Summary: The following is a list of twenty five things that often crowd out our love for the Father. Since Jesus told us to watch and pray that we enter not in to temptation. It is a good idea to know what competes for our greatest passion.

How to Love the Father More than the World

Marks of Worldliness (I John 2:15-18)

What are the various ways that people subtly love the world more than we show love for our heavenly Father? Perhaps it could be summarized in the word preoccupation.

Illustration: CHARLOTTE, N.C. - An 86-year-old woman was jailed after police said she called 911 dispatchers 20 times in a little more than a half-hour — all to complain that a pizza parlor wouldn’t deliver.

Dorothy Densmore was charged with misusing the 911 system, a jail spokeswoman said.

She told dispatchers Sunday that a local pizza shop refused to deliver a pie to her south Charlotte apartment, said Officer Mandy Giannini. She also complained that someone at the shop called her a "crazy old coot," Giannini said.

Densmore wanted them arrested. Instead, police came to arrest her, and she resisted, Giannini said.

It’s unusual for someone to face charges for nonemergency calls, Giannini said. But on Sunday, Densmore kept calling 911, even after she was told to stop, Giannini said.

When an officer arrived at her apartment, the 5-foot-tall, 98-pound woman attacked him, Giannini said. Densmore scratched him, kicked and bit his hand, she said.

Densmore also is charged with resisting a public officer and two counts of misusing the 911 system, jail records show. Reuters news (5/24/05)

Many of us are frankly too preoccupied with earthly concerns. Americans are busy people. We like to stay active but are tempted to get preoccupied with things that distract us from Christ and His kingdom priorities. Good things often become enemies of the what is best. We preoccupy our minds with projects so there is little room left over for what is our highest priority - that of loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God, yet many of our just too preoccupied with other things. Paul wrote, "Set your thoughts on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." (Col. 3:1-3)


If you here stop, and ask yourselves, why you are not as pious as the primitive Christians were, your own heart will tell you, that it is neither through ignorance nor through inability, but purely because you never thoroughly intended it.

... William Law (1686-1761), A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, c. II [1728]


For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

-- Romans 7:14-17 (KJV)

The following is a list of some of things that often crowd out our love for the Father. Since Jesus told us to watch and pray that we enter not in to temptation. It is a good idea to know what we are to watch out for when it comes to the things that tempt us most to deviate from our highest objective.

1. Pressures – Too many people give in to the pressures from without and within to conform to this world. Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom. 12:2)We allow ourselves to be pressured to look, act or do things that are pleasing to those who we value the most. Giving in to these pressures often results in sacrificing God’s will for our own.

Illustration: I will not remember your sins. --Isaiah 43:25

The ice of winter had barely melted off a nearby lake when a 7-year-old Michigan boy decided to do some boating. His craft was half of an oil drum he found along the shore, and his oar was a battered snow shovel. The boy’s makeshift paddle worked so well that he got to the middle of the lake, but then the drum began to take on water. Fortunately, neighbors heard his cries for help, and he was rescued just in time. Once more, a youngster learned the hazards of a "boys will be boys" experience.

Similarly, Isaiah 43 describes the dangers of a "men will be men" situation. Speaking to Israel, God told them that He alone could save them from their spiritual foolishness (vv.21-24). He reminded Israel that they had gone their own way. Like immature children, they lacked foresight. Yet, the Lord was quick to assure them that if they would remember Him and plead their case, He would blot out their transgressions, and they could be rescued (vv.25-26).

As believers, we too are promised that kind of help. When we find ourselves in deep waters as the result of our own sin, we can discover anew that God is our life-saver. Let’s not allow our pride to keep us from crying out for help like a child. --MRDII

What troubles overwhelm the soul

Because we’ve chosen paths of sin!

