Summary: This sermon is about our faith which helps us triumph over the circumstances of life and the ways in which our faith can be tried namely 1.TRUST 2.TEST 3.TURN 4.THOUGHTS 5.TURNED DOWN 6.TREAD 7.TENSION














Hebrews 11 : 1 , 6 Hebrews 10 : 35-38 I Peter 1 :6-7


Hebrews 11 :8

Our faith is tried when we have to obey God and follow His leading even when we do not understand the path that we go through. Abraham had to leave his homeland and go out in faith not even knowing where he is going. We have to obey God even when He has not given us the complete details of where He is taking us. By faith we must trust in His goodness and faithfulness and follow Him.


Genesis 22 : 1-19

Our faith is tried when we have to prove that the blessings that God has given us has not taken the first place in our hearts . Abraham was tested when he was asked to sacrifice his son . This son Isaac whom Abraham loved dearly was a long waited dream for Abraham and was a fulfillment of the promise that God had given to him. Now Abraham had to prove that he still loved God first more than the blessing he had received from God.


I Samuel 16 :1 Philippians 3 : 12-14

Our faith is tried when we have turn from the past and look forward to the future. God asked Samuel to turn from the past by ending his mourning for the failure of Saul and looked forward to the future by anointing the person whom God had chosen in the place of Saul. We have to turn from the sorrows , hurts and disappointments of the past and by faith look forward to the future blessings that God has in store for us.


II Kings 5 : 1-14

Our faith is tried when God meets our needs and answers our prayer in ways that are different from our own thoughts and expectations. Naaman the leper was disappointed when he was told to receive his healing in ways different from what he expected . But his servants counseled him to receive his healing even if he had to get it in a way very different from what he had thought. We should be willing to allow God to answer our prayer and meet our needs in any way he chooses even if it is quite contrary to our thoughts and expectations.


II Corinthians 12 :7-10

Our faith is tried when God turns down our request and instead grants us a different solution. The Apostle Paul prayed three times for the thorn in his flesh to be removed but God turned down his request . Instead the Lord promised that His grace would sufficient for Him and His strength would be made perfect in weakness. The thorn was in his life to keep him humble lest he become proud by his extraordinary spiritual experiences. By faith we should accept God’s decision even when He turns down our request . The Lord knows what is best for us.


Matthew 14 : 22-32

Our faith is tried when we have to tread purely by looking at Christ and not at circumstances. Peter walked on water as long his attention was focused on Jesus. But when he started looking at the storm and the waves he became fearful and began to drown . By faith we should keep looking Jesus as we walk over the storms and waves in our lives . We should not focus our attention on the troubles and problems and allow fear to dominate our lives.


Mark 4 :35-41

Our faith is tried when face tense and anxious moments . The disciples were travelling in a boat with Jesus when they faced a big storm . The disciples panicked and woke up Jesus who was sleeping . They asked Him ‘ Lord don’t you care that we are perishing ?’ . Jesus rebuked the storm and there was a great calm. Then Jesus responded by asking them two questions. He asked them ‘ why are you so fearful ? ‘ and ‘ how is it that you have no faith ? ‘ . Sometimes when we face tense and dangerous situations we also ask the Lord the same question that the disciples asked. We must realize that the Lord is asking us the same two questions He asked the disciples . The Lord wants us to be bold and strong in faith even in fearful and dangerous situations because He is a faithful God who will never leave us nor forsake us .
