Summary: While much of the world was unaware that anything special had taken place, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead it was more than just another Sunday. Because of that day we have a Savior Worth Serving. He requires selflessness, sacrifice, and service.


A Savior Worth Serving

Matthew 16:21-27


A. While much of the world was completely unaware that anything special or unique had taken place, when Jesus Christ rose from the grave, the world as a whole changed dramatically

1. You see, when the stone was rolled away it was more than just another Sunday

a. When Jesus Christ rose from the grave, it was more than just another Sunday

b. That day proved that Jesus Christ was who He said He was

c. That day proved that it was possible for us to be free from our sins

d. It proved that we can have the hope of an eternal future with God in heaven.

e. That day reminds us that we have a Savior worth serving

B. The question that I want each of us to answer this morning is this: "How am I serving Jesus Christ right now?"

ILL> Kay has been working at Bennington Glen for just over a year now and one of her responsibilities is to do evaluations of all her staff. (I’m sure that a lot of you have been through something like that in your jobs.) Performance evaluations.

1. How would we do if we had to stand before God every 3 months, 6 months, or once and year and be evaluated on our Christian performance

a. What would God say to you?

b. Do you think you’d get a great review, or do you think He’d say there are a few areas you need to work on?

2. You see, becoming a Christian a fairly simple

a. God has done the hard work by sending His Son into the world to die for our sins

b. Through Jesus Christ God extends to us His gift of grace and forgiveness–we simply need to be willing to accept His gift the same way that people did 2000 years ago

3. Becoming a Christian is fairly simple, but living the Christian life is difficult

4. The result is that the Church is full of "casual Christians"

a. Casual Christians want to be considered as part of the flock, but they could care less about following the Shepherd

b. They want the Savior without the sacrifice

c. They want eternity without effort

5. However, Jesus never said the Christian life would be easy–as a matter of fact He said just the opposite

a. Matthew 10:22 (NIV)

All men will hate you because of me,

b. Matthew 5:11 (NIV)

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

6. Casual Christians like those warm, fuzzy moments on Sunday mornings

a. They like to talk about God’s grace

b. However, they don’t like to hear about what God expects

c. They offer no commitment to God during the week

d. In short, they want the crown without the cross

7. Becoming a Christian is fairly simple, but living the Christian life requires selflessness, service, and sacrifice

a. READ: Matthew 16:21-27


ILL> For the past 6 ½ weeks a lot of people in our community and around the world have been observing what is known as Lent. During the 40 days prior to Easter (not counting Sundays) people are to deny themselves something.

You may wonder why we do not observe Lent. The main reason is because Jesus, nor His disciples observed Lent. It is never mentioned in the Bible. It’s not a bad thing–it’s just extra.

God has not called us to deny ourselves for 40 days. He has called us to live a life of sacrifice and denial.

A. VS 24 - If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself

ILL> I am constantly amazed at how many things happen around our house that no one is responsible for–things just happen.

Who left the door open?

"It wasn’t me, I went out, but I made sure the door was shut."

"It wasn’t me, I didn’t use that door."

"It wasn’t me, I haven’t been outside since yesterday."

Who left the water running in the bathroom?

"It wasn’t me, I made sure the water was turned off."

"It wasn’t me, I didn’t use that bathroom."

"It wasn’t me, I haven’t used the bathroom since yesterday."

1. VS 24 - If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself

a. You have to put your wants and desires in the box and pull God desires out

b. You need to take off the clothing of your wants and put on the clothing of God’s Spirit

c. It’s relatively easy to become a Christian–it’s difficult to live the Christian life

B. That word "deny" means–to disown, to refuse, or to utterly deny having a connection

1. Utterly deny having any connection

a. Jesus says that if we want to be one of His own, we need to utterly deny ourselves

b. When we become Christians we are no longer our own

c. Galatians 2:20 (NIV)

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

ILL> That’s what some fellows don’t understand about marriage. They want to do all the things they want to do, go and hang out with the guys, and give little attention to their wives.

ILL> That’s what some women don’t understand about having kids. It’s no longer your wants and desires, it’s their wants and desires.

d. When you went to work, you had to start thinking about what you needed to do in order to keep your job and help your company succeed.

2. When you became a Christian, you were to deny yourself and start thinking about what God expects, what you can do for Him to help His kingdom grow

a. What kind of an impact is your life having on the kingdom right now?


A. One of the struggles that we face is that we live in a world that encourages treating yourself–go for the gusto

1. Instead of deny yourself it says fulfill your every desire

a. You don’t feel like you want to drive the speed limit, then buy a fuzz buster and drive as fast as you want

b. You don’t feel like being married, then get a divorce

c. You don’t feel like going to work, then go in late or don’t go at all.

d. You don’t feel like going to worship, then sleep in

e. It’s your life–don’t let anyone tell you how to live it!

2. Eccles. 12:13

Fear God and keep his commandments,

for this is the whole duty of man.

3. I’m not sure we like that word "duty"–because it sounds an awful lot like commitment and a lot of people don’t like that either.

a. Duty means that there are times that we do what we don’t really want to do

b. Duty means that we drag ourselves out of bed in spite of how we feel

c. Duty means that we work to get along with our spouses in spite of the stupid things we argue about.

4. Duty reminds us that we have a responsibility to God–first

a. Reminds us that when we aren’t here, then there’s a good chance we’re missing something that we need to hear

b. Reminds us that when we aren’t here we aren’t being encouraged by being with fellow Christians

c. Reminds us that when we aren’t here then we can’t encourage others

5. Jesus says, "Do you really want to be one of those that I call my own–deny yourself and take up your cross."

B. Four Areas of Service

1. I am so thankful for the many people we have who are willing to serve

a. Thankful for the ladies group who takes care of many of the needs

Funeral dinner this week

b. Thankful for those who work in nursery

Those who clean building

Those who work in Monday School

2. We want to place a greater emphasis on some specific areas of ministry beginning next month.

a. Begin with four and we hope it will grow

Christian Education

Grounds Crew

Evangelism & Outreach

Missions & Benevolence

b. While we don’t know exactly how these are going to work out, we are going to jump in and learn how to swim

c. VS 24


A. 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NIV)

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

ILL> Fred Craddock, a renowned preacher, was speaking to clergy about the implications of being consecrated for ministry. He said "To give my life to Christ appears glorious. To pour out myself for others…to pay the ultimate price of martyrdom—I’ll do it. I’m ready, Lord, to go out in a blaze of glory. We think giving our all to the Lord is like taking a $1000 bill and laying it on the table--’Here’s my life, Lord. I’m giving it all.’ --- But the reality is for most of us is that he sends us to the bank with the $1000 bill to get it changed for a $1000 worth of quarters. We go through life putting out 25 cents here and 50 cents there. Listen to the neighbor kid’s troubles instead of saying ’get lost.’ Go to a committee meeting. Give a cup of water to a shaky old man in a nursing home. Usually giving our life to Christ isn’t glorious. It’s done in all those little acts of love, 25 cents at a time."


A. Matthew 16:25 (NIV)

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

ILL> Kurt Cobain, the former lead singer of the hugely successful rock band—Nirvana—spent his entire young life so miserable because he had not yet achieved the fame of being a rock star.

Once he became the most famous rock star of his generation---he was so miserable with his fame that he killed himself at the age of 27.

1. Jesus says that if all you want is what the world has to offer, then that is about all you’re going to get–what the world has to offer

2. The world can’t forgive you of your sins

a. The world cannot give you salvation or eternal life

3. Let me suggest something else here: If all you want is what the world has to offer, then chances are that you won’t even get that.