But if we humbly call on God,

He’ll grant anew His peace within. --DJD

The first step in receiving God’s forgiveness is to admit that we need it. (Our Daily Bread)

2. Problem fixations – It is common for people to think of their problems rather than the top purpose that God has for us. Refuse to allow various difficulties to overshadow your love for the Father. James wrote, "Count it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials. Knowing that the trial of your faith works endurance. Let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect, complete, lacking nothing." (James 1:5)

3. Prosperity – Many people wrongly think that if they can get enough money they will be shielded from the anxiety, hardships and problems that plague most people. Recently, there is a housing boom in the USA where many people have joined the race to purchase or upgrade to a better home. Experts warn that eventually there will be bursting of the housing bubble when interests rates will rise and the pricing will come tumbling down. Jesus said, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." This was a statement given by a person who it was said of, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no where to lay His head." Jesus lived without prosperity, as did Paul and the apostles, and they accomplished God’s will. Why cannot this be also true of us?

4. Program mentality – Some people falsely imagine that if they can just carry out a particular program they will be able to get by with acceptable behavior. Too many people get in to the rut of going to work and coming home to eat, relax and head out for work each week, not thinking that their first priority is to do the will of God. When we are led by the HOly Spirit we will not be robotic in carrying out projects, programs and weekly agendas. Instead, we will be so enliven, enabled and empowered by the leading of the Holy Spirit that we will not feel that we are just like the Jim Carey movie, carrying out someone’s script.

5. Poor Perspective – Many people settle for immature perspectives to their own hurt. Paul wrote, "The natural man does not discern the things of the Spirit of God, for it is foolishness to him. But those who are in the Spirit, discerns all things."

6. Poor Stigma – Too many people think that it is a terrible shame to lack what many people takes for granted such as two cars and a nice home.

7. Perfectionism – Some people are obsessed with getting things so perfect that they forget about God’s superior plan for their lives.

8. Persecution – Many people are unwilling to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness forgetting that there are great blessings there.

9. Personalization – Some people tend to take too many things personally and allow hurts to get them down, discouraged and distracted from what is best.

10. Politics – Some people become so wrapped up in gaining influence over other people forgetting that God is the one who convicts and sways the hearts of all. It is easy, in our age of 24 cable news programs to get wrapped up in the political wranglings of the day. REsist the temptation by praying about God’s directives, appointments and carry taking of the nations political concerns.

11. Performance mentality – Some people erroneously think they must perform in a way that is pleasing to others in order to be acceptable.

12. Pyrrhic Victories – Some people are so focused on winning the battle that they lose the greater war.

13. Persons – Some people are so focused on certain people that they take their eyes off of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

14. Priorities – Some people suffer from wrong priorities failing to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

15. Personalizations – Some people allow their criticisms, hurts, or frustrations get to them personally. They seem unable to appropriate the fact that Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer as I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

16. Personal preferences – Some people are so insistent on their own way that they fail to recognize the inherent problem in selfishness. James wrote, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (James 4:1-3)

17. Pride - The one for pride is alazonia which means a boasting of one’s importance to the point of it becoming vain glory. It is pitiful to see someone who thinks they are something special when they are not. Prideful people are setting themselves up for a major disappointment.

Pride is one of the greatest reasons for failure. It was what caused the first sin of mankind. Satan appealed to pride when he said, "You shall be as God". Here are some symptoms of pride:

