Summary: Funeral message for a Christian man.


- Read Acts 11:19-24

Barnabas was evidently dead when Luke wrote this verse, for the disciple used the past tense in describing him. As the author tells the story of the first Christians in Antioch, he turns aside to write this note about the passing of a good man. A good man is God’s demonstration of what He can do. Not a star or a planet or an ocean or a continent, but a good man. A good man is a blessing to his family, his friends, and to the community.

Today we gather to say goodbye to Doug Reynolds, a good man. Now, in our day it is the habit of many to inflate or to exaggerate the qualities of a person who has died, to the point where you can barely recognize who they are talking about. But I am not doing that. Doug Reynolds was a good man.

Now, you may wonder how I can make such a statement about a man. How can I say with certainty that Doug was a good man? I can say it because of his patriotism.

1. Patriotism – Some of you may not know this, but Doug Reynolds served for years in the military. He worked with electronics and radars and such. He used to fly in a plane, up and down the East Coast, guarding it and making sure our borders were safe.

Doug was also one of the men who worked at keeping track of the Soviets, and their weapons. He often flew in a plane off the coasts of Europe, trying to keep track of what our enemies were up to. He was one of the men who developed ways to track the Russians’ missile movements by their radars. It is because of the sacrifice and service of men like him that we have enjoyed the peace we’ve enjoyed for so many years, and that the iron curtain finally came down.

You want to know why I can say with certainty he was a good man? I say it because of his patriotism and service protecting you and me. I also say it because of the testimony of his friends.

2. Friends – Ask his friends, ask the people who knew him if he was a good man and they will tell you he was. Ask the people at church, the women who hugged him if he was a good man, and they will tell you he was. Ask the people, who passed him just inside the door each week as they came into the church; never complaining though he was in much more pain than most: ask the ones who were inspired by his selflessness and love for others. Ask the newcomers he made feel welcome. Ask them if he was a good man and they will answer will a resounding “YES”.

I say he was a good man because of his patriotism and service, I say he was a good man because of the testimony of his friends, and I say he was a good man because of the testimony of his family.

3. Family – If you were to ask Edna, or Jerry, or Dan, or any of the many other members of his family, the ones who knew him best, if he was a good man they will tell you yes. Oh, I cannot tell you the times I have heard him tell me about how he picked Mrs. Edna out at the church. And I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard him talk about how much he loved her and how grateful he was the Lord had brought her into his life. One of the primary concerns of his life was being able to take care of her, and making sure she was OK when he was gone.

He loved his family, and prayed for them regularly. I can say He was a good man because of his patriotism & service, because of the testimony of his friends and the words of his family, but if you will not listen to any that, then ask the Lord Jesus if He was a good man and He will tell you Mr. Reynolds was and is a good man.

4. The Lord - In the eyes of God, Doug was a good man. A number of years ago, Mr. Doug invited Jesus Christ into his heart to be his Lord and Savior. At that moment, Jesus came in. At that moment, He was washed white as snow and He started with a clean slate in the eyes of God. The Bible says, “If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.” From that day forward, each time the Lord looked at Doug, He saw Him through the lens of Jesus.

My friend, there is no way I can tell you how much he loved the Lord. There is no way I can describe for you the many conversations we had about the church and the people attending there. He always wanted to know what was going on at the church and wanted to do what he could to help. That’s after he started attending River of Life.

Even before that, he worked tirelessly at Deltona Lakes, trying to get things working in their new building. He was a man who loved his church, who loved the Lord, and who loved God’s people. He is also loved by God.

Because of His love for God and God’s love for him, there are several things we are able to say with certainty.


1. He is in a better place – Paul said that to be absent from the body was to be present with the Lord. Now, I don’t know what all that entails, but I do know that heaven is a pretty terrific place. It is a land with no traffic jams, for they have streets of gold. It is a land with no hospitals, for there is no sickness there. It is a land with no darkness or fear, no black outs, streetlights or motion detectors, for the Lord’s presence lights the place.

In heaven, there is no sorrow, no pain and no tears. It is a place of beauty unimaginable. I know for certain, He is in a better place.

2. Those who know Christ, will see him again – Jesus said In John 14:2-3 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

In the past several months we have seen many motorcades on TV, escorting the president & presidential hopefuls around from place to place. I want you to know that one day, Jesus will come again, like a thief in the night, when we least expect it. On that day, the trumpet will sound and we will be caught up in the air with Jesus. On that day we too will have an angelic host escort us to the pearly gates, to see again all of our loved ones who have gone before us.

Can you imagine what it will be like on that day? When Doug walks out, forget the chair, when he runs out to meet us at the gate? Oh my friend, can you imagine the reunion we’re going to have on that day? Oh, and don’t you know he’ll know where the best fishing is and will be anxious to show us? Can’t you see him, standing by the tree of Life, picking the fruit and handing it to us?

We hurt today because a friend and loved one has left. But, we know he’s in a better place. We know we’ll see him again. So, this is not goodbye. Instead this is just farewell, until we meet again.