Summary: When we trust God to deliver us we can face our giants with confident faith in Him.

James Dobson, of Focus on the Family was quoted as saying, “When I think of parents today, I’m reminded of a photograph of an elegantly dressed woman who is holding a cup of coffee. Her little finger is cocked ever so daintily to the side, and her face reveals utter self-confidence. Unfortunately, this woman does not yet know that her slip has collapsed around her feet. The caption reads, ‘Confidence is what you have before you understand the situation.’” (Source: Preaching Magazine)

We see in these verses a total lack of confidence by Saul and his Army, because they don’t understand their situation. They see their situation only from their own perspective; and things look bleak, hopeless– verse 11, “When Saul and his troops heard the Philistine’s challenge, they were terrified and lost all hope.” (MSG).

When do your circumstances terrify you? When they are GIANTS - When, from your perspective, things look HOPELESS, you see no possible way to defeat or overcome what you’re faced with. In verse 1-3 wee see that the battle lines are clearly drawn between God’s Army and their enemy! What does your battle front look like? Are you facing the enemy of Cancer or some other life threatening disease? Is your giant a financial one that threatens to overcome you? Or maybe you are having a struggle relationally with someone. In any case, it is a real battle and your enemy is formidable. In verses 4-7 we see Goliath who represents the size of the problem they were facing. “He was huge! He stood about 9 ½ feet tall, and wore bronze armor that weighed 5000 shekels (125 pounds). He wore bronze greaves, which are like shin guards to protect his legs, and had a javelin and a spear with an iron point that alone weighed about 600 shekels (15 pounds). He was MASSIVE!” (Source: “Defeating the Giants in Your Life” by Kevin Weeks, Sermon Central.)

It is wise to acknowledge the imposing nature of our Giants! But, here is the most dangerous part of their situation: in verses 8-11 we see that they were being challenged to fight this battle in their own strength! You’ll see it again later, but David never made this mistake; he was totally confident because He didn’t try to fight his giant in his own power.

They were “dismayed and terrified” because they saw the fight as between themselves and Goliath and the Philistines; instead of between God and their enemies. What I want you to see today is that no matter what you are facing, if you will trust God to deliver you, you will be able to face it with confidence.

During the Great Depression Mr. JC Penney was hit particularly hard. It even endangered his health. Anxious and desperate because of huge financial losses, he felt he had nothing to live for. In the hospital he grew demoralized he expected to die before morning; but then he heard singing coming from the hospital chapel. The words of the song said, "Be not dismayed whate’er betide; God will take care of you." Entering the chapel, he listened to the song, the Scripture reading and prayer. He later wrote, "Suddenly - something happened. I can’t explain it. I can only call it a miracle. I felt as if I had been instantly lifted out of the darkness of a dungeon into warm, brilliant sunlight." From that day, Penney was never plagued with worry, and he later called those moments in the chapel "the most dramatic and glorious twenty minutes of my life." When he died at age 95, he left behind 1,660 stores in his name. (Source: Preaching Magazine)

When we TRUST God to deliver us we can face our giants with confident faith in Him; and then He will, “take care of you, too!”

A. David Represents GOD’S KIND of Giant Killer - 1:12-26

God’s giant killers have a heart after God’s own heart, so they are chosen by God to represent Him and to lead His people into battle. (1) Verses 12-15: David was young and vulnerable and weak compared with his brothers and Saul and his Army. He was just a shepherd boy to them; but to God he was a giant in the faith.

In 16:11-14 David was anointed for leadership but this was because of what God saw in him earlier. David’s best qualification was that he had a heart like God’s. In 13:14 we read, “But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command." Samuel was speaking to Saul, who had taken matters into his own hands in an earlier encounter with the Philistines. God removed His anointing from Saul because he was not willing to submit to God as LORD of his life. He wanted God along as his co-pilot instead. David was very different from Saul because he submitted fully to God as LORD! This is why Saul and his Army were now dismayed and terrified – for they were on their own. Having dishonored God, they were now defeated and distressed in battle.

Could this be why you are feeling hopeless in your situation today? Are you wanting God to serve you; or are you, like David, wanting God’s will to be done? Are you facing your situation in SUBMISSION to Him; are you relying on Him? God’s victories go to those whose hearts are like His. Like Jesus in the Garden are you praying, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup (giant) be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

(2) Verses 16-26: They faced off for 40 Days and then David showed up. He heard Goliath’s defiance and witnessed Israel’s’ terror. He was confused by both! “Why is this being allowed? Who does this guy think he is to defy armies of God? And what’s wrong with you guys; don’t you know who you are – God’s Army?” Living around military bases I am sometimes asked, “Are you in the military?” “Sort of,” I tell folks. "I’m in the Lord’s Army!” We really are his Army. We are his soldiers. We are his force in the world to fight the battles of His Kingdom.

David understood this while Saul and the Army of Israel saw themselves only as a human army gathered against a stronger human army. David was seeing things from God’s PERSPECTIVE and things looked very different. Goliath was “only” 9 ½ feet tall while David was a gigantic force in God’s hands. “God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1Corinthbians 1:27 – David knew that he was not alone. He knew that he was God’s instrument.

Israel heard and saw an INTIMIDATING and invincible giant and were terrified and hopeless, while David saw a blasphemous, obnoxious and defiant bully and he was unafraid and full of hope because he knew God would take this guy down.

Israel HESITATED (40 days) and despaired while David sprang into action immediately loving this opportunity to vindicate His Lord’s Name. David’s God is much more than just a religious figure; He is The Instrument of Salvation!

Israel COWERED while David was CONFIDENT! How about your confidence? Are you facing your giant alone or in the Name of your LORD?

