Summary: Death is only the end of a chapter not the conclusion of life of the saved

Death, is that your final answer.

John 3:3-16

There was a show that became popular a few years ago. "Do you want to me a millionaire?" It’s host Regis, made "Is that your final answer" a common household phrase, as he posed this question to person prior to revealing to them if they had won cash or lost it all. Well for those of you who have the desire to play with me for a little while this afternoon, I pose this question to you, "Death, is that your final answer?"

Here in this particular scripture John’s writings are designed to convince non-believers to believe in Jesus as God in human form who came in order that we may have life and have it in abundance. A form of reunification for a sin sick world that had become disconnected.

In this scripture we find that Jesus is approached by a man named Nicodemus. Now let’s understand who this man was. Nicodemus, was a Pharisee - a religious leader of the Jews- a ruler- one of prestigious background. one who had clout - a big wig - a top dog - somebody’s somebody! A scholastic pillar of the community Had enough letters after his name to start his own alphabet. Some one who most would not expect to ask questions. But Nicodemus was impressed by the teachings of Jesus, and he wanted a little piece of what he was talking about. Wanted to know how to obtain some of this joyful jubilance Jesus was teaching about. He wanted to know how to keep death from being his final chapter.

So he went out in the midnight hour, by the cover of darkness, so others would not know that this great scholar did not know everything. And he inquired how can I obtain some of this stuff that I hear you teaching about? Nicodemus was seeking - searching - looking for a way into the kingdom of God. Or in other words - wanting to be safe, or seeking to be saved!

But what Nicodemus did not understand, that this thing called salvation was not obtainable through works or degrees or self ordained and edified or glorified titles. But this thing that Jesus was promising, this thing that Jesus was teaching, this thing that Jesus had come to fulfill was free for the asking. Jesus was teaching folk that "Death, is not your final answer."

But what baffled Nick the most was when Jesus said, You must be born again. Nicodemus thought this to be an impossible feat. How can a person re-enter mama’s womb. So many folk period think this "BORN AGAIN" thing is next to impossible to accomplish. Many think they have to be able to recite the bible. Others think that every habit must be given up first and every sin you have ever committed must be publicaly confessed. Some think that their life must be perfect - others think their clothing must be correct. What is it to be "born again" - it’s easier than you think. Born again is the nullification of death. Listen........reborn----that is a new thing! Something redone. A makeover. A do-over. A retry. Meaning a chance to remodel, reform, redo. And when one does these is an effort to make it not. You wouldn’t remodel your home with inferior material. But when you redo- or retry - or rehab - or remodel your life, it is done to do better. That is what being born again is all about! It is not some long equation that is only solvable by a mathematical scholar. It is not something offered only to those who are in church 24/7. It is not only for those who have done no wrong. It is not only for those who have scholastic degrees. It is something that is obtainable by anyone who believes. Being born again simply is the beginning process in changing ones life. It is a form of transformation. It is being delivered from condemnation into reconciliation. It is the transfiguration that gives the gift of salvation. The act, the process, or result of deliverance out of destruction. Somebody needs to rejoice that Death is not your final answer.

Those of you who already have been reborn - know that you will see Ricky again. Rick gave his life to the Lord and when Satan asked Him if Death was his final answer, Ricky was able to say NO!!!!

But to those of you who are waiting for the right moment to give your life to God, I am hear to tell you, Satan is rejoicing because he wants you to refuse to change your answer. He wants you to believe that death is your final answer.

But My God has sent us a revised script. You see the word of God says that Jesus came to free us from the slavery of sin.

These chains have been broken! When Jesus came from heaven to earth to live amongst men to show them a more perfect way. When Jesus went from the earth to the cross, he Atoned for our sins and transgression. When Jesus went from the cross to the grave he did so, so that we might be able to sit down at the master’s table. When Jesus went from the cross to the grave then the grave to the sky, he gave us the security of victory over death and the grave. Oh somebody can you hear me now - Death does not have to be your final answer.

Oh do you want some of this thing....then you must be born again!

The greatest news of all, is that your past cannot break your breakthrough from coming through. But this thing called Salvation. This thing that allows you to feel safe. The one items that reconciles us to God. It is our opportunity to break away from Sin and to break out running to God! Tap your neighbor and ask, Is death your final answer?

Nicodemus a political officer, went to Jesus the source of power from God.

Nicodemus a scholar, went to Jesus the Savior.

Nicodemus the Dignitary, went to Jesus the fulfiller of the deity.

Nicodemus, of the law maker, went to Jesus, the law eradicator.

