was curious about the name of the church. So he asks someone where the name came from. A church used to regularly practice foot washing. An Argument broke out about which foot should be washed first. Well one group thought it was the left foot. They took their group and started their own church and called it “left foot Baptist church”

E. A division like that might be funny if it weren’t so tragic

F. The question is then how do we settle disputes.

G. Today we are going to look at how to settle disputes

H. We are going to examine 3 keys to effectively handling disputes

a. Privately at First

b. Agree to Disagree

c. Let Them Have It

I. (1-5) Privately at First

A. Explanation

1. The apostles lived in Jerusalem.

2. Therefore Jerusalem become the headquarters of the Christian Church

a) If you want to think of this in terms of the Christian and Missionary Alliance the is the equivalent of Colorado Springs, where the headquarters is located

3. Paul went to Jerusalem to have a little “Chat” with the head honcho’s

4. Now this was a “Conference” that the head honcho’s set up to put an end to the whole circumcisions controversy

a) Now understand, circumcision back then meant a whole lot more then it does today, Circumcision was how you could tell if someone was a Jew or a Gentile, it meant everything to the Jewish community

5. The questions was does a gentile have to be circumcised to be saved

6. So Paul went there, but notice how the Bible says that he went, (Vs. 2) But I did this privately

7. Now if you think about Paul’s feelings, he was amazed at that fact that he had to deal with this issue

8. Paul, could not understand how you could distort the Gospel of Grace to include something like Circumcision

9. Salvation is found through faith in Christ finished work, nothing more nothing less

10. I can picture Paul sitting there thinking “I cant believe I have to deal with this” at the same time he was concerned about it

11. You notice in verse 2 he says if they add circumcision to the requirements for salvation, then everything that he did would become useless

B. Application

1. Now what does this passage teach us about how to handle disputes

2. Take a look what Paul did

3. He found out that there was a problem

4. Rather then just getting up and saying childish things like “You guys are a bunch of dummies”

5. Rather then telling everyone why he was right and the “leaders” were wrong

6. He meant with them, PRIVATELY!

7. He choose to meet with them privately so not to create a controversy that would cause a lack of unity in the Church

8. If you have a problem with someone, go to them privately and talk you problem out

9. Do not drag the whole world into it.

10. The first step is to settle it privately as to not create disunity

C. Illustration

1. I expect if you ever have a disagreement with something I say or do, that you come directly to me

2. There is nothing more damaging to a church then people who tell everyone else about a problem they have with someone else

3. You have a problem; you have a disagreement, try to settle it first.

4. Now not all things can be settled this way, There will be sometimes when issues will never be decided that brings us to our 2nd point

II. (6-10) Agree to Disagree

A. Explanation

1. The one thing that Paul never wanted to do is create a division in the Church

2. To create another denomination if you will

3. Paul wanted to maintain unity in order to advance the Gospel

4. Now reading these 5 verse you get an interesting sense that Paul did his best to give his public support of the Jerusalem console

5. After their “conference” I do not think that Paul and the Apostles went to Quaker Steak and Lube to celebrate their decision

6. They untimely did all agree that Salvation was by faith and faith alone

7. However, they were not close friends

8. Put in the spirit of unity they laid hands and Paul and Barnabas and released them to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles

9. What you have here is two very distinct groups, laying down their personal preference and persevering unity

10. You have Paul being mature and not blasting James Peter and John but rather choosing to continue to be submissive and be supportive

B. Application

1. What can we learn about how to handle disputes?

2. Paul will never be best friends with James Peter and John.

3. It is obvious that this will not happen

4. After the decision was made about circumcision, They both realized that each other is preaching the Gospel

5. So they learn to tolerate each other

6. Despite their differences, as long as they are both preaching the one true Gospel they choose to support each other

7. Let’s update this example shall we

8. The one group wanted only to sing the hymns of Charles Wesley. Those are some of the best hymns ever written

9. The other group was into these new fangled choruses’s.

10. Which group is right?

11. Both! It is ok to have differences

12. As long as both groups are preaching the Gospel, as long as both Groups hold to the Gospel only, nothing else matter

C. Illustration

1. There are many little theological points out there that are debatable. Predestination Vs. Free Will

2. Calvinism Vs. Arminisim

3. The view of the End Times, Rapture, Millennial Reign ect.

4. These are things that should never separate our unity

5. These are things that should never split a church

6. These are things that we should accept in one another

a) A couple of years ago I worked with a youth Pastor in this district at Edinboro. I will be completely honest with you, I do not like him. I do not like his style, his attitude, I just don’t get along with him

b) Now let me just say this, he is doing a wonderful job at his church. He is preaching the Gospel and Teens are accepting the Gospel. He is discipling his group and they are becoming disciples who make disciples. He is reaching more and more people with the Good news

c) You know what I have to say about that, Keep going, may the Lord continue to bless his ministry

