Summary: Power of the Secret place

Psalm 91


Those who live in the shelter of the Most High

will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.


This I declare of the LORD:

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;

he is my God, and I am trusting him.


For he will rescue you from every trap

and protect you from the fatal plague.


He will shield you with his wings.

He will shelter you with his feathers.

His faithful promises are your armor and protection.


Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,

nor fear the dangers of the day,


nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness,

nor the disaster that strikes at midday.


Though a thousand fall at your side,

though ten thousand are dying around you,

these evils will not touch you.”

Psalm 91 was written to guide us to Christ during he midst of danger, so that we will understand God doesn’t promise a world free from danger, but he does promise his help whenever we face danger. God is a shelter, a refuge when we are afraid. The writer’s faith in Almighty God as protector would carry him through all the dangers and fears of life. This should be a picture of our trust-trading our fears for faith in him, no matter how intense our fears. To do this we must “live” and “rest” with him (91:1) By entrusting ourselves to his protection and pledging our daily devotion to him, we will be kept safe.

When we hide in the secret place we are hidden from the enemy and the enemy cannot touch us therefore in that secret place we are hidden from the enemy and the enemy cannot touch us and the forces of darkness cannot prevail against us so therefore we can pray in the power of the Holy Spirit without fear cause God has given us a sound mind and strength to pray in the power of His Spirit thus defeating the powers of darkness, through the anointing and indwelling presence of Christ within us who gives us strength. The most important things that a believer has to understand is the end times, the abundant life of Christ and how to study the Bible.

Well the anointing power as we abide in the Lord will give us the strength despite our weakness to endure the powers that we and stand up to them. In the secret place we stand above the nature of the world against the powers of darkness and the Lord gives us the strength and the mercy to go on despite the frequent afflictions of the soul we can walk past the afflictions and the affections and God knows our doubts and our fears despite the commercialization of ministry and the professalization of the Pastorate at the heart of the Message of Christianity is still the heart of the secret place of drawing into His presence where joy and mercy flow like a river from twine.

The anointing will break the yoke of anything that we are oppressed by no matter what the Spirit of the Lord is always our strong tower, when we are weak is when He is the strongest, it is through His anointing in us that we are anointed in turn to preach of the Anointed One, the one who will liberate people, we cannot liberate only He can liberate, so we must trust in the Anointed One to anoint His message to the people whom He has chosen, and anoint with His healing balm of His very Word.

When we hide in the power of the Secret place the power of the Holy Spirit dwells within us and hides us so that we cannot be seen no heard as we pray no, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to carry on through His Spirit in deep intercession and groanings. Solitude is the key to hearing God’s voice in knowing Him and preaching His Word anointed.

Jesus said that we are to go into our closets in private and it is in that private place we are to pray unto the Lord and that is the hidden place where Satan cannot hear our prayers where we are covered by the shield of His love. When we dwell there that is where the powers of darkness cannot pervade for it is our private time of knowing God so well and experiencing Him so well that we drink of the wine of Christ and experience the new wineskins that He purchased for us as new creations through the blood of His atoning sacrifice. It is only through that what we can enter into the Lord’s shelter where His mercy and His river dwell where we can sing eternal songs unto our God and King where His shelter dwells and His river meet it is there that we are held in the palm of His hand, His everlasting loving hand from the creation of the world we are formed and held there in the secret place where God’s mercy meets God’s judgment and together we are formed before the foundations of the world by the palm of an all knowing God.

Where His river dwell where we can sing eternal songs unto our God and King where His shelter dwells and His river meet it is there that we are held in the palm of His hand, His everlasting loving hand from the creation of the world we are formed and held there in the secret place where God’s mercy meets God’s judgment and together we are formed before the foundations of the world by the palm of an all

knowing sovereign and glorious God who loves us and ransomed us through His sacrifice. It is only through that that we can experience liberation form the powers of darkness and the anointing of the Lord will fill us to the overflowing nature of the everlasting glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes is it only through that that in solitude we will experience most fully and appreciate most deeply and taste His river of mercy and joy which are abounding in everlasting quantities.

Its time that we stopped grieving God’s holy Spirit and instead brought to our attentions the understanding that dwelling in God’s house means spending time with Him its not about how much we have experienced in life or what we have come to know through books and what not, no its time that we experienced God on our knees in prayer, in fact its time that we did more scholastic knowledge in kneeology bending our knee before the Master of all knowledge and wisdom because He is the one who formed the earth from the foundations of the world from everlasting to everlasting He is the King The alpha and the omega the prince of peace and the healer of souls, it is upon Him that we are to trust and obey.

While some will not like to hear this it is okay, because as believers we are to remain hidden in the Secret place of the Most High who is our Shelter and our Intercessor, it is through being intimate with Him in abiding in Him that we will experience most fully and aptly the growth that we so honestly desire in our souls. At a soul level what we long for and to experience is the river of God’s love invading us like a warrior invades a country so the river of God’s love in the secret place invades us to the core and assails us at ever corner causing us to turn from our iniquity and sin which often times we merely hold onto rather than deal with because of our humanity and pride so thus as a result we can experience His joy and His mercy-His everlasting beauty and goodness as a direct correlation because of abiding in the secret place where His joy and mercy abounds and where we can truly meet Jesus as Jesus met people while He was here during His earthly ministry. As Jesus touched people and they were caused to be made whole so we ought to as well seek the face of Christ by abiding in Him through His Holy Spirit and enter His Courts and the secret place of His presence in the inner courts of our Lord. This is the power of the Secret place. Will you join Him in the Secret place today? In prayer? In worship? Ask the Lord to take you to the secret place and to remain hidden in prayer and worship, so that you can intercede for the saints and those who are not saved today.

Pastor Jenkins