Summary: There are 6 essential things we must carry into battle each day if we are to have a chnace against the enemy of our soul.

Our Battle Gear

Ephesians 6:14-18

I. The Piece that Holds It All Together (v. 14a)

A. Without Truth There is No Foundation to Stand

B. Real Truth is Revealed in God’s Word

C. God’s Truth Protects Us

1. Against Lies About Us

2. Against Distortions of Scripture

II. The Pieces that Provide Our Defense (v. 14b, 16, 17)

A. The Breastplate of Righteousness (v. 14b)

1. It is Imputed ( II Cor. 5:21)

2. It is Our Source of Holiness (II Cor. 7:1)

B. The Shield of Faith (v. 16)

1. It Must Be Picked Up to Be Effective

2. A Shield of Faith Gives an Eternal Perspective

a. During Difficult Life Circumstances

b. During Spiritual Crossroads

C. The Helmet of Salvation (v. 17)

1. Not Referring to the Act of Salvation

2. Protects Against Attacks of Doubt ( I John 5:13)

III. The Pieces that are Offensive (v. 15, 17b & 18)

A. The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace (v. 15)

1. Speaks of the Motivation to Go

2. Gives Us Something Firm to Share – Our Testimony

B. The Sword of the Spirit (v. 17b)

1. Our Weapon to Attack Lies of Satan

2. Our Weapon to Beat Back Temptation

3. Our Weapon to Cause Satan to Flee

C. Consistent Prayer (v. 18)

1. Our Prayer Life Must Be Consistent ( I Thes. 5:17)

2. We Must Recognize Different Prayer Needs

3. We Must pray for Others