Summary: In this message discover four realities about the Church of Jesus Christ.

The State of the Church 2005 (part 1)

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o The average church reaches only three people for Christ each year.

o Half of all churches did not add a single member through conversion in an entire year.

o A majority of new converts leave their church within eight weeks of their commitment to Christ.

o Over the last 10 years nearly 60% of Ohio’s Assemblies of God Churches have declined in attendance.

What is the state of the church as we enter 2005?

A recent survey of America’s protestant churches estimates that 85% have plateaued or are declining in membership. While our church is among the 15% of churches that have grown over the past year; what is the state of Praise Assembly of God? Can we automatically assume that just because our attendance has increased by 12% over the last year that everything is going the way it should? We only have to look back to both 2002 and 2001 to find our average attendance declined each year from the previous year. Those were definitely years when our Church was not growing.

o If you are here today and have joined our church within the last 12 months stand—24 months.

o Remain standing if you are here today as a result of being saved within the last 24 months—12 months.

I’m thankful for what God has done, but what about 2005? Will we as a church continue to grow? Will we continue to see people saved and brought into the family of God? What is the state of our church?

Our culture is changing rapidly. The rapid and radical changes transforming our culture have left many churches teetering between ineffectiveness and extinction. While our church may not be in danger of closing our doors forever, are we being effective in reaching our community? Is our church relevant to our family and neighbors? Can our voice be heard, or are we ignored?

As we consider the state of the church, the issue is really not about church growth; it’s important for us to know the “numbers” because each number represents a person. However, growth in and of itself does not tell the whole picture. THE CRITICAL ISSUE IS CHURCH HEALTH. If a church is healthy it will grow . . . likewise if a church is not healthy it will not grow—unhealthy churches are either revived or they die.

God has not put our church here to fail. I believe Praise A/G is healthy, and growing stronger; the best days for our church are still ahead of us. God has a wonderful plan for our church, but it won’t become a reality by just an act of God—it is even less likely that anything within the church will happen just by chance. As a church we must remain healthy and strong for God to accomplish His purpose in and through us.

• Matthew 16:18 (NIV)

. . . on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

• (The Message)

This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.

What can we learn about the church from what Jesus said?

1. The Church is established and built by Jesus.

Jesus said, “I will build my church.” Don’t miss Jesus’ first word; He said “I.” Jesus is the founder the Church!

No one can build the church apart from Jesus! If anyone other than Jesus is trying to build the church, then the Church is not what’s being built. Jesus is the builder.

Look again at what Jesus said: “I WILL BUILD OR PUT TOGETHER my church.” The verb translated will build is literally “house builder.” Jesus will construct or put together the church; the emphasis is upon what Jesus will do.

How will Jesus build the church? He will build it upon THE ROCK? Who or what is the rock? Jesus has asked His disciples Who He is. Let’s look quickly at the context to find out Who the Rock is.

• Matthew 16:15-18 (NIV)

[15] "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" [16] Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." [17] Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. [18] And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Some say Simon is the rock because Jesus calls him Peter which means “rock.” But Jesus is not saying He would build the Church upon Peter, but upon the revelation given to Peter by the Father of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.

How do we know this? Two quick reasons:

o First, the rock is the foundation upon which the Church is built. The foundation determines the shape of a building. Is the Church made to look like Jesus or like Peter? We are being made in the image of Jesus! The Bible says God chose us “to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters” (Romans 8:29 NLT).

o Second, Peter does not assume the place of being the rock upon which the Church is built. Peter tells us it is Jesus who is the cornerstone and foundation of the Church. “Come to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by the people, but he is precious to God who chose him.” (1 Peter 2:4 (NLT)

Jesus is the Rock! Peter acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. He is the cornerstone of the Church. JESUS IS THE ROCK UPON WHICH THE CHURCH IS BUILT.

Jesus establishes the church, and healthy churches will look like Jesus! Healthy churches are not measured by the number of people in the pews, the money in the bank, the programs offered, the building, or any other human standard you may think of.

God determines and knows the health of the church. A healthy church is one in which you and I become more like Jesus thus making Him known. Healthy churches impact their families, friends, communities and their world with the reality of the risen Christ. Healthy churches expand the kingdom, and in turn healthy churches grow.

Why will a healthy church grow?

2. Jesus has a plan for His Church.

Jesus said, “I will build my church.”

Jesus began the building of the church in the book of Acts with 120 gathered in the upper room. The church grew dramatically with the addition of 3,000 on the day of Pentecost. And the church continued to grow through out the book of Acts.