7. The essentials matter. The Gospel matters. Things that do not matter should never cause us to loose unity.

8. The lack of unity will cause people to resist the Gospel, don’t cause that to happen

III. (11-21) Speak the Truth

A. Explanation

1. There is a certain amount of time between verse 10 and verse 11 these two events that are talked about have a considerable amount of time between them

2. The issue is no longer circumcision that issue is now a dead issue because of the conference they had before

3. But now we get into the issue of food

4. Peter was eating with the gentiles and eating gentile food and the church was united and living in harmony

5. Then came men from James – these could have and are likely the false brothers and spy on the freedom we have in Christ – More then likely they never were sent from James

6. They got a hold of Peter and told him that he was “ruining the Gospel” so Peter started believing them

7. We have said many times last week and many times this week, that Salvation comes through Faith in Christ, nothing else

8. So Paul got word what Peter was doing and saying. Paul was mad

9. He went to Peter, and let Peter have it!

10. In not uncertain terms Paul to Peter that he is wrong, Paul told Peter that he was preaching a false Gospel, as we said last week, is really no Gospel at all.

11. Paul then goes on to explain to Peter how the Gospel works

12. Now understand Peter is not an idiot. Peter did get off track, so when Paul is mentioning these things Peter did understand them

B. Application

1. How can we apply this to handling disputes

2. Note the progression, we had our conference and we thought that we had everything cleared up

3. Then we support each other even though we did not particularly care for each other

4. Now we are doing the same things that we had a conference for again

5. There comes a time when we have to speak the truth

6. There comes a time when we can no longer be nice

7. When we can no longer deal with things in private

8. There comes a time when we have to publicly oppose someone who is wrong

9. But notice what this is about, Paul is opposing Peter about the Gospel

10. Paul is not opposing Peter based on the food he is eating, the clothes he is wearing, his hair style

11. His musical preference, his vehicle of choice, his view of the rapture of the church,

12. Here is arguing about the most essential truth in all of the universe

a) The truth of Jesus coming to the Earth, Dying on the Cross, Raising again, offer to pay for our sins and give us eternal life.

b) That is what Paul is arguing for

13. If someone is distorting the Gospel, by all means let him or her have it! You point out to them why they are wrong

14. Just make sure it is as important as the Gospel.

C. Illustration

1. Church splits usually happen for some dumb reasons. Take this one for example in the 1890’s there was a small Baptist church in Kentucky. The church had two members that were always at odds with each other. . On a particular Sunday once of the members put up a small wooden peg so that the pastor could hang his hat on. The other member was outrage “How dare someone put a peg in the wall without first consulting me!” the people in the church took side and the congregation eventually split. Over a hundred years later, residents still refer to the two churches as Peg Baptist and Anti-Peg Baptist!

2. Pegs are not worth letting someone have it about

3. Distorting the Gospel is worth letting someone have it


A. There are something that will happen at Bakerstown Alliance Church that you will not necessarily like

B. We might sing some songs that you do not want to sing

C. We might not do this or we might do that

D. There are some things in life that will happen that you will not like

E. Your friend does this or that

F. Your Wife might say something you do not like

G. The question is how will you deal with it?

H. To effectively deal with disputes:

a. First #1: Go to the person in private, Try and settle the dispute without broadcasting it around the world

b. #2: Agree to Disagree. There are many issues in this world that are not worth splitting over. Do not get caught up on the minor issues

c. #3: Let them have it. If it of major importance, and the other person is wrong, after every option has been used, do not be afraid to confront the person in the wrong

I. Disputes will happen

J. Arguments will happen

K. Disagreements will happen

L. The question is how will you hand them?