Summary: Last minute pardon and everyday service.

35The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.” 36The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar 37and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.” 38There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” 40But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God?” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” 42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into

your kingdom.” 43Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

When a president leaves office his mark on history is complete. Will he be remembered among the great presidents (Lincoln or FDR) or will he freefall down the list along with the Garfield’s? Regardless, it is a presidential practice to exercise one final act of authority. With a stroke of the pen, the cell gate lock opens and out they come. Pardoned. Forgiven. Should they be? Perhaps not. That is not the issue, in a final charitable and merciful act, the President changes the life of a criminal forever. Unless that person has national recognition their name goes unrecognized, except in the local papers of the criminal’s hometown.

They came in different ways and at different times for a pardon from the Savior. Nicodemus (we call him Nick at Night) came after dark. The centurion came in the middle of the day. The leper and sinful women appeared in the middle of a crowd. Zacchaeus from Jericho appeared in the middle of a tree. Matthew invited some friends and had a party. Judas invited some soldiers and had a brawl.

They are educated. They are obedient to an officer’s command. They are outcast from society. Wives despise them. They are short in stature. They are enemies to their own people. Such a mixed bag; no setting on this planet would have assembled such a motley crew. Did they have anything to offer? Nothing. Even though they offered nothing, they asked for everything: new birth, a second chance, a fresh start, clean slate, new beginning, or a clear conscience. They all went away changed and satisfied. (1)

Here it is again in Luke. Same pardon different person. Same need different story. This one has walked the same road to Calvary. He has observed Jesus’ response to suffering. He is enduring the same death. He cannot hide who he is. He is an embarrassment to his family, a menace to society. When the crowd first sang their song of disgust, perhaps he sang alto.

Suddenly he is no longer mocking Jesus. Now, he is watching Him closely, studying Him carefully. He sees the crown of thorns. He hears the words of forgiveness. He notices the agony in his followers; suddenly his heart changes. His only hope is that man. Can he get to him before the door of death closes on his life?

42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Now, the formula is changed. You need to get to him before the door of death closes on your life. Be sure my friend, you are here by God’s providence. This is your day. God wants you in His family forever. Before this hour is over, your life will changed forever.

Our Last Minute Pardon

1. A pardoned life understands they are getting what they deserve.

41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

The thieves broke in at night. It was a large department store in a major metropolitan area. They got in, stayed long enough to do the crime, and scurried away undetected. It is not what you think. They took nothing. Not one item was missing. No merchandise stolen. No money removed. What they did goes down as the most unusual robbery of all time. (2)

Instead of stealing anything, they changed the price tags of everything. Price tags were swapped. Values were changed. The cleaver pranksters took the $395 price tag off a camera and stuck on it $5.00 box of stationary. The $5.95 sticker for a paper- back book was placed on an outboard motor. The thieves re-priced everything in the store. Crazy.

It gets crazier. The store opened. The employees came to work. Customers rolled in and shopped. And for four hours nobody noticed a thing. For four hours the store functioned under the new pricing. Many got some great bargains. Some got fleeced. Hard to believe? No!

We see, experience, and live the same thing-distorted value system everyday. We value those things on earth that have no value in eternity. And those things that are so significant in eternity we give little or no attention. We live life as if real value is measured by performance or appearance.

It’s a pretty hard system to live up to. We’ve all seen this system go haywire. We play the game or we freak out. People feel valueless and worthless. Make a lot of money - we need you for our building program. Hit a home run or dunk a ball - can I have your autograph? Where does this leave the slow learners? What about the disabled? Where does the person who needs an extreme makeover turn? This is man’s system, not God’s.

The ex-con got heaven instead of hell; it is the only solution to a world gone mad. To Jesus a person is infinitely valuable because he is a person. The problem is, even in the Christian community when we should be free of this type of world system we are caught in the same trap. How do you know Pastor? You be the judge?

While those who knew Jesus best were loosing their faith at the cross, the thief was finding his. While those who had heard Jesus’ teaching and witnessed his miracles were losing heart, the thief took to heart Jesus’ words and actions. On a deathbed conversion, the only in scripture, a sinner is pardoned so no one need despair…today is the day of salvation…so don’t delay. (3)

Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ now, “for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

2. When we should have gotten death, Jesus came along to pardon us.

42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

43Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

If you have ever wondered if deathbed conversions are real, look no farther than our text today. In offering the hope of eternal life God declared for all eternity - all it takes is the surrender of our life to Jesus. This criminal deserved hell, and in the end he got heaven!

