Summary: "Geo-Chronology" and 21 proofs for a "young earth". Powerpoint at website.



The three questions that are most often asked of creationists:

(1) The question of THE AGE OF THE EARTH.

(2) The question of A GLOBAL FLOOD

(3) The question of DINOSAURS

• The Bible does speak to the age of the earth...and I believe the Bible testifies to a very young earth. (I intend to show you scientific support which verifies a young earth)

• The Bible does speak of a global flood and I want you to see how this impacts our thinking on geological ages.

• The Bible does speak about dinosaurs, and I want you understand the truth about all these dinosaur bones that we are constantly digging up, and some dino’s possibly still living!

Last time we looked at the “Old Earth” theories like the Gap Theory and the Day-Age Theory…Theistic Evolution. We don’t need to try to reconcile the Bible to modern thinking.


Let me show you the two primary witnesses to the age of the earth being a relatively young age...(I believe approximately 6,000 to 10,000 years old)

1. The witness of SCRIPTURE.

I believe the clear witness of scripture is to a very young universe.

You see, a young universe is no problem for our transcendent creator God...Because He also created time. And he created a fully mature universe, and because it was a fully mature universe at the very moment of creation, it had the appearance of age, even though it was only minutes old...

EX. Take the moment God created Adam for instance. Did God create a baby boy named Adam and then raise him to a man, or did God create a full grown, fully mature man? The answer is very obvious from scripture. God created a fully grown, fully mature man named Adam.

Now if you were a doctor and Adam came to you for a physical examination the day after he was created, you might have examined him and on his medical records you might have filled out his age as being 35-40 years of age. If you did not ask Adam, you would observe him to be old. But the truth of the matter is... He was only one day old. [cute little Addy-Waddy!]

The way we come to an estimate of the approximate age of the earth from the biblical text is by adding up the years involved in the generations of man, the descendants of Adam. The genealogy of Genesis is our record of the age of the earth and the age of mankind.

Witness of scripture…

2. The witness of the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE.

a. I just want to tell you that there is a ton of evidence pointing to the age of the earth being relatively young. In fact more evidence exists than I can even begin to present to you today. So my goal is to only give you enough to help you realize you have been lied to by the people who are telling you the world is billions and billions of years old.

b. The study of the age of the earth is called “GEOCHRONOLOGY” You need to know that there are approximately 80 different tests that are used to estimate the age of the earth...and FIVE TO ONE THEY DEMONSTRATE A VERY YOUNG EARTH!!! And those tests that indicate an older earth point to a world no more than 1 million years old at the very most. (Certainly not billions and billions of years.)

Let me give you several physical evidences that indicate very strongly the age of the earth is very young...

(1) Human POPULATION...

• In 1985, the population of the earth was approximately 5 billion people. Given what we know today about human reproduction and population growth it looks like everything began about 4,400 years ago, if we do the math backwards...that’s precisely the time of Noah’s flood according to the biblical record.

Just this week…

The UN released estimates that by 2050 the 6 billion on earth today would grow by 50% to about 9 billion! If fertility rates remained unchanged from the 2000 rate of 2.83, there would be 134 trillion people in 2300, impossible to sustain.

• If man had been here as long as Evolutionists say, reproducing even at the most conservative rate imaginable, using the most conservative population calculators, accounting for nearly every kind of war, famine or plague imaginable.... There would still be a huge...huge population on the earth. There would be about 100,000 people per square inch!! [somebody’s deodorant’s failing!...can’t be mine, I’m not wearing any!]

(2) The loss of MASS of our sun....

• The sun is a huge burning ball of energy. As the sun burns it loses mass... It is burning up, literally.

• We know the sun loses 5 million tons of mass every second...(It is shrinking)...Great weight loss program isn’t it!!

• We know the sun is shrinking at a rate of .1% per century, or about 5 feet per hour.

• At that rate of burn and shrinking we know that 100,000 years ago the sun would have been twice its current size.

• At 1 million years ago it would have been too large for anything to survive on our planet.

• At 20 million years ago the sun would literally have been so big it would be touching the earth.

(3) The SPINNING of the expanding galaxies...

• WE know the universe is expanding, and it is slowing down (this is what led scientists to formulate the Big Bang Theory). The galaxies are moving further and further apart, and their rotation is slowing...However, they are still spinning, they have not stopped yet.

• Given the measured rate of simultaneous expansion and slowing we know that if the universe was in fact 20 billion years old it should have already “SPUN OUT.” At that age, and at the current rate of expansion and slowing, the galaxies in the universe should be all spread out by now, settling as a SMOOTH universe, and they should have stopped spinning and come to a grinding halt.

• The fact is, however, the galaxies are still spinning, and they are not all flattened out into a smooth, homogenous universe. We know there are wrinkles in the universe. The universe is still in the process of “leveling out.”