Nicodemus, recognized it was more than a religious thing. Nicodemus recognized it was more than a Sunday morning church service. Nicodemus understood it was more than the ability to quote the scriptures. But unlike Nicodemus, we don’t have to sneak to ask what to do. See Ricky didn’t sneak in to ask and You don’t have to sneak in to ask. We don’t need to go in by the quiet of the midnight hour. ..all we have to do is be like the jailer in Acts 16:30 when he asked what must I do to be saved, and the response from Paul in the 31st verse was ’BELIEVE"

To be born be have that sense of safety! To know that

Death is not your final answer.

Think about it. To go from condemned by your sins, and to filled up with the Holy Ghost, because we have beenwashed by the blood of Jesus! To go from tied up in sin, to set free! To go from doomed by your own doing, but to destined for glory! Say it - Satan - Death is not my final answer.

When you accept Christ into your life, and allow God to guide your steps, and receive your power and peace from the Holy Ghost, the transformation is not difficult. When you have the desire to be more like Jesus in all you do and all you say. When you want to get right with God. When you find it necessary to want to live holy, the transfiguration from sinner to saint is within reach. When you are no longer satisfied by what is and you want the chance to grab a hold of what God says can be, then metamorphosis is within reach.

Oh to be be be born means you know the Lord is your shepherd and he will provide everything that you need. Peace and tranquility instead of stress and duress. Restored and renewed instead of weary and weak. Joyful and jubilant instead of fear and disdain. Oh say it......Death is not my final answer.

Some are sitting saying I’ve been a sinner all my life. I’ve done wrong over and over and over. Surely there can be no hope for me. But the word of God says, That he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that who so ever believeth on him should not perish! That means that the guy on the street corner has the same opportunity to salvation as the preacher in the pulpit. The girl on the street has the same chance as the woman singing the church song for salvation. The alcoholics has the same opportunity as the amen corner for salvation. The dropout is equal to the deacon. The Unwed mother and the Mothers board all got the same chance. There are no big "I’s" or little "you’s"! There are no great feats that must be accomplished. It is not something you can work out, or pay into. It is not something your mom or your daddy can get for you. It is not obtainable by being the best of the best nor is it denied because you are the worst of the worst. But once it happens, a wonderful change will begin. You will begin stepping out and away from things that prohibit you from serving God. Releasing and relinquishing that which cause you to stray. When you receive Christ, and as you strive to know more about him....there is a desire to be more like him. For he is the one who literally saved us ...delivered us from ourselves. All he request of us is to believe in him. Once we begin to actually believe in him, the new life begins.

Romans 3:24 says we are justified to be saved because of the grace of God

Ephesians 1:5 says we are predestined to be saved.

2Timothy 1:9 says it’s not by our works

Titus 3:5 - says it’s because of the Holy Ghost

Matthew 18:14 - says it will save the lost

1 Thessalonians 5:9 tells us God has not appointed us to be destroyed but to obtain salvation

Death is not my final answer

To obtain it:

Matthews 3:2 says we must repent

Matthew 18:3 says we must convert

Matthew 24:13 says we must endure

Oh it is not hard to change your answer from death is to death is not my final answer

The word of God says we all may accept it

John 6:37 let’s us know it is offered

Acts 221 tells us just to call on the name of Jesus

Roman 5:15 tells us it is a free gift.

2Cor. 5:14...tells us it is because of the Love of Christ we have the opportunity to obtain it.

1Tim. 2;4 says God wants all men and women and children to be saved!

2 Tim 2:21 lets us know it prepares us to be the vessel God can use!

Oh death is not my final answer

Do you want it.....

It’s yours!

The Lord is calling our name.

Do you hear his voice?

Will you accept his call.

Will you answer his will!

It’s not a hard step. But it is a big one. One that requires that you push self aside so that you may hear the voice of God. He is calling you to a life where though trouble will still exist, because you rest in his arms, you can shout victory is mine! Though sin and temptation will still come your way, because of the blood of Jesus, you have been empowered to resist!

There will still be sickness and heartaches, but because the word of God, says trouble don’t last always, you know joy is coming! But to receive the gift, you must believe in the giver! You want to see Rick again. You want to hear him say man I’m glad to see ya.

You want to see that smile on his face, than let the fact that Jesus died to set us free be the nullifying factor in your death equation, accept him into your life so that death will not be your final answer. It’s not about how religious you are, or about who you know - but the final answer effect on your life depends on who you believe in. Believe in God for salvation. Rely on the payment that Jesus made at Calvary. Turn to Jesus and ask him to save you - this will release you from the finality of death and relinquish you to a life everlasting - Death is not our final answer