Deserved Hell…Got Heaven! That’s my story and yours, friend!

This criminal had nothing to offer. Most of us come with something. We at least live as if spiritual performance enhancers gain God’s favor. He came with nothing. No Sunday school attendance awards. No passport filled with visas from short-term missions trips. No plaques recognizing a big gift given to a Christian college or church building program. Do you realize friend, that God’s love is not based on what you have to offer? Never! God simply loves you because you are you. Wow! Someone shout. We need a cripple to dance. We need a mute to shout. We need a sinner to say, “Praise God!” Everyday you wake up and every breath you take is a testimony of your value to God. Your value is not diminished because of sin. Your value is not increased because of righteousness. You are valuable to God!

The next time someone feels “anointed” to put the vice-grips on the way you do Christianity, take comfort. You are valuable just as you are.

Watch out for the ambitious Christian steamroller who leaves you wondering if you have much to offer. You are valuable just as you are.

When you find yourself running for cover because some spiritual green beret lobs a grenade of criticism into the bunker of your life, I’ve got a word for you from heaven. You are valuable just as you are.

I can’t wait to stroll through that eternal city arm-in-arm with a grinning ex-con who knows more about God’s grace than a 1000 tongue-talking Assemblies of God types. He had no church clothes to look good on Sunday. Baptism - went to heaven without it. Perhaps hadn’t even heard a sermon from the “Man in the middle.” In the end, all he has was prayer. That’s all it took.

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!”

3. A pardoned life thinks of others more than self.

39One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!”

40But the other criminal rebuked him…

He is about to die and He is trying to serve Jesus, “but the other criminal rebuked him” (Luke 23:40). He wasn’t even saved yet and he is already showing signs a changed life, “but the other criminal rebuked him. “ It would be one of the last acts of service offered to the dying Son of God.

He is referred to as “the other” criminal. In Greek the word is “hetero.” It means another or a different kind. The other hurled insults, this criminal thought clearly, “we deserve this.” The other failed to recognize who this man was, the other said, “Remember, me when you come into your kingdom.” Both had so much in common. But something happened that God thought was worth recording: one of the criminals got off the path of destruction and got onto the path of a life pleasing to God. In a manner of a moment, a man who deserved Hell had his passport stamped for Heaven.

Self is a demanding taskmaster. Always requiring more than you are able to give. Requiring you to make bricks without straw. Self is the loneliest word in Webster’s Dictionary. Self stands at the high school dance like a wallflower wondering if anybody will ask them to dance. Self descends into solitary confinement to never see the light of day until their criminal sentence is completed.

The great anti-toxin to self is serving. For those who have been pardoned, it doesn’t take much to hold us to the affection of “serving others.” Jesus said, that for the one who has been forgiven much, that person shows much love. An ex-con declared that truth; unfortunately he had no opportunity to be a doer of the word. The problem is, we have opportunity and no interest. Perhaps, this scripture will put some motivation in your life:

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. (Phil. 2:4)

Now, the only way you can break free from the self-serving lifestyle you are all attracted to is to experience a conversion of your thinking. Get off the path where your goal is to find out how to get the most out of life, and get on the path of how to add to life on earth.

In a few verses, suspended between earth and heaven, an ex-con calls the classroom to the chalkboard and begins to write three lessons:

1. You were created to serve others.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

God’s greatest creation (you) is either fulfilling His greatest purpose or your purpose. We are never more like Christ than when we serve others. When we serve others we are really serving God. All of your gifts and talents, your experiences, those motivations that are spiritual gifts and heart loves, along with your unique personality, dwell within you for one reason…to serve others. In serving others, you automatically please and serve God. Reread the section by Rick Warren in Purpose Driven Life associated with identifying your SHAPE. This will help you get into shape for service.

2. You were saved to serve others.

God’s word is filled with numerous examples of how people served Jesus. You can take your cues from these biblical examples, let me list just a few:

Ø Upon being healed, Peter’s mother-in-law arose and began to serve Jesus

Ø As Jesus was about to enter Jerusalem for a busy week of ministry he stopped at Mary and Martha’s for some hospitality.

Ø Women traveled with Jesus to finances the ministry.

Ø Parties were thrown to introduce Jesus to the lost.

Ø Lunches were offered as a last minute provision.

Ø Jesus borrowed boats.

Ø Jesus ate his last meal in an upper room.

Ø His corpse was laid in someone else’s tomb.

If Jesus were present, we would be falling all over ourselves to serve him, but we wake up daily and think, “Oh, its just you.” When you get onto something convicting, you can’t stay long.