(4) The COOLING of the planets...

• WE know that Jupiter is cooling off twice as fast as it is absorbing heat from the sun, it can not possibly be billions of years old.

EX. If you walk into a room and I tell you I have a cup of coffee sitting on the table and I say to you, “Don’t touch that coffee, it is hot.” What are you going to immediately conclude about that coffee? You’re going to know I just made it because it loses heat in a relatively short period of time, and if it were much more than a few minutes old it would have cooled down to room temperature. If I tell you that coffee is still hot, and yet it was 400 years old would you believe me? You’d say “That is absurd.”

(5) Expanding RINGS around Saturn...

• We know the rings around Saturn are expanding... they are moving away from the planet.

• They can’t be millions of years old, they would have been gone by now.

• 6,000 years is perfectly reasonable for the expansion rate of Saturn’s rings.

(6) The expanding DISTANCE of the moon from the earth...

• The moon is rotating around the earth, and as it rotates around the earth it is slowly moving away from the earth at a rate of a couple of inches per year. (We are slowly losing the moon)

• If the universe was billions of years old that would have placed the moon so close to the earth a few million years ago that tides would have been high enough to drown everything on the planet twice a day.

(7) The depth of cosmic DUST on the surface of the moon.

[debated in our circles!]

• Did you know that the universe is full of all kinds of cosmic dust being driven by the solar winds, and as planets rotate around in space the collect this dust.

• The earth is collecting cosmic dust, and scientists can actually measure the rate at which dust is building up on the surface of our planet.

• Given the rate of measurable build up of cosmic dust on the earth, if the earth were 4.5 billion years old there should be approximately 50 feet of cosmic dust covering the surface...But where is it. Well scientist claim that wind and erosion and rain all tend to wash the dust away and prevent it from having a build up affect on our planet.

• But how about the lunar surface of the moon. There is no wind, rain, flooding or erosion on it. There are no thunder storms on the moon, so it should be expected that the dust has been settling and building up on the lunar surface at a rate of about ONE INCH EVERY TEN THOUSAND YEARS.

NOTE: Scientist were so sure of this, that they were anticipating encountering 50 feet or more of moon dust on the surface of the moon when they sent the first Apollo missions there. That is why they put large bowl-shaped disks on the legs of the lunar module, to keep it from sinking into and being lost in 50 to 60 feet of moon dust.

• But when we landed on the moon, we discovered the dust was only about a ½ inch deep. Now if it is accumulating at a rate of 1 inch every 10,000 years, and there is about a ½ inch of dust on the moon, how old do you suppose the moon must be??? How about 5,000 years!!

(8) The weakening MAGNETIC field of the earth...

• For the last 130 years scientist have been measuring the earth’s magnetic field, and it has weakened by 14% in the last 130 years.

• If you calculate the current rate of weakening back 10,000 do you know the earth’s magnetic field would have been so strong, no life could be possible on the planet.

• If you calculate the current rate of weakening, back 30,000 years do you know the power of the earth’s magnetic field would have been so strong that the temperature on the planet would have been 5,000 degrees. (By the way, 30,000 years is nothing compared to 4.5 billion years.)

• The fact is if the earth’s magnetic field tells us anything it tells us the earth can not possibly be 4.5 billion years old, and evolution certainly could not have been happening in those billions of years.

• This weakening magnetic field tells us something else.... CARBON DATING DOES NOT WORK... because as the magnetic field of the earth weakens, more radiation gets in, were taking on more and more carbon 14 all the time. Therefore, you can’t measure the age of dead things with carbon 14 beyond just a few thousand years.

(9) The slowing ROTATION of the earth...

• As you know, the earth is spinning. Scientists today have measured the rotation of the earth to be slowing down at a rate of ONE THOUSANDTH OF A SECOND PER DAY.

• That is why on New Year’s Eve, in 1998, they had to add a tick to the clock to add a lost second it. They did the same thing is 2000, 2002, and this year. Every two years we have been having a “Leap second.”

• Calculating the slowing rotation of the earth backwards, if the earth was billions and billions of years old, it would have been spinning so fast that in would have flung everything off the planet into space.

(10) The expansion of the SAHARA desert...

• The Sahara desert is growing. It can’t be billions of years old, it can only be thousands of years old.

(11) The extreme PRESSURE of underground oil reserves...

• Have you ever seen an “oil gusher” on TV? When oil is struck, it can blow out of the ground with tremendous force.

• Some oil reserves have 20,000 pounds per square inch of pressure. With 20,000 psi, men who study the ground and rock formations around oil reserves know that there is no way that rock around it could stand up under that kind of pressure for more than about 10,000 years. Any longer than that and the rock formations would have fractured under the pressure, and all the oil leaked out.

