Summary: (Part 1) I would like to describe a healthy and an effective local church as an equipped, mission-oriented and growing local church.


(Part 1)

I would like to describe a healthy and an effective local church as an equipped, mission-oriented and growing local church. I would like to explain these three key words: “equipped”, “mission-oriented” and “growing” local church.


First of all, I think that the reason many Christians are not involved in the ministry is not just because they are lazy or uncommitted but because they are THEY ARE NOT TOTALLY UNEQUIPPED.

In Ephesians 4:11-12, Paul was very clear that church leaders are “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (RSV).

The word “equip” in Greek is “katartismos” which has the meaning to “make something or someone updated, suitable, perfect. The word is applied as a medical term for the setting of a broken limb or for putting a joint back into its place. In politics, it is used for bringing together opposing factions so that government can go on” . This is to watch for under-develop powers, to draw them out and to bring actuality in human lives. Elton Trueblood compared this work of equipping to a “coach”: “Everyone knows that in the development of a football or baseball team, the quality of the coaching staff often makes a crucial difference… The glory of the coach is that being a discoverer, the developer and the trainer of the powers of other men…. He is more concerned in developing others than enhancing his own prestige”.

The equipping ministry is a process for church leaders with a goal to discover the spiritual gifts of their members and leading each of them to do something according to their gifts. In equipping, theology, ethics and ministerial practice are taught together in both one-to-one and corporate setting.


A. The first is that there is UNITY IN THE LOCAL CHURCH.

The basis of the unity of the church is the fact that “there is one body and one Spirit, just as also you received your calling, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who governs all and pervades all and is in us all” (Eph. 4.4-6). The Lord Jesus Christ desired and prayed for the unity of the church (Jn. 17). The very first believers had unity of purpose and mind which led to the unity of their fellowship and possessions. It was this unity that attracted many people to join them (Ac. 2.44-47). Paul, in practicing this Christian unity, he said “I endeavored earnestly to preach only where the name of Christ was not yet known, in order not to build on the foundation of someone else” (Ro. 15.20). Paul would not start his own fellowship at Rome but would only help the already existing churches. Unity in order to be preserved needs the individual believer’s humility, gentleness, patience and love (Eph. 4.1-3). It also preserved by “doing nothing out of selfishness or conceit, but with humility regarding others superior to yourselves. Neither must each be looking only for his own interests but also for those of others” (Phil. 2.3-4).

Also, there is here the challenge for the whole church to work together and not just the leaders of the church. Hence, unity is not just a moral aspect but a practical reality especially in the exercise of spiritual gifts and talents. This means discovering one’s vocation and station in life. This means also an intelligent submission to church leadership and authority even for the sake of letting go of one’s interests and desires. Robert C. Anderson believes that it should be more of mutual submission as the pastor respects the ideas of the members.

B. The second characteristic of an equipped local church is that it can MAINTAIN PERSONAL HOLINESS.

The church’s final destiny is to be presented to Christ “as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless” (Eph. 5.27). But holiness cannot be achieved by withdrawal neither conformity with world. Jesus calls individual believers and the church to live “in the world” but “not of the world” (Jn. 17.11) which means neither belonging to it, nor imitating its ways.

Holiness should not be thought as sinlessness for believers are still sinful. Hence, a holy person is humble and willing to repent and restitute for his own faults. In the church setting, this calls for church discipline to function to maintain its purity. Also, holiness, rather than a sad disposition, is a peaceful and joyful relationship with God sustained by a daily spiritual communion with God through prayer and the word and by the giving of oneself to others for service.


I believe that the church of Christ is a missionary church. All Christians have the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and so all are expected to be a witness of Christ (Acts 1.8). The Great Commission (Mt. 28.18-20) is still “great” both in terms of the great multitudes of people to be reached by the Gospel of salvation and of the necessity and urgency of reaching them. A mission-oriented church takes seriously the Great Commission in the following ways:

1. By being a local church who always intercede for Christian ministers and workers and for the lost ones to be saved;

2. By having ministries and activities in the local church where unbelievers are attracted to attend and consider becoming a Christian;

3. By having a church building that is easily accessible by members and non-members alike; and,

4. By regular giving of financial support to missionaries and mission organizations.

A mission-oriented church, for me, has two basic characteristics.

A. The first is the free and joyful experiences of worshipping God and fellowshipping with one another. Only a church that is always joyful in the presence of God and in his fellowship with other believers can proclaim without hesitation, doubt or embarrassment the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, unbelievers are easily attracted to a church that is joyful in their expressions of worship and fellowship. But this joyful attitude is not to be equated only with loud musical instruments or with cracking jokes of the pastor in the pulpit. This joy is more than a feeling, it is the state of the mind that is always optimistic to what God is going to do for his life and for others. This joy, therefore, is based on faith in a God who is good and powerful.

B. The other characteristic of a mission-oriented church is that of generous giving of individual members in the local church. This is not to say that “missions” is dependent on “money”, but missions is essentially a sacrificial giving and offering either of one’s resources or one’s life. In fact, doing missions is not always for oneself but for others. A church that does not regularly give their tithes or pledges will always look to receive blessings from others. And instead of being a blessing to others, they always became a burden. I dream that Silang PMF Christian Church will be a people of God faithful in their tithing.


It always follows that an equipped and mission-oriented local church is a growing church. This growth in two dimensions: first, in the area of numbers of baptized members attending the church; and second, in the number of daughter churches it will plant. With regards to the growth of membership, though biological and transferee growths are acceptable means of growth, conversion growth is to be desired. I believe that conversion growth is the basis for other kinds of growth, rather than vice-versa. In the second part, the planting of new local churches is one of the most permanent and sure way to church growth.

A growing church, for me, has three important characteristics.

A. First is the stable and exemplary church leadership. It is the church leadership that is always one of the major reason for the growth or decline and even division of the local church. Stability of the church leadership means that I, as their pastor, will stay with them for a long time. While exemplary church leadership has something to do with the moral and spiritual integrity of the pastor and other church leaders.

B. Secondly, a growing church needs a lot of church workers, either voluntary or hired. The pastor can start church growth but cannot make it a reality alone. There needs to be church members who are willing to serve others voluntarily. This group of voluntary church workers is often the source of full-time ministers.

C. And thirdly, a growing church has many and varied ministries designed to meet the different age group and their needs. There needs to be a children’s ministry, a youth ministry, a couple, elderly, and others. This is what I saw about growing churches because people tend to go to a church where their needs are met.