3. You are called to serve others.

A church should never lack the human resources necessary to pull off the work of God. People should be lining up and begging to get and stay involved.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

In the few years I have been at this game called ministry I have learned a few things. One of the more important lessons I have discovered is - I need every part of my body to work and function if I am to stay healthy. Perhaps, you have discovered the same truth.

Imagine if tomorrow your liver comes to you and says, “Hey, been at this for 7 years I need a sabbatical.” Maybe it offers this excuse, “Just need to take some time off so I can be fed. Not interested in serving, just want to be fed.” Or you hear out of the mouth of the liver, “I’ve decided to serve me for a while. I’m living for self.”

The landscape of Christianity is dotted with churches that are dying because Christians are unwilling to serve. Another sermon is the last thing many Christians need; what they truly need is a servanthood experience. We’ve slipped into a consumer driven Christianity that says, “I need a church that can serve me and bless me.” When the real drive should be, “I need a church were I can serve and bless others.” The immature Christian says, “Who is going to meet my needs.” The mature Christian says, “Whose needs can I meet.”

I’ve been to the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. One is teaming with life and the other is dying daily. The Sea of Galilee takes in and gives out. The Dead Sea only takes in and never gives anything out. With no outflow the lake is stagnate.

Memorize Mark 10:45: “Jesus Christ came to serve and give His life a ransom for many.” Once we are saved, our lives should be driven by those two verbs - “serve” and “give.” A non-serving or non-giving Christian will wake up in eternity and begin to spout off excuses, “I was too busy,” “on a career path,” “planned on doing it in retirement.” Mid-sentence God speaks up and says, “Wrong answer!”

You’re going to give your life to something. Why not give it to something that will matter for eternity? As Rick Warren says, “What matters in life is not the duration, but the donation you make.”4 God has a Who’s Who list of people he used that will keep us from making excuses:

Abraham was old

Jacob was a deceiver

Moses stuttered

Gideon was poor

Samson was co-dependent

Rahab was immoral

Jeremiah was depressed

Jonah was rebellious

John the Baptist was weird

Peter had an anger problem

Martha was a worrier

Timothy was young

God wants to use you; the only thing keeping you from being used is your excuses.

Summary Insights

1. Such a mixed bag; no setting on this planet would have assembled such a motley crew. Did they have anything to offer? Nothing. Even though they offered nothing, they asked for everything: new birth, a second chance, a fresh start, clean slate, new beginning, or a clear conscience. They all went away changed and satisfied. (1)

2. We see, experience, and live the same thing-distorted value system everyday. We value those things on earth that have no value in eternity. And those things that are so significant in eternity we give little or no attention. We live life as if real value is measured by performance or appearance.

3. If you have ever wondered if deathbed conversions are real, look no farther than our text today. In offering the hope of eternal life God declared for all eternity - all it takes is the surrender of our life to Jesus. This criminal deserved hell, and in the end he got heaven!

Deserved Hell…Got Heaven! That’s my story and yours, friend!

4. In the end, all he has was prayer. That’s all it took. “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!”

Surprising Insights

1. While those who knew Jesus best were loosing their faith at the cross, the thief was finding his. While those who had heard Jesus’ teaching and witnessed his miracles were losing heart, the thief took to heart Jesus’ words and actions. On a deathbed conversion, the only in scripture, a sinner is pardoned so no one need despair…today is the day of salvation…so don’t delay. (3)

Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ now, “for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

2. Everyday you wake up and every breath you take is a testimony of your value to God. Your value is not diminished because of sin. Your value is not increased because of righteousness. You are valuable to God!

3. You’re going to give your life to something. Why not give it to something that will matter for eternity? As Rick Warren says, “What matters in life is not the duration, but the donation you make.”4 God has a Who’s Who list of people he used that will keep us from making excuses:

Abraham was old

Jacob was a deceiver

Moses stuttered

Gideon was poor

Samson was co-dependent

Rahab was immoral

Jeremiah was depressed

Jonah was rebellious

John the Baptist was weird

Peter had an anger problem

Martha was a worrier

Timothy was young

God wants to use you; the only thing keeping you from being used is your excuses.

End Notes

(1) Max Lucado. Word Publishing. Waco, Texas. (additional end note coming-)

(2) Max Lucado. No Wonder They Call Him Savior. Multnomah Press, Questar Publishing. 1986, pg. 31-32

(3) Richard Exley. Witness The Passion. White Stone Books, 2004, pg. 97

(4)Rick Warren. Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, pg. 233.