• Over long ages of time, the psi, would have forced the oil out into the surrounding ground formations.

• I believe 44 hundred years ago there was a global flood, and billions of animals and plants were drowned, and deposited under massive mud flows. The pressure from those millions and millions of tons of sediment squeezed those dead deposits of plants and animals into oil. And those oil fields have only been there about 4 and ½ thousand years.

(12) The sediment DEPOSITS of the Mississippi River...

• The Mississippi River is depositing 80,000 tons of sediment per hour in the New Orleans Delta. The Delta is growing.

• Scientist believe the delta is about 30,000 years old. (But if there was a global flood, the first half of the delta could have formed in about 1 day and billions of tons of sediment rushed down the Mississippi River basin... This would definitely throw off their calculations based on the current rates of sedimentary deposits.)

• If the earth was billions of years old, the whole Gulf of Mexico would be full of mud by now.

(13) The oldest living tree in the world in California is about 4,000 years old.

• The Bristle Cone Pine in the oldest known living tree in the world, approximately 4,000 years.

• The exact time of the flood.

(14) The Great Barrier Reef in Australia (oldest in the world) is about 4,300 years old...

(15) The movement of Niagara Falls from EROSION.

• Niagara Falls is eroding away from the hydraulic forces of the water. It is moving 4 to 5 feet south every year.

• Niagara Falls has moved about 7 miles in 10,000 years.

• If the earth was billions and billions of years old, Niagara Falls should be located somewhere near Florida by now.

(16) Increase in Ocean SALTS...

• The oceans are gaining salt every day, and if the earth were billions and billions of years old, they should be much more salty.

(17) The growth of STALACTITES...

• Did you know there are 50 inch stalagmites growing under the Lincoln memorial in Washington...which was built in 1922?

• I have seen photographs of stalactites growing under high rise buildings and apartment buildings.

• Yet when you visit a cave where there are stalactites and stalagmite formations, the guides will tell you those formations took millions and millions of years to form.

(NOTE: Most of the above information was taken from Dr. Kent Hovind tape series DINOSAURS, EVOLUTION, CREATION SEMINAR, Seminar part 1, tape 1)

(18) The erosion rate of the CONTINENTS...

• Scientist have measured the rate of erosion happening to the continents. At the current rate, it would have taken only 14 million years for America to be completely eroded to below sea level.

(Taken from David T. Moore tape series Somebody’s Trying To Make A Monkey Out Of You, tape 4, “How And When Did The World Begin”)

(19) The gravitational fields of the SUN and STARS.

• The sun and stars pull cosmic dust toward them. This is known as the Poynting-Robertson effect.

• Our sun is estimated to be sucking in about 100,000 tons of cosmic dust every day.

• An old sun should have “pulled in” and destroyed all the particles in our solar system, yet our solar system is full of particles.

• Some stars have huge dust clouds surrounding them, therefore they must be very young or they would have consumed their own dust clouds by now.

(20) The presence of short-term COMETS...

• Comets are flying through our solar system and every time their orbit takes them past the sun a portion of their mass is boiled off.

• Given their size and the rate of loss of mass from the suns heat in their orbits, these comets could not possibly be more than 10,000 years old.

• And scientists know of no source in the universe producing new comets.

(The Evolution Of A Creationist, Jobe Martin, D.M.D., Th.M.p.177)

(21) Radiation Halos in Colorado COAL...

• Coal being mined out of the Colorado Plateau was assumed to have been millions and millions of years in formation until a man named Robert Gentry discovered the presence of radiohalos in the coal.

• These halos demonstrated that bits of microscopic radioactive material had been deposited in the wood before it hardened into coal.

• Gentry found that the uranium/lead ratios in the Colorado Plateau coal formation indicate this formation is only a few thousand years old.

(The Evolution Of A Creationistp.180)


1. The point I want to make is simply this....Don’t be naive and believe everything you hear from the evolutionists concerning the age of the earth. They are simply not telling you the whole truth.

2. There is much scientific evidence from the physical world to suggest a very young earth.

3. Next time we will address the two most likely arguments that the “Old Earthers” are likely to present...



After all of this tonite, you may be asking, “If all this is true, then why do so many reputable scientist continue to believe and teach the earth is billions and billions of years old, and seem to overlook all the evidence of a young earth?”

• That is a very good question, and I can find only one reasonable explanation. It is the explanation given in the Bible.

• Romans 1 says they “suppress the truth” and 2 Peter 3 says they “deliberately forget” about the creation and global flood.

• Romans 1 says they do it because the simply do not want to admit there is a God to whom they are accountable... And 2 Peter 3 says they do it to avoid thinking about the coming judgment of God upon their sin.