However, its construction did not conclude there. Jesus continues the building of His Church today and construction won’t end until its completion at His second coming. Jesus is building His Church!

To build well you must have a blueprint–A PLAN. Jesus has a plan to build His church through you and me. We are the building materials Jesus uses to build His church.

Jesus did not plan to build a physical building; the church is not made up of bricks and mortar, 2x4’s and nails and all the other materials used to put together this or any other building we call a church. The church Jesus builds is made up of individual believers joined together in Him through loving relationships. WE ARE THE CHURCH.

• 1 Peter 2:5 (NLT)

And now God is building you, as living stones, into his spiritual temple.

As the “living stones”—the building materials of the Church—you and I need to allow God to do His work and join us together as He has planned.

How does Jesus build His Church? No where in the Bible does Jesus say, “Let there be church,” and ‘poof’ the church appears. Jesus builds His Church through you and me. You and I must cooperate with Master Builder and let Jesus complete His work in and through us. Only then will we be the Church he has planned for us to be. (When this building was constructed, the many pieces joined together didn’t complain about being put together as a church building.)

Beginning January 22nd you can learn what God wants to accomplish in you as together we take a 40 day journey of discovery. Together we will learn the answer to the question “What on earth am I here for?” through our study of Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life. Don’t miss this series of sermons, and plan to be a part of one of the small groups that will be meeting in homes throughout the area.

Jesus has a plan and a purpose for your life; He has a plan for including you in the building of His Church. Let’s choose to co-operate with Him. The best days for the church are still ahead of us as we let Him do His work in and through us.

3. The Church belongs to Jesus.

Jesus said, “I will build my church.”

No church, not Praise A/G or any other church belongs to the pastor, the deacons or anyone else in the congregation. THE CHURCH BELONGS TO JESUS.

None of us can claim ownership of the Church. Jesus paid the ultimate price for the church; he purchased the church with His blood.

• 1 Peter 1:18-19 (NIV)

[18] For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, [19] but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

If you or I want to claim ownership of the local church, we should be prepared to show our receipt as proof of purchase. Such a receipt must be stained with our own blood—until we die for the church; we have no claim of ownership. The church belongs to Jesus.

o Be careful the next time you want to control things at the church or achieve position and status. Remember the story of Ananias and Sapphira (see Acts 5)? They died in the church because they wanted to gain the recognition of others as generous–you might even say spiritual.

None of us have died for the Church; only Jesus shed his blood to establish the Church. Jesus is the owner of His Church.

The Church is established by Jesus; Christ has a plan for His Church; the Church belongs to Jesus, AND finally . . .

4. Jesus will protect the Church.

Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it;” (NIV) “a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out” (MsgB).

No one needs to be afraid of doing the work of God. Satan may bring an attack, but we will overcome the enemy; CHRIST GIVES US THE OVERWHELMING VICTORY!

• 1 John 4:4 (NIV)

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

o Have you ever crushed a pop can in your hand? It’s relatively easy isn’t it? But have you ever crushed a pop can sealed with the pop still in it? I suppose someone may be able to do it, but it’s much more difficult than crushing an empty can. What’s the difference? The can is made of the same material—the only thing that has changed is the can is emptied of its contents. Similarly Christ is in you. He gives your life purpose and meaning and His presence in you will prevent anything of this world from ever being able to “crush you”—nothing will destroy you because of His presence in your life.

• 1 John 5:4-5 (NIV)

[4] For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. [5] Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

The devil can take His best shot, but it won’t be good enough. Christ in you is greater than anything in this world. We overcome not in our own ability or strength—try that and you’re like the empty can—crushed! We overcome by Christ’s power in us. Jesus will protect His Church.

Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (NIV). Here we learn four important things about the Church:

1. The Church is established and built by Jesus.

2. Jesus has a plan for His Church.

3. The Church belongs to Jesus.

4. Jesus will protect the church.

We come back now to the state of the church. What is the condition of the church—specifically what is the state of Praise Assembly of God?

What application of these truths does God want us to make as a local body of believers? As we look ahead at 2005, what does God want us to know about our church?

THE CRITICAL ISSUE IS CHURCH HEALTH. If a church is healthy it will grow . . . likewise if a church is not healthy it will not grow—unhealthy churches are either revived or they die.

