Summary: How to prepare my heart to hear God

How to hear

God speak

Acts Series: “Completely Irreligious, Yet Radically Christian” Part 26

Pastor Jeff Christopherson - July 13, 2003

One of the most basic claims of Christianity is that God speaks to people…

… “and God said…” (over & over..)

The problem is communication is often misunderstood --- LAURA:

a) don’t hear her

b) misunderstand her

(men – only 2 things to know about communicating… wish I knew them)

-if we have communication problems w/ people

-it’s no wonder we have them with God!

I’m skeptical about people who always have a clear word from God

-a lot of stupid things have been done…

-some people think pastors have a hot line (red phone)…

-sometimes I’m just as much in the dark – confused – as you feel

But, there are times when I know absolutely that I’ve heard from God

(just like when Laura calls me – I know her voice…)

-Acts 16:6-10 (Example of Listening to God)

“Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand!” Luke 8:8

-Jesus is saying, “Turn your ears on!”

*(Cordless phones – channels)

Key to Jesus’ Parable in Luke 8:

-4 Soils (not 4 kinds of people – 4 attitudes)

• The Farmer: God (broadcasting seed)

• The Seed: God’s Word

• The Soil: My Mind


1. I Must CULTIVATE an OPEN Mind.

-If you want to hear from God, you must be receptive

-Today, some of you are not believers, your seekers – checking Jesus out

-we’re glad you’re here!

-you may be saying, “I’ve never heard God speak to me”

(not audible voice – a spiritual impression)

-it could be because you’ve never been open to the possibility…

“A farmer went out to plant some seed. As he scattered it across his field, some seed fell on a footpath, where it was stepped on, and the birds came and ate it.” Luke 8:5

“The seed that fell on the hard path represents those who hear the message, but then the Devil comes and steals it away and prevents them from believing and being saved.” Luke 8:12

-On every farm was a foot-path - some seed would land on it

-2 Characteristics of a foot-path:

-hard. Compacted soil

-narrow. (ever know anybody like that?)

Hardened Path: When I’m NARROW Minded & HARD Hearted.

-we have already decided to not listen

What causes me to have a closed mind to God?

a) PRIDE -I never look internally – I always look externally…

*Leadership & Self Deception – Keep repeating problems…

-When I’m full of pride, I close my mind to God – He can’t speak because I’ve got it all figured out!

b) FEAR -Sometimes we’re afraid of what God might say to us

-what is He asked me to do something I don’t want to do!

-religious fanatic / weird bouffant hairdo / white suit…


-when we’ve been hurt and hold on to those memories (we close)

“Why did you let this happen?”

“If you’re such a great/powerful/loving God….”

-If you’ve been deeply hurt… (I want to say 2 things)

1) I’m sorry you hurt – God hurts with you

SIN caused His Son to die

2) Don’t run FROM God – Run TO God

-He’s the one who can Comfort/ Care/ Make Difference

-a bitter life is a wasted life

-the tragedy of a hard-beaten path: Barren


-I’ve got to take time to hear from Him,

-slow down / schedule

-we schedule everything: … (time with God)

-Our society is so busy

-overnight express is ‘snail-mail’

-juice jars outsells frozen concentrate – too slow

-“OK God, I’ve got 38 seconds at this red light, “Speak!”

“Other seed fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. This seed began to grow, but soon it withered and died for lack of moisture.” Luke 8:6

“The rocky soil represents those who hear the message with joy. But like young plants in such soil, their roots don’t go very deep. They believe for a while, but they wilt when the hot winds of testing blow.” Luke 8:13

The Shallow Soil: When I’m SUPERFICIAL in my search.

-Middle East: 2-3 inches of soil above limestone

-plant can only grow a couple of inches (cant get established)

-when the heat is on – whither / dry up

-It’s exciting to see God do cool things – it’s a spiritual high!

-but if we’re not in some soil – we’ll dry up

-(message – listen – forget 90-95% in 72 hours

-outlines / Big Idea: Home Churches)

-Some of us say, “I’ve been a Christian for 27 years!”

-but we haven’t had 27 years of experience

-we’ve had 1 year repeated 27 times – we’re 1 inch deep

-why should God teach us new things?


-I miss what God is saying because I’m preoccupied:

-daily living: bills / plans / ambitions / worried…

-it’s like trying to make a call on Mother’s Day (all circuits busy)

-Many times God has tries to talk with you – got busy signal!

(Call waiting – I hate it – I think God hangs up too)

“Other seed fell among thorns that shot up and choked out the tender blades.” Luke 8:7

“The thorny ground represents those who hear and accept the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity.” 8:14

The Weedy Soil: When I’m PREOCCUPIED with myself.

-seed sprouts and grows – but chokes out by weeds before it’s fruitful

-Why is it that so many of us live unproductive lives?

-I talk with people in 30’s,… 60’s

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life?”

-God has no intention of you blowing & wasting your life!

Three Stubborn Weeds: (Luke 8:14)

• The WORRY Weed – Gr.“being pulled in different directions”

• The WEALTH Weed-we work so hard – and then flop into bed

-“God speak to me” … “snore”

• The PLEASURE Weed -nothing wrong with pleasures

-God invented fun!...

-When recreation becomes worship (we’re out of balance)

-There are many different kinds of weeds

-you can make your own list of things that crowd out God

(relationships / responsibilities / anything…)

-Ask God the question,

“God, is there anything that you want to say to me today?”

-read His Word and Listen

-A very theological question:

“How much effort does it take to grow weeds?” Not much!

-a plant requires care / cultivation

-a weed explodes – a mess

4. I Must COOPERATE with what GOD SAYS.

-Here’s the secret:

-God talks to those who decide in advance, “Yes”…

-Worship means God is set above everything else

“But the good soil represents honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s message, CLING TO IT, and steadily produce a huge harvest.” Luke 8:15

The Good Soil: When I’m WILLING to FOLLOW God.

-Do you want to make your life count?

-it’s a choice between Resisting God & Cooperating

-If you were to have a Spiritual Brain Scan, what would it reveal?

A Closed Mind? – spiritually checked out

A Superficial Mind? – all excited and then forget everything?

A Distracted Mind? – wants to do what’s right – but too busy

A Willing Mind?

“And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don’t obey, you are only fooling yourself.” James 1:22

-If you want to make this count (not waste this morning)

-do one thing that you sensed God has asked you to work on

-become involved in a Home Church Group

-begin a consistent quiet time

-pray with your family

-tell your story to that friend…

Scripture passages from the New International Version unless otherwise noted