-Overly conscious of one’s importance: Psalms 101:5

-Having "all the answers": Proverbs 3:7

-A proud look: Proverbs 6:17

-More than frequent use of "I" or "my": Isaiah 14:14-15

-Overly conscious of one’s good looks: Isaiah 28:1

-Delight in ordering people around: Matthew 20:26-27

-Loving titles: Matthew 23:6-11

-Crediting oneself with work done for God: Acts 12:21-23

-Doing things with the wrong motivation: Romans 8:6

-Scrambling for a seat at the head of the table or line: Mark 12:38-39

-Overly conscious of one’s intellect: I Corinthians 3:20

-Over-exhilaration at being around important people: I Corinthians 4:6-7

-Self-commendation: II Corinthians 10:12-13

-Crediting self with work done by others: II Corinthians 10:15

-Having little concern for others: Philippians 2:2-4

-Being anxious about questions and semantics: I Timothy 6:4

-Boasting of what one plans to do: James 4:16

-Ignoring the advice of older, spiritual people: I Peter 5:5-6

-Being irritatingly independent: Ephesians 5:21

-Worrying instead of casting all care upon God: I Peter 5:6-7

-Loving rewards, recognition, position, and compensation: I John 2:15-16

18. Pleasures - Too often human desires incline our hearts toward things that will please our old sinful nature instead of God. Paul wrote, "The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." (Rom. 8:6-8)Ask the Lord to help you overcome any tendency toward permisiveness, promiscuity or pleasure seeking with the world, the flesh or from devilish deceitful offerings. Fear the Lord as to those who fear Him there is no want.

20. Possessions - Do not let the cravings to accumulate things overcome your commitment to lay up for yourself treasures in heaven instead of on the earth. Jesus said, "Do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." (Matt 6;24)

21. Popularity - Some people are so fixated on how they appear to other people that they gravitate only to those leaders who are popular at the time. As a result these individuals are mercurial in who they follow and who they are influenced by. Paul wrote, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Gal. 1:10)

22. Power Obsession - Some people are obsessed with being in control. They are not happy until they sense that they have dominance in every situation or with every discussion. Paul learned how to be content in every situation he said, "As pressed down but not crushed. As perplexed but not in despair. As persecuted but not abandoned. As put down but not defeated. Always bearing in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." (2 Cor. 4:4-7)

23. Position Orientation - We live in a very competitive society. From the time we are young there is an emphasis put on being the best, getting to the top of the class or seeking to be elected to the office of class president. When we become adults it is often difficult for us to be stuck in a job where we have not enjoyed a promotion to a higher position for many years.

24. People pleasing - We all enjoy being around people who appreciate us. Worldly people live in a constant state of anxiety because they are afraid important people might not like what they are doing. Performance driven people are secretly insecure because they have not completely trusted in the Lord to get their affirmation.

25. Privileges seen as self-centered rights - When we first got our drivers license we all learned that driving was a privilege and not a right. Yet some of us have witness how difficult it is for an elderly person to give up their drivers license because that important lesson has been forgotten. In the same way, we have to remember that every good thing we have is a gift from God. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, as Job learned. Let us also say like Job, Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Application: Let us not begrudge the Lord for taking away things, possessions or privileges that we have assumed are our rights. Yield all of your rights and privileges to the Lord. David wrote, "He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with what is good." (Psa 107:9)

Conclusion: Are You Struggling?

Consider Him who endured such hostility . . . , lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. —Hebrews 12:3

I was in my second year of widowhood and I was struggling. Morning after morning my prayer-life consisted of one daily sigh: "Lord, I shouldn’t be struggling like this!" "And why not?" His still, small voice asked me from within one morning.

Then the answer came—unrecognized pride! Somehow I had thought that a person of my spiritual maturity should be beyond such struggle. What a ridiculous thought! I had never been a widow before and needed the freedom to be a true learner—even a struggling learner.

At the same time, I was reminded of the story of a man who took home a cocoon so he could watch the emperor moth emerge. As the moth struggled to get through the tiny opening, the man enlarged it with a snip of his scissors. The moth emerged easily—but its wings were shriveled. The struggle through the narrow opening is God’s way to force fluid from its body into its wings. The "merciful" snip, in reality, was cruel.

Hebrews 12 describes the Christian life as a race that involves endurance, discipline, and correction. We never get beyond the need of a holy striving against self and sin. Sometimes the struggle is exactly what we need to become what God intends us to be. —Joanie Yoder

When God allows His chastening hand

To give us little rest,

His only purpose is our good—

He wants for us His best. —D. De Haan

We experience God’s strength in the strain of our struggle. (Our Daily Bread)