While no church is perfect, I do believe Praise A/G is a healthy church.

o Because you are here today, I assume you are in good health. While none of us are physically perfect, most of us would say we are healthy. On a scale of 1-10 most of us would be somewhere between a 7 and a 10 physically. However, we all have to do certain things to maintain and improve our health. If we stop eating and drinking, we’ll grow weak. If we don’t exercise properly then we will have other health issues arise.

Likewise, we need to do some things to maintain and improve our church health. Remember, Jesus has a plan for the building of the church. Put another way Jesus has the prescription for our church health. God knows what we as a church need to do in ordert to remain healthy and grow as He desires.

Here then are five areas I believe God would have us work on in 2005.

1. Develop more body ministry.

WE NEED YOU! An area of concern for our church is simply being lazy. Some of us need to get involved—to work out and exercise our faith through service and ministry within the local church.

When we are physically inactive we get fat—being overweight leads to a variety of potential health problems. Likewise if we continue to have only 20% of the people doing 80% of the work (or more) then we are going to get sick as a church.

• Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

How has God gifted you? It’s my prayer that you will put your strengths and abilities to work this year—WE ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY IN A HEALTHY CHURCH. God has not called any of us just to warm the pew or “sit on the bench.”

2. Build small group ministry into the church.

One of our weaknesses is in the area of adult discipleship. This fall Susie and I began meeting with individuals and small groups for personal discipleship. We need more people to become involved as participants and leaders. NONE OF US HAVE ARRIVED; we need to encourage on another to grow up in the Lord.

We’re starting the year off running with this through the 40 days of purpose campaign. We need you to offer your home as a gathering place for people to meet to discuss the topics covered through the 40 days. We need you to consider being a leader of a small group. It is my prayer that through the 40 days campaign we will see 4 or more groups continue to meet even after the event is over. LET 40 DAYS OF PURPOSE PUT YOU ON THE RIGHT TRACK TO GROW SPIRITUALL THIS YEAR.

3. Get ready for the assimilation of new people.


One area of growth will be through conversions; we are going to see people get saved. However, we are not called just to make converts—WE ARE TO MAKE DISCIPLES. We need you to help us teach new believers the basic teachings of the church; to help them get grounded in personal prayer and Bible study. Let’s get ready to train new Christians to live a life of obedience to God’s word!

We will also continue to see believers come to our church from other churches—or those who left the church some time ago because they were hurt. Again, we need people to be involved in the ministry of the church not just warm the pews; therefore we need to develop a plan to move new people into the core of the church—to be connected through ministry and relationships as a vital part of the Church.

4. Strengthen our visitation and follow-up ministry.

As we continue to grow we will have more and more people to love. When people aren’t here we need to do a better job of contacting them—to reach out in practical ways.

Also as individuals have needs we need to be ready to go make visits at the hospital or to share a meal with a family in need. We are not to be isolated from each other, but we should be connected to each other.

5. Continue to be a “family friendly” church.

One reason we have grown over the last two years is because we have made a place for children and youth in our church. We need to continue to provide ministries to welcome families to be a part of Praise Assembly of God.

I am excited about the addition of a new staff member beginning added this year. Next week Sue Edwards will be starting as our Youth and Children’s Pastor. Pastor Sue will help us to be more effective in reaching families.

However, being “family friendly” means we have a place for the whole family. In 2005 we want to strengthen our Golden Praisers ministry to senior adults. One way we are going to do that is through a monthly lunch to be held here at the church. As a church we are indebted to many of our seniors—we are the beneficiaries of their sacrificial giving and prayer. Let’s not overlook these saints of God.

6. Be on guard from the attack of the enemy.

Satan does not fear a large church; he fears a healthy church—a church committed to letting God fulfill His plan and purpose.

Don’t be naive and think Satan will overlook us—he will bring an attack. But we are not to be on the defensive—hoping to survive until Jesus come. WE ARE TO BE ON THE OFFENSIVE! Satan will attack us, because we will take the battle to the front lines; we will invade Satan’s territory!

Jesus said, “the gates of hell will not prevail” against His Church. Now the last time I checked gates are not an offensive weapon. The gates of hell are positioned by Satan to protect his territory and dominion. We are going to break down the gates—we are on the offensive.

Be on guard, be prayerful. Our enemy the devil prowls as a lion seeking whom he may devour. But we will defeat Satan at every turn.

7. Prepare for growth and change.

Don’t get comfortable. Don’t fall into the status quo trap. Growth brings change.

We won’t change things just for the sake of change, but we want to be sensitive to the leading and creativity of the Holy Spirit who will direct us with each step we take.

The key to being prepared is prayer.