Summary: Not much is said about today concerning the Holy Spirit

“The Power of the Christian in the World of Today”

John Ch 16

INTRODUCTION: No one will ever forget the September morning in 2001 that changed the mindset of many Americans toward terrorism. Almost everyone who was alive at that moment can give testimony to exactly what they were doing when they heard the first reports that planes had hit the twin towers in New York.

Not since the assassination of JFK had America stood so still for so long. My father can still tell you where he was and what he was doing when he heard that his president had been shot and killed. Likewise I remember what I was doing when I first heard about the terrorist attack.

Still today we are faced with nightly reports of mass executions, beheadings, murders of women and children and loss of life around the world.

Many of these self proclaimed ‘Holy Warriors’ feel like they are in some way doing their god a favor by killing innocent people – that they are ridding the world of different religions; namely Christians and Jews.

This is exactly what Jesus said would happen in John 16:2

They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming

that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.

Of course these prophecies related first to the Apostles who, as many of you know, were martyred for their faith in Christ; Church tradition says that all but John were murdered for their belief, and he was excommunicated

Today many are killed because certain groups feel like they are doing their god a service; in some way their god will show favor to the murder of innocent people

***But Jesus doesn’t just stop with the prophecy of martyrdom that will befall some – He goes further in His lesson to explain the power that would be given to every believer to overcome the powers of darkness, sin, Satan and yes, even persecution.

We have a weapon to defend against the fear of any persecution at home or overseas – it is not the nuclear warhead, the machine gun or the most sophisticated fighter plane – It is the gift of God Himself given to us in the person of the Holy Spirit

Not much is said about today concerning the Holy Spirit:

In some circles He is a mysterious force that is only made evident in extremely emotional situations

While others see Him as a mere ‘guiding light’ that keeps us from unintentionally falling into harms way

Still others hardly recognize the work of the Holy Spirit at all; to this group He is just an impersonal force – the work of God

But none of these give us an accurate representation to the work of the Holy Spirit

After Jesus gives us this pronouncement of persecution in the beginning of John 16, He goes on to tell us that, though He is going away, He is leaving us a ‘comforter’ a ‘helper’ a ‘friend to walk beside us’ like Jesus did when He was here


Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away,

the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you

Then Jesus goes on to tell us what the job of the Holy Spirit is

John 16:8

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

I. The job of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of sin

a. V.9 “Of sin, because they believe not on me;”

b. One of Christianity’s main theological flaws is that we often teach that people go to hell for not believing in Jesus

i. No one will see hell just because they do not believe in Jesus

ii. Hell is the penalty for breaking God’s law

iii. Jesus is the only pardon from the penalty – there is a difference

iv. ILLUSTRATION: “The Law of Gravity” A person who jumps from an airplane without a parachute doesn’t die because they didn’t take the parachute. They die because they broke the law of gravity. Had they had the parachute they would have escaped the judgment of the law of gravity.

c. The first work of the Holy Spirit is showing us our sin, and then guiding us to Jesus who is the only Savior

i. The Holy Spirit uses our conscience to show us our need of the Savior

ii. God’s law is written on our hearts – we know that it is wrong to lie, to steal, to lust and to use God’s name in vain

iii. Romans 3:20 “…for by the law is the knowledge of sin”

iv. The Holy Spirit uses that law to convince you of your need of Jesus

d. Some of you may know what I am talking about – the Holy Spirit may be convicting you and telling you that you have never accepted Christ as Lord

II. The job of the Holy Spirit is to show us righteousness

a. V.10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

b. Remember, Jesus was the example of righteousness to the Apostles

c. We no longer see Jesus in the flesh as an example, but we can see His deeds in God’s Word

i. The Holy Spirit helps us understand righteousness by

1. Helping us interpret God’s Word

2. Being in our hearts and minds to show us through our conscience the right way

III. The job of the Holy Spirit is to remind us of judgment

a. V. 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

b. The thought of judgment keeps our minds focused

c. We focus on

i. What Christ did to save us from judgment

ii. Our responsibility to tell others about judgment


• You might be thinking, “What does this have to do with terrorism and persecution?”

• That is simple: Once we are assured of our salvation and we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are given the promise of eternal life

• No matter what happens in this world, no matter what persecution we face, we can know for sure that we have a home in heaven

• And because of that we can live with courage

On April 20, 1999, Cassie Bernall, a junior at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado, was a typical teenager having a typical day; then a classmate trained a gun on her and asked if she believed in God.

She said "Yes".

Jesus said, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33).

Confronted with a gun to her head, Cassie Bernall was not ashamed to confess her faith in Jesus Christ.

Only under the power of the Holy Spirit could she have taken such a bold stand –

In the middle of teenage life, when most are fixed on the pleasure of this world, Cassie Bernall had an inner power, an inner comfort (or comforter rather), and inner ability to stand firm

It is my sincere prayer that none of you ever face such a trial…

I also pray though, that in the face of whatever persecution you will encounter…

That you will stand for Christ…

Because the gift God has given us, no man can take away...

The gift of the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 1:13

“…And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving

you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.”(NLT)

(Heads bowed, eyes closed)