B. The BEST WEAPONS for Giant Killing - 1:31-40 (Source: A Cause Worth Fighting For by Tim George 1 Samuel 17:1-17:45)

1. PAST Experiences – Verses 31-32: David volunteered for Duty because he knew what God could do through one person devoted to serving Him. Saul was right when he told David, “You are not able to go out and fight this Philistine . . . “ (v33). David knew that on his own he couldn’t defeat this giant for Goliath was strong and experienced!

But David’s confidence was not in his own abilities, but in GOD’S ABILITIES (verses 34-37) having been delivered by God before when he faced a bear and a lion; and like them, this “beast” would be no match for God either. Our church needs these kinds of leaders; those who’ve been in combat with the enemy before and have slain a giant or two in their time in God’s strength. These people know God’s Power and his Promises from their past experiences. Has anyone here had prior experiences with God? How about your Salvation when he conquered your sin and your grave? You know better than to even try to face your problems, your giants alone.

2. PROVEN Weapons – (a) David’s Childlike FAITH – “Just as He has done before, He will do it again now! Let’s go teach this Goliath a lesson in humility!”

Faith knows that REGARDLESS of the size and strength of your giant, God can and will give you victory, for he has the ability – v37! I’ve often heard some one say, “I know God can do some things, but this will take a miracle!” In a sermon on this passage, Rev. Pentz of Atlanta’s Peachtree Presbyterian Church observed, "David has naïve, childlike faith in God. After all, Jesus did say, ’Unless you become as a child you will not see the kingdom of God.’ "Years ago, when my daughters were small, we attended the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. The whole family had Olympic fever. Whenever there was an Olympics special on television we would sit with our two older daughters, Sarah, age 5, and Jessica, age 3, to watch it. Becky and I gave the girls swimming lessons and tumbling lessons. Mary Lou Retton was their hero.

"Then one day Becky came and said, ’Vic, we’ve got a problem. I’ve overheard the girls talking. Do you realize they think they are going to Los Angeles to be in the Olympics? They’re packing their swimsuits.’ I sat down with Sarah and Jessica and explained, ’We’re going to Los Angeles to watch the Olympics, not be in them.’ You should have seen their faces. They thought that was the dumbest thing in the whole world. Jessica asked, ’We’re gonna go all that way to watch other people have fun?’ "I said, ’Now listen, to be in the Olympics you’ve got to be the best in the whole world.’ Sarah said, ’So?’ At the age of five, Sarah was ready to take on the greatest athletes in the world. "In the same way, young David looked out on the greatest warrior on the planet and said, ’So?’" (Source: -PreachingNow 11/30/04)

(b) God-made, not man-made armor – verses 38-40: Saul’s stuff was USELESS, as are our means for defeating our enemies. Use what God has given you, your faith, prayer, his Word and the way he has made you that you have been developing.

3. God’s PRESENCE – verse37: David knew that he was not going to face Goliath alone. “Our God is an awesome God who reigns from Heaven above with wisdom power and love. Our God is an awesome God.” If we really know that our God is an awesome God, we will go into battle encouraged and emboldened by his presence with us.

C. The LORD Saves those who Fight in HIS NAME - 1:41-51

1. Verses 41-47: David fought in the Name of the Lord. See Acts 3:1-8 and 4:7-10. The apostles were boldly sharing what they had, the Name of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Goliath, as well as all of your giants, are totally unprepared for the real battle they are facing when they fight against God’s anointed ones. All superior strength and military muscle are useless against God’s true warriors for they are fighting in the Name of their Lord, Jesus! You can even resist the Devil himself in the Name of Jesus and he will flee from you! Also, when temptation knocks, ask Jesus to answer door! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NIV) Philippians 4:6-7

2. Verses 48-51: Full of Confidence, David ran TOWARD Goliath! One thing I’ve learned in life and in spiritual warfare is that bullies always back down when you stand up to them in the strength of the Lord! David triumphed with just a sling and a stone, because he was full of faith and confidence in His Lord. Goliath was not prepared for this. He didn’t even get one shot off at David! Then David took Goliath’s own sword and cut off his head – a decisive sign that the battle was over!

Don’t ever be surprised that you will be called upon to face some Goliath’s in you life; some impossible situations that will defeat you if you face them alone! These are opportunities to reveal God’s Presence and Power, not only to your enemies, but to God’s people who are trembling in fear and are dismayed.

Your choice is to either DEPEND upon God or to RUN for your life!

Near end of President Bush’s Speech to Congress and the Nation a few days after September 11th, he said: “After all that has just passed -- all the lives taken, and all the possibilities and hopes that died with them -- it is natural to wonder if America’s future is one of fear. Some speak of an age of terror. I know there are struggles ahead, and dangers to face. But this country will define our times, not be defined by them. As long as the United States of America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of terror; this will be an age of liberty, here and across the world.” That is a profound and true thought; either we define our times or they define us.” (Source: “A Cause Worth Fighting For” by Tim George)

David faced a choice – to stand and fight in the Power and Name of the LORD and under His authority, or to cower in fear and run away from the battle knowing, like Saul and his Army did, that in their own strength, they were already defeated. David, in childlike faith, chose to stand alone with God!

That’s your choice today too. Do you see your giants and your battles from God’s perspective or only from your own? Are you trying to defeat the giant of sin in your own power? If so, you are defeated already. Are you facing your giant of temptation alone? You know what defeat is like if you are. Are you even thinking about dealing with other giants on your own? Why not surrender it right now to Jesus; by submitting to Him as your LORD and by Faith letting Him fight your battle and